
From a fake to a True dragon

[Welcome to Second Life Summoner. First, we would like to inform you that once you log into the game, there is no turning back. Your mind and body will be integrated into the world you have chosen. This is not a game. There is no return once you die.] [Do you accept?] [Y/N] "Duhh... of course, yes. Who would want to live in this ball of smog and waste?" [Officially welcoming you to Second Life] "I can't wait for my second chance." [Please select your new name] . . . . . A/N: Hello there, I don't own the anime, characters in it, or any picture I'm posting.

Apandora · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

First hunt

'So yesterday, I learned the ability (Magical sense) and had the best meal in my second life so far. I still remember that delicious juicy meat.'

And as always, I'm in the embrace of Dragomum's tail. We are walking through the Jura Forest, at least I think it's the Jura Forest.

I yawned a little, and that alerted Dragomum that I was awake, and we greeted each other.

Dragomum responded with a glance, and I just nodded with my tail, trying to say good morning.

When I unlocked (Magical Sense), I noticed how vigilant Dragomum is and how frequently she scans the surroundings with her skill.

'We must be running from someone or something, but I wonder what it could be.'

'If I could verbally communicate, I would ask Dragomum, but I think she wouldn't tell me because she thinks I'm just a normal hatchling and might panic.'

'And that leads me to the question, can Dragomum speak or not? I can't tell, but she's certainly smarter than any normal dragon, that much I can say.'

Dragomum stopped and gently placed me on the ground. I looked at her with a question in my eyes.

'What are we going to do today?'

Dragomum looked at me, and I knew she understood what I meant by my look. She smiled at me and started doing something, showing me something. She lay on the ground, in the position of a stealthy feline approaching its prey. Slowly, she moved forward in this position, and there wasn't a sound as she stepped.

'Is this a skill, or is it something she learned through training and experience?'

Then she gazed at me in that position. I understood that I should imitate her, so I started getting into the same position. It took me a while to get it right.

Dragomum corrected my posture slightly by nudging her head against me until I had the perfect position.

She then returned to her position and began preparing for something else. She lifted her hind part as high as possible and then leaped into the air, the jump being faster than I expected.

Dragomum looked at me, and I knew what I had to do. I slowly lifted my hind part, lowering the front as much as possible. Then I leaped forward.

I think I did well. When I looked at Dragomum, she shook her head negatively and then gave me a look that said, 'Again.'

So I continued my training.


After an hour of attempts, I finally succeeded. I looked at Dragomum, and she nodded positively, looking at me with a proud expression. I smiled at her, and she returned the smile. She took me in her tail, and we continued our journey.

'This was just in practice; I wonder how I'll perform on the battlefield.'


After some time, we stopped, and Dragomum placed me on the ground, looking in a certain direction. She pointed with her right front leg in a direction, and my gaze followed her hand, indicating somewhere in the forest. Then she looked back at me.

I tilted my head, and above my head, question marks were flying.

Dragomum stood on her hind legs and gestured towards her neck, then nudged her head towards where she pointed before.

'I suppose I should go where she was pointing.'

Before I went, Dragomum assumed the stealthy position again and looked at me. So I got into the position as well. She seemed satisfied with my posture and started pointing in that direction again. I slowly started moving in that direction in the same stealthy position.

After a few minutes, my (Magical sense) alerted me to something ahead. I saw some strange creature, a fusion of a deer, a cow, and a goat. It had the head of a goat, deer antlers, and the body of a cow.

'I understand what I need to do; I have to hunt this animal and get as close as possible.'

I approached the creature cautiously, not making any sound.

I saw the creature grazing on the grass, so I had a good chance.

'I mustn't forget what Dragomum taught me.'

When I was close enough, I tried to pounce but...


The creature looked in my direction, and I looked at the branch that I accidentally stepped on.

The creature started running, and I pursued it, but I quickly realized it was too fast for me to catch.

I reluctantly returned to Dragomum, and she took me in her tail, and we continued.

'I won't let it escape next time; I'll hunt it down for sure.'


This was my second chance; I was already in position, ready to pounce on my prey. I made sure not to make any noise this time.

I leaped, but I was too slow. The creature reacted and escaped. I felt disappointed as I returned to Dragomum, who took me in her tail again.

'I had bad timing this time, but next time, I won't make the same mistake, and I'll bring Dragomum a catch.'


And yet again, I failed to catch anything. It was already evening, and the sun was setting. Dragomum placed me on the ground again and smiled at me, pointing in a certain direction.

I knew what that meant, and when I checked the time, I deduced it was my last chance for the day.

'I'll give it my all this time.'

When Dragomum saw the determination in my eyes, she smiled and nudged me with her head forward.

I got into position and slowly entered the forest. I stealthily approached my target, being careful not to make a sound.

I spotted the strange gazelle. I knew I had to jump at the right angle, so I could bite its neck with one strike, one kill. I slowly positioned myself at the right angle to pounce on its neck.

I prepared my body for the leap, with the hind part up and the front down. All I could think of was catching that gazelle. I leaped with all my strength, biting into its neck. Blood spurted, but it didn't kill the gazelle; it shook me off and ran into the forest.

I followed the blood trail until I found the gazelle lying on the ground, slowly dying.

I quickly ended its suffering.

'I must have bitten incorrectly. Next time will be better.'

So I slowly dragged the gazelle back to Dragomum. It took longer than I expected.

When I arrived, Dragomum was as usual, crushing me in her hug, and I had to tap her with my tail to let her know.

'These hugs will be my end someday.'

I showed her my catch, and she showed me how to prepare the meal.


After an hour, the gazelle was ready, and I started feasting.

When I had eaten half of it, I looked at Dragomum.

I grabbed the remaining half with my jaws and brought it close to her. I nudged her with my head, moving the prey towards her.

She looked a bit confused, but then she smiled and quickly devoured the remaining gazelle in one bite. She looked at me and then pulled me closer with her tail, but this time, it wasn't a crushing hug it was gentle.

After several minutes of embracing each other, Dragomum picked me up with her tail, and we continued further on our journey, wherever the wind would take us.

(End of a chapter...)