
Frieren: The Dark Mage's Diary

In a dark world full of demons and magic, Damian ventures fearfully. With a book as his only ally to master magic, he is dragged into an endless war against the forces of evil. The presence of death and a blood moon in the sky heightens the sense of loneliness and danger. Damian will face an uncertain fate, not knowing if he will survive to see the end of the battle. Will Damian make it to the end of the journey?

SrCuervo · Book&Literature
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139 Chs

The War in the North Ignites

Wilson was captured. He had killed many demons but lost most of his men—a disgrace he couldn't bear.

However, for the demons, good news was scarce. After building an important city, they discovered that Damian had raided an orc military station, and everyone there had been killed.

The military station was lost, and the remaining brigade suffered numerous casualties. The captain of that station died, and more than 15,000 orcs were lost, not counting the demons.

Adding up the seriousness of these losses and the casualties from capturing the city, the number of soldiers lost for Albión, the demon leader of this attack, increased to a rounded 20,000.

Albión returned to his command center and carefully studied the map.

The war had developed to this point, and once again, the choice was in his hands.

Now that Damian holds that territory, where did he plan to attack next with that movement channel? Albión considered attacking the walls of Damian's territory, but killing the son of the late Harden sounded even better.

Just as Albión was weighing the pros and cons, a demon brought a new order from his superiors.

The coalition of nobles in the far north, under Calisto's command, had attacked the main orc army and destroyed their food reserves.

The commander of the Orc Legion, Draco, issued an order asking Albión to head south, open the food routes, and eliminate the noble coalition led by Calisto in the north.

Deep down, Albión was inclined to attack Damian and avenge his men. But his superiors had given orders, and he could only obey, leading his troops south to fight the army there and reopen their food routes.

Damian discovered that the orcs from Aldion's tribe were heading south and set aside some of his concerns.

The orcs had a main force of 150,000 soldiers. Even though there were many troops in Harden's territory, even with the coalition of northern nobles, they were still no match for the orcs in the field.

Once the orcs entered the territory, robbing the population, burning houses, and contaminating wells, even if the castle was defended and the orcs were repelled, Harden's territory would suffer great losses and never be the same.

When Albión's troops moved south, Damian immediately ordered his soldiers to spread out along the walls and attract all those fleeing the war.

Albión had just marched south with his army, and Damian also received a letter asking for help from Count Harden.

Count Harden was facing the demons in the mountains. He could repel them thanks to the weapons Damian was selling to the most trustworthy cities for their defense, but they were still just holding on.

Everything was as usual. But in recent days, the situation in the war has changed.

This time, the orcs invaded. Due to the increase in strength, the pressure on the direction of the fortresses was also very high.

A few days ago, the cavalry under Baron Harden's command was moved in the direction of the main decisive battle.

Without Baron Harden's powerful cavalry, the main army could not hold the defensive line that stretched over half the border where the Demon King's castle was located.

Aldion's movement south was detected, and Harden's territory was temporarily safe.

Damian decided to take the main force of the territory and the noble coalition of Aldion's county and the orc army, alleviating their concerns.

In a short time, thanks to the puppets, the borders expanded, dividing the territory of the demons from that of the humans, and over time, they were eliminated.

Now that Harden's castle was blocked by the demons, receiving more communications was impossible. But when they discovered that Damian had paralyzed the orc routes and taken their post, they couldn't receive much information either.

Controlling half the border, Damian would now extend his power where the war was igniting.

For agility, Damian decided to leave immediately.

They set out in the morning and, by noon, had traveled over fifty kilometers before reaching the southern part of Harden's fortress complex.

The arrival of this reinforcement alerted the orcs in the north. However, the enemy's situation was unclear after dark, so they did not rush to send troops and provoke a battle.

Damian's troops numbered only 10,000, with 500 catapults and five combat balloons. It didn't seem like a worrying number, but these numbers were not unique.

"I'll leave scouts around the camp. Tomorrow, I'll summon the fifty thousand puppets and decide what action to take against the enemy." Damian gave orders, and Drogo, his right-hand man, nodded in agreement.

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