
Frieren: The Dark Mage's Diary

In a dark world full of demons and magic, Damian ventures fearfully. With a book as his only ally to master magic, he is dragged into an endless war against the forces of evil. The presence of death and a blood moon in the sky heightens the sense of loneliness and danger. Damian will face an uncertain fate, not knowing if he will survive to see the end of the battle. Will Damian make it to the end of the journey?

SrCuervo · Book&Literature
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136 Chs


"Establish yourselves a few kilometers near that mountain. We'll take care of gathering information," Damian commanded, positioning the army behind a mountain.

Although demons were adept at flying, Damian could easily take down thousands of them. His display of power had impressed many who hadn't previously known his true strength.

When a small group of scouts encounters a demon, they are no match for it. They can't hide and usually end up disappearing and dying.

Scouts discovered by demons lack the advantage of intelligence and are often ambushed. Only powerful mages like Damian or highly skilled archers can take down a demon at that height.

Since Damian mastered truly powerful magic, this wasn't an issue. Even his most powerful summons could accomplish similar feats with little effort.

Among all the mages in the north, Damian dared to claim he was the most powerful. Frieren followed in his footsteps, but she moved at her own pace, so there was no real comparison.

The archers Damian had been training had the skill but lacked the power, as few had the strength to pierce a demon's skin, and they rarely participated in expedition missions.

Furthermore, the northern region covers almost a million square kilometers, and there are only a little over a hundred sharp archers capable of dealing with demons at long range.

As long as demons are careful and fly high for reconnaissance, not even the sharp archers can threaten their safety. Only mages could, but mages are usually stationed on the walls.

Without the power of aerial monsters, battlefield information is almost transparent for orcs and demons.

Losing the initiative in terms of information makes it difficult to avoid being passive in warfare.

When demons march and fight on large battlefields, they rely heavily on reconnaissance. Now that Damian had killed the demon, the orcs didn't realize it and didn't send other scouts.

This time, Damian and Drogo came to investigate in person. They observed the amount of smoke in the orc camp and, after a quick calculation, discovered that the number of orcs stationed there was not much—only a bit more than a full brigade.

It was dinner time for the orcs, and the military station's guards were not very strict.

Seeing the opportunity, Damian thought to himself, "This rare opportunity for a stealth attack has many chances of success with few losses."

After obtaining this information, Damian didn't hesitate to call his army and immediately ordered an attack.

The cavalry moved ahead of the common soldiers. They could attack and withstand large numbers of attacks, making them the best option.

The heavy cavalry naturally rode tall horses, and both men and horses wore armor. The medium cavalry rode unarmored horses, with soldiers wearing lighter armor, and the light cavalry wore leather protection.

For long-distance marches, light cavalry is faster and more suitable, but the explosive power of heavy cavalry at close range is stronger because they choose the best horses.

The Night Guard cavalry were all heavy and well-maintained with magical spells that lightened their weight without reducing their attack and defense effectiveness.

A thousand knights, better known as Night Paladins, were a terrifying force on the battlefield.

Among the heavy cavalry, there were also many camouflaged mages who served as support. Some priests were also nearby to help heal the wounded and empower the soldiers.

The cavalry charged, followed closely by the puppets, at a terrifying speed barely perceivable to the naked eye due to their superhuman abilities.

Damian rose from the ground and blinked, appearing in front of his soldiers.

In the orc military station, most orcs hadn't finished eating when a fierce horn sounded from the camp.

Countless orcs dropped their tasks in panic and began to gather outside the camp.

Unfortunately, the orcs' organizational skills were mediocre, and the call resulted in chaos.

Damian raised his hand and attacked with powerful, contained lightning bolts, destroying the walls.

The mages behind the knights also launched explosive attacks to clear the path.

The orc soldiers, who had just organized and were climbing the walls, were attacked by the lightning bolts and died instantly.

The Night Paladins' cavalry was so powerful that they easily stormed the dark camp from the main gate.

Drogo, with his double-edged twin swords, beheaded numerous orcs effortlessly thanks to the potion that enhanced his physical strength.

Damian looked around and saw that the orc captain had successfully organized two squads. He immediately raised his hand, and several fireballs began to collide with the enemy formation.

Before the orcs could attack, most of them were eliminated.

This was a complete massacre, but the orcs didn't seem very experienced in such bloody battles.

The cavalry was extremely fast, not giving the orcs a chance to recover, and within minutes, they had mostly wiped them out.

Damian held a spear in his hand and lifted the orc, blocking his path. At such close range, he even saw the orc's fearful eyes and heard the miserable moan from its voice.

Damian felt no sympathy for this tragic scene. The years of war in the north had hardened his heart.

"Kill those horrible beasts." The soldiers began cutting the smaller orcs in half as they ran for their lives.

This world was fierce, and pain had to be fair. If orcs had feelings unlike demons, then they had won this battle.

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