1 Chapter 1

This is what I have been working up to. It has all paid off .All those sleep deprived days , jogging in the gnawing cold,rain pounding on me . I hope it was all worth it.I hope I don't mess up on my first day . I hope it's not world's apart from the training we received.

The General called us the previous day to brief us on our first mission. We are going deep into the Amazon forest to fight off some Asian underground group that are up to suspicious activity. That is all we got . Not much detail ,but hey, that's how the Army works .The less you know the better.



"Now the day has come for you to prove yourself .Not only to your Generals and Majors but to this country."

"This is no longer training !"

"Whatever you do out there has consequences."

"You either die or live."

"Now I want all of you here to leave your hearts out there . Fight tooth and nail with the opposition. "





Off we when . Dispensing ourselves into the trucks ,with our heads held up high but avoiding eye contact for the fear of the next looking to deeply into our orbs that they would master the power to summon our fear out into the open . All hope would than be lost as we would feel so naked and seen for our inadequacy to be liable for this . For the fear that we would be laughed at and instructed to return to the pittiful life we thought we had left behind - but only to discover we had been carrying it on our behinds all along .


The drive was original Army taste. Gruesome. We were packed to the brim. One on top of the other,with only a mere flap as a consolidation price against the ruthless cold.

We were welcomed with a sparing session from our vague enemy . Luckily we came prepared to the party . Nothing too fancy ,just AK-47s in hand to reciprocate the fire . It's only polite that we do onto others as they do onto us . So goes the saying ,I think.

When we were about 500 metres from our destination that was their cue. Guns were folded away just like the end of a slumber party. It was truly a sad moment,but atleast it was not an eternal farewell.

Base was nothing foreign to my eyes. The same old uncaptivating scene that played out one too many times. Off we when for our briefing ,followed by the chatter of the self conducted mini tour of the base.

The night was ushered in by a base bonfire that ignited the masculine ego. Prophecies and hypothesis of what would be witnessed the following day on the battlefield were exchanged and flung at one another as if flinging scraps at desparate hounds. The testestorone was so pulpable that a pair of scissors would have done the job.

After enduring that scene for an appropriate amount of time I headed for the sheets. Tomorrow would be another day filled with bullets .

Next chapter