

6 friends in Manhattan, but it's 2020 and there's a changed in story. The characters are aged 27-29 and all of them are successful in there own right. Ross is the curator of the National Museum of History, Chandler is the Copyright Director in a multinational company and Joey is a soap opera daily with several movie roles every now and then. Monica owns a chain of restaurants across the country, Pheobe owns an institute teaching performing arts and Rachel has her own fashion label. They live in different parts of the country but meet each other every year to either celebrate new achievements or grieve new losses. They meet in Manhattan in their old apartments for a weekend every six months. Being perpetually single people, hookups are common during their weekend-get-togethers. It's 13th of March 2020, and they're touching down in Manhattan to initiate the plan but there's a possibility the government imposes a lockdown curfew due to COVID-19.