
Everything is going too fast.

Author:I FUCKING PULLED THROUGH WITH THE CHAP, oh and i haven't been able to write for 2 days cause i had a fight with my best friend.

The moment I woke up i could hear ben and aunt may moving about while vinderella was sleeping in her room, i get up complete my daily routine before going down to eat my fill of the breakfast as uncle ben read the newspaper in his wheel chair.

Oh if i didn't mention it before uncle ben needs to be in that for atleast 2 months before he can get back to his job and he is really, really grumpy about it may tried to get him to calm down but it didn't seem to calm him down.

That's when V came down from her nap and hugged uncle ben as if he was her uncle and not mine, i felt conflicted about it but i was fine as long as uncle ben was fine.

I felt conflicted not because of her hugging uncle ben but because she was staying here while her parents are somewhere else conducting business after their FUCKING daughter almost got killed, that's like the numero uno of abusive parents i guess.

Uncle ben was done with the newspaper and started the TV, i was already starting to sweat buckets by the time he changed it to the news channel and my fears were answered with the news woman saying "...now coming onto the local news, a popular streamer from new york was saved from being sexually assaulted by an anonymous passerby who was injured in the process after fighting all five of them, the streamer was then again saved by a masked man who injured all five attackers before he fled the scene." Vinderella claps at that and uncle ben asks "why didn't I know about this masked man?" V looks shy as she says "I forgot about it after coming here" the news woman continues "The fight was recorded and streamed by the victim vinderella the popular YouTuber who ..." as the video of said fight plays.

I was quick to finish my breakfast after that and was going to leave before they suspect and aunt may yells 'PETERR' again but my steps stop when i hear from the TV "...moving on from that, we had just recieved news that midtown high suffered from a chemical accident in their lab due to unstable reagents. The Mid town department tells us that nobody was hurt but their science teacher Dr Connors was missing since yesterday..".

Uncle ben yells "No school for you chap" and starts talking about weird conspiracies theories on how it wasn't an 'accident' and all that but I ignore that and throw the bag onto the sofa and rush to my room for my costume only to remember i left it at the building yesterday, so i start running faster than i should in public but need must and all that.

-POV Silverstar-

Silverstar was watching a recently created channel called 'daily dose of internet' which was sort of a compilation of recent internet videos "Yo chat this guy's voice is slick as hell"

Thenigga /yeah he should sing/

Tobaccobuddy /i don't think his voice suits singing @usernameicanttype/

usernameicanttype /you called?/

Tobaccobuddy /How the HELL did you change your username that quickly?/

@usernameicanttype /I have my ways/

The calm voice of daily dose sounded "A masked man defeated 5 people in a fight to save a woman from being sexually assaulted".

Silverstar says "Defeated five people? how do you guys think he did it?"

Stanleytheman /there is this neat thing called guns, ever hear of them?/

Employeeofthemonth / @Stanleytheman typical American behaviour/

Stanleytheman / @Employeeofthemonth You don got any shivs on you, do you bruv, common bruv, drink a bo'oo'oh' wa'her bruv/

The video plays and a bus can be seen with a broken window and a guy hanging onto it to watch the inside, silverstar is weirded out by this and asks "Chat why is he hanging like that? why is he hanging like that?" the guy suddenly stops hanging and goes towards the front of the bus and gets in before five people rush him only to get pounded and thrown into the walls of the bus or outside as they stick to the surfaces.

Fuckmylife /ayo ayo ayo/

Stanleytheman /am i seeing this right/

Blackmamba /HOLY FUUUCK/

Pureblood /I don't know about you guys but i know that shit was personal/

Silverstar widened his mouth as he watched the video of the guy hanging onto the ceiling of the bus as he slowly moved towards the last guy, crushing each tubelight as he moved until the bus was devoid of any light as the last guy screamed before the video ended and finally silverstar found his voice again and said "chat he is on the good side, the good side, he saved the girl so he must be one of the good guys right"

Employeeofthemonth /we wouldn't know for sure/

Silverstar "Fuck fuck fuck"

The nigga /Goddamn do i wanna be his slave/

Danishmanish /@usernameiwonttype didn't know you were into that shit/

usernameiwonttype /what shit?/

Danishmanish /Goddamnit this is confusing as hell/

Blackmamba /why is he wearing a web mask tho?/

Silverstar sees the comment and says "oh i know that, he doesn't wanna be implicated so he covered his face" he smiles feeling happy to answer a viewers question.

Blackmamba /I know that you DUMBASS, i meant why a mask made of webs/

Employeeofthemonth/@Blackmamba Damn bro you didn't have to do him like that/

Silverstar feelt like he was being bullied as he muttered "i don't know" and scrolls through the daily dose videos comments and finds something "chat look somebody says '2:34 I know that guy he saved me from a robber yesterday and swung away like a spider' what does he mean by swung away"

Thenigga /So he is a new vigilante prince/

Justiceblesstice /@usernamethatistooinappropriateformetosay prince, more like a vigilante criminal/

usernamethatistooinappropriateformetosay /hey i never said that/

Justiceblesstice /again how the hell is he changing usernames so fast/

Pureblood /maybe he is a figment of our imagination/

Silverstar looked at the commotion in the comments and says "chat i don't think vigilante suits him, he saved two people in two days and that's a hero to me so why don't we give him a name, I'll go first what about.... Webhead"





Employeeofthemonth /FUCK NOO"

Pureblood /I hope your wife won't let you name the child/

Stanleytheman /sometimes i don't know what goes on in this man's mind/

Blackmamba /@Stanleytheman nothing that's what/

Danishmanish /True/

Pureblood /True/

Employeeofthemonth /True

Thenigga /True/

Usernamethatistooinappropriateformetosay /True/

usernameicanttype /True/

usernameiwonttype /True/

Guest8472 /True/

Silverstar blushes read at chats ridicule of his naming sense and accepts defeat "Fine, fine we won't name him that, i think usernamethatwillmakemeracist should be allowed to choose as he was willing to be a slave for the man"

Blackmamba /I for one welcome our webbed overlord/

Usernamethatwillmakemeracist /i's don't wants to be slaves sir, let dobby be free/

Silverstars forehead gains a few extra nerves as he yells "You fuckers, stop changing usernames i clearly meant Thenigga and not you, you motherfucker..."silverstars throat went dry once he recognised what he just said.

Purrfect /HE SAID IT/

Blackmamba /Now you went too far man/

Employeeofthemonth /He went full racist, my father said never go full racist/

usernamethatwillmakemeracist /@Thenigga please, kindly change your username that will make everyone racist/

Thenigga /But that is exactly you and you said nigga, so you racist/

usernamethatwillmakemeracist /I am black nigga/

Thenigga /oh my bad, my bad/

As silverstar made an on the spot apology video for using the word in context and got back to the naming of the vigilante, wiping off the sweat from his face he asked "So what did you think about the name"

Thenigga /I think with his webs and the spider theme he is going with, Spider-man is a good name/

Silverstars eyes shined at that as he yelled "You hear that ladies and gentlemen the name has been dubbed and i present to you The first modern superheroooo SPIDER-MAN"

Next chapter