
chapter one (1)..

At Harriet high school...

Max sat on his chair in the classroom,

reading his manga toon when a student approached him. Max is a seventeen year old guy , from one of the richest family in town (lex group org.), with two sisters, making him the only son of the family. He's tall, mascular,he has a dark spiky hair,fair skinned with a bright blue eyes and is really fluent With his English. he's quite arrogant and short tempered.

" Hey Max! "Larry Shawn called out panting as if he ran a hundred meter race.

Max slowly looked up at him.

" what? " he asked with a deep bass voice, with his face emotionless.

" it's Piper "

" what's wrong with her? "

" some guys are trying to woo her "

"what!...not gonna happen" he stood up, engulfed in anger.

He walked up to the guys.

"Hey! " Max blurted.

the two guys trying to woo Piper Forcefully turned and saw him.

" who the hell are you? "Jasper houth asked.

Max moved towards Jasper without a word,he beat him to pulp, when the rest of the guys came to help Jasper,they were also beaten up by Max,one of them fell unconscious.

" Max Jones report to my office immediately " proprietor Jake ordered through the school Telecom . Mr Jake Bill is the school proprietor,a tall, fair- skinned man in his late 40's .Max left the guys bleeding profusely and dragged Piper along with him.

" stay here " he instructed Piper to wait at the door while he went inside.

As he entered,he pocketed his two hands in his trouser, standing in front of Mr Jake nonchalantly.

" you've lost your manner of greeting right" Mr Jake fired.

Max looked up at him annoyed.

" why did you send for me ? "Max asked in a low baritone.

Mr Jake was astonished.

" you've caused nothing in this school but troubles, I've warned you times out of number,Max Jones you've been expelled from the school, you're must not be found around the school premises , take your things and leave." Mr Jake yelled in anger.

"you're don't right?" Max asked with his eye brows furrowed.

Mr Jake was Angered,he barked pointing to the door" I said leave".Max glared at him and walked towards the door,as he got to the door,he turned to Mr Jake .

" thanks a lot sir" he smiled and left without any of his things.

M- Max ... please...ask for forgiveness,... I'm really Mr Jake would pardon you" Piper tried persuading him .

" be quiet!" he blurted .

"Max please....." she pleaded dragging him .

he pulled his hands away from hers.

" Piper... it's over between us" he said and pranced out of the school premises,he entered into his car and drove off.

" did he just say it's... over ?" she asked herself bewildered.

" no...he said he's done" Perry Lawson said.she's Piper twin , also has a huge crush on Max , but he chose to date her sister.

Piper cried loudly while her sister and some other classmates laughed at her.


At Jones family house.....

Max entered the compound with his car, he's dad was sitting outside the garden sipping a glass of wine.

" it has has happened again" Mr Williams Jones blurted as he dropped the glass of wine on the table. he's in his early 40's, an owner of a lot of companies in A city, they are one of the richest families around.

Max walked towards him.

" good day dad " he greeted and turned to leave.

" don't tell me you've been expelled again" Mr William asked shaking his head in disappointment.

" yeah...dad can I leave now" he said and went into the house.

this son of mine will not bring shame on my family name...never!" Mr William roared angrily, while going inside his home.

As Max entered inside,his mom was sitting on the couch watching her usual news program.

" son... you came home early, what happened?"Mrs Lilian Jones asked curiously.

Mrs Lilian Jones is Max mom, she's in her early 40's,dark - skinned,and looks a lot more younger than her age.

" yeah... guessing he must have been expelled from school again... not surprised at all" Betty said sarcastically. Betty is Max youngest sister, she's sixteen of age , tall , brilliant, but can't make friends, always believing that people are after her wealth ( trust issues) .

Max glared at her, with fear she looked away and ate her food.

" is it true?" Mrs Lilian asked in disbelief. Thou Max has been expelled most times from different schools,but he didn't stay for quite a while before being expelled.

" can guys stop asking me questions, yeah I was expelled ,so what ?" he barked while climbing up the stairs to his room.

immediately his dad came in.

" Max has been expelled again" Mrs Lilian said to her husband.

" yeah ...he told me" he said as he entered into his study room.

" what are you going to do about it?" she asked walking towards him.

" don't know"

" I ain't gonna stress myself if I were you guys" Betty blurted and ran upstairs to her room.

" I'll see what I can do about it thou " Mr William said in conclusion.

" alright dear" she said relieved,as she went to her room.