
Friday 13th: Dark Truths of Past

A paranormal story writer narrates to his wife about the reason of his love for darkness and the reason of why he is researching about the dark world. As he narrates his story a dark side of his school life comes to light and many secrets are also revealed but is there something beyond this secrets of him or he is only telling the truth?

Subham_Mandal_3920 · Horror
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6 Chs

The Unholy Encounter

We finally took the keys and started for the uncharted territory. On reaching the door we tried keys after keys still the door was open and it opened finally with a strange creaking sound as if it was opened after ages.We feared of being caught but to our good fortune nothing happened.

The scene before our eyes was completely unpleasant as well as an expected to us. Big cobwebs and dust were the main residents of that place. Speaking of the others, there was nothing on the corridor but as we advanced to the classrooms we discovered another set of strange things. It was very dark and I was also not using the flash too much due to absence of extra batteries with me. After walking a few steps I tripped on something and when I focus  the light of the flash on it , we saw that there a large bench was lying on the floor. On checking the whole floor, we discovered that the class we were in was in a complete mess. In the middle row almost all the benches were lying on one another on the floor most of them broken and the most surprising thing we noticed was a ceiling fan fallen on them.

All of a sudden, I felt that someone was standing behind me and laughing in a soft voice. On turning my head I found none. When I was going to inform Martin about this, I became shocked to notice a black figure of a small boy standing beside him. My hands trembled and in a shaky voice I called him. Martin responded with a question, "What's the matter? ". While I tried to point my finger towards the boy, I fell down. I felt that someone was holding my neck and was trying to choke me. I was struggling very hard but all was in vain. Watching me Martin got very scared and he was also trying to save me but suddenly both of us were amazed to hear the hostel clock struck 12 at night marking the starting of Friday 13th. We were most surprised when suddenly a song started from the background. Both of us had the song in a child's voice:

                    1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5

                    Let's get the playing vibe,

                   6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10

                   Let us play Hide n'Seek     


The song continued to run and my vision got blurred due to the pain in my neck.As I was closing my eyes, in a blurry vision I noticed that Martin didn't expect to hear that song and was turned into a statue with his legs trembling.


To be continued....