

A loud knock abruptly interrupt the conversation between Gaussian and Klayd. Both of them swiftly direct their gazes toward the door of the hospital room, from which the knocking originated.

Without delay, the door swings open and a voice addresses, "Mr. Gaussian Medina, may I enter? I will serve as your medical assistant and will check up on the current state of your injury. This should take about fiv—"

It was a young, beautiful female nurse who found herself suddenly silenced. Her lips parted only to reveal a smile of astonishment as Gaussian and Klayds' unwavering gazes bore into her, which caught her off guard. Soon, she quickly realized that she had interrupted a conversation between the two.

"Oh, did I interrupt both of you? I apologize," The nurse said softly, her tone filled with respect as she bowed her head.

Klayd quickly responds to the nurse with a warm smile, offering his space towards the nurse. "Oh! ... No, no! It's fine, you can check him out right now. It's just a small conversation between the two of us, nothing really important."

He then went through the door of the room. As he reached the door, he shifts his attention to Gaussian and adds, "Hey, Gaus! I'll get back to you later. I have to go back and report now. I'll just tell our manager about your situation"

After that, he raises his right hand as a wave of goodbye.

"See ya!"

Instantly, the nurse approached Gausian and delicately asked, "Mr. Medina, is it alright for you, for me to conduct a check-up on you at this moment?"

Appearing perplexed with his current situation, Gaussian directed a gaze of uncertainty towards the nurse as he offered a tentative smile.

Subsequently, he nodded in agreement to allow her to proceed with the check up. "Uh. Yes - yes, yes, you can."

Thereafter, the female nurse proceeded to inquire about other details about him while preparing for the medical assessment ahead.

It doesn't take long for her to finish the check up. Then, after that, she departs from the room with a charming smile.

Before parting, she expressed, "Thank you, Mr. Medina. I'll just come back here shortly for the final result." with a sweet smile before gently closing the door.

As the nurse leaves the room, Gaussian sighs deeply.


He is in deep thought, reflecting on what really had occurred to him last night.

"Aish! Was that really a bad nightmare?" he asks himself with a restless feeling. It left him perplexed, prompting him to overanalyze the situation.

"I know, everything that happened to me last night was real!"

From his pocket, he abruptly notices a bump and quickly reaches for it, only to discover that it is his phone, which he remembers dropping accidentally. Gaussian, feeling perplexed, ponders inwardly with his voice reflecting disbelief, 'How could this be? Didn't I lose it from my hands?'

Another deep sigh escapes his lips as he rethinks what happened to him. "Hayst! Perhaps Klayd was right... maybe I did have a bad nightmare last night due to my inebriation."

He then stares at his phone with its heavy, frowning face reflecting, while deeply contemplating his situation. 

After a few moments, he presses the power button, but to his dismay, the device fails to open due to its battery being desperately drained.






A jolting electrical buzz sparks and swiftly surges through his right palm, causing him to cuss in pain.

"What the f*ck was that? Is my phone broken or what? I just bought this last year."

He inadvertently releases his grip on his phone due to the electrical shock and vigorously shakes his hand, alleviating the piercing discomfort.

Confusion sweeps over him. He urgently examines his right palm for potential damage or bruises.

However, to his surprise, what he sees on his palm leaves him breathless: an intricate exorcism circle etched in dark ink, accompanied by a mesmerizing display of small electric bolts pulsating and sparking with otherworldly energy.


"Holy Sh*t!"

He was astounded by what he had just discovered and had no idea what it was. Yet, a swift realization dawned upon him, prompting a narrowing of his eyes. He noticed the etched exorcism circle, which bore a certain degree of familiarity to him. His eyes widened as a sudden recollection struck him.

"I-I've seen this before!" He stuttered.

As seconds pass, the lightning bolts seem to be gathering strength, crackling and sparking with renewed fervor, while the exorcism circle etched onto his right palm radiates in a brilliant white light, casting an eerie glow causing him to swiftly scramble out of the hospital bed, hands raised in confusion and disbelief.

The electric currents surge with alarming intensity.


"What the heck is going on? Why did the electric bolts begin to intensify?" He exclaimed, his voice filled with mounting apprehension.

Then, he thinks deeply, trying to find a way to alleviate the intensity of the electric bolts sparking in his palms. After a few seconds, an idea tinged inside his head: 'That's right!'

Without hesitation, he swiftly clenches his right fist.

However, it inadvertently causes an immediate and excruciating electrical spasm that swiftly surges throughout his entire body.


His teeth are gritting, trying to endure the torment, but ultimately succumbing to the overwhelming pain, he screams, "AGHHHHHH!!!"



In an unexpected fit of despair, he hurls his fist towards the nearest wall in an attempt to escape the ceaseless suffering.


Unbeknownst to him, upon his fist touching the wall, he accidentally unleashes somewhat of an electrical energy, which then discharges violent, creeping, and surging electrical bolts, swiftly engulfing the entire hospital in a tempestuous flash, obliterating the hospital's electrical systems.

The once-illuminated LED bulbs and screens of the hospital shattered, the once-cool air conditioning system faltered, and the entire hospital plunged into darkness as an all-encompassing blackout ensued.

Jolting screams of every individual—staff, doctors, nurses, and patients—shocked by the sudden occurrence, reverberated.

"Gyaaa! What just happened?"


Inside his hospital room, Gaussian was left appalled. His eyes widened in astonishment.

His fist, stuck on the wall, was smoking. And upon withdrawing his fist from the wall, it leaves and mark a tiny dark spot.

He gulped in disbelief while slowly opening his fist, looking at his palm in a sense of awe while observing the etched exorcism circle, and the sparking electric bolts slowly vanished.

In disbelief, he pondered, 'D-Did I just release an electric shock?'

Half an hour Later...

After the incident, Law enforcement and other government safety agencies gathered in the hallway of the hospital. They were surveying and investigating the sudden shutdown of the hospital's electrical system.

Inside his hospital room, Gaussian was peeping at them right through the door; his thoughts were in a whirlpool of frantic worry, 'Sh*t, what should I do?'

He slowly closes the door, leans towards it, and contemplates, 'If I tell them that it was me who caused such an event, then it only means that I will be the one who will pay for all the damages!'

". . ."

'No! I'm Broke as hell!'

Thinking such things left him all anxious and sweaty—not just because of the anxiety he felt but also due to the humidity and heat of the room.

Then, he sighed deeply, trying to calm himself.




An abrupt knocking on the door jolted his senses, causing him to swiftly arise. Quickly, an air of tension enveloped him, intensifying every second as he began to entertain the notion that the police officers or the safety authorities might be outside and had already found out about him being the culprit. His apprehension grew bigger as he could feel his heart thumping in his chest.


". . . ."

A voice then addressed, "Mr. Medina...?"

Hearing that voice, Gaussian sighed deeply in relief, and the tension he felt in his thoughts lightened.

It was the voice of the female nurse from earlier.

As the nurse entered, she then said in a soft, apologetic tone, "I'm sorry if I made you wait, Mr. Medina. As you can see, there's this sudden emergency. It seems the electrical system of the hospital has been shut down for unknown reasons."

"The Bureau of Fire is currently investigating the cause."

After that, she suddenly handed a brown envelope and added, "Here are your medical test results, Mr. Medina. It seems that you are fine, and your injury is..."

While listening to the nurse, Gaussian suddenly lost his attention to her as he felt his head becoming lightheaded.

He felt a swirling motion in his mind, which made the nurse's voice sound deep every second she talked. Suddenly, he noticed a strange thing emerging right at the nurse's shoulder; his eyes squinted in curiosity.

After a few moments, a realization engulfed his head, causing him to shriek aloud.


He has his hands pointing at the nurse, trembling alongside his shaky voice, stuttering, "A H-Hand... There's a decaying hand on your shoulders!"

The nurse promptly ceases speaking and displays a look of confusion on her face. Following that, she turns and scans her shoulder, only to find nothing.

She then gazes back at Gaussian, querying "Uhm? What hands? I see nothing, Mr. Med—"

Abrutply, out of nowhere. A metal tube pipe pierces through the nurse's mouth, causing her to choke and cough out blood, leaving Gaussian in sheer astonishment.

Then, as the pipe is pulled out, a huge hand grasps the nurse's head and swiftly crushes it.


Flesh and blood quickly spew on Gaussian's face.

The sudden, shocking, horrifying, and sickening events leave him appalled, breathing rapidly alongside his eyes broadening in sheer shock.

Subsequently, a large figure emerges from behind the nurse with a distinct faceless visage that deeply unsettles his thoughts. Without second thoughts, the large figure raises the metal tube it previously used to impale the nurse and prepares to swing it at him.

As the figure swings the metal tube, in a split second, time seems to slow down. Then, suddenly, when Gaussian blinks his eyes...

"Mr. Medina?..."

In a strange twist of events, Gaussian found himself in a nightmarish reverie, only to be snapped out of it by the same female nurse's voice. She was tapping him right by his temple; their faces were almost contiguous with each other.

"Uhmm, are you okay?"

In a moment of awe, Gaussian gazed at the nurse, thoroughly scrutinizing her countenance. He was captivated by the beauty radiating from her charismatic and concerned expression. The nurse proceeded to elucidate her actions by stating, "It seems that you look stunned or what-so."

Her eyes then narrowed, questioning, "It appears that something is perplexing you;  are you daydreaming?"

Upon being confronted with the question, Gaussian promptly felt a sense of embarrassment.

As a man of his stature, being caught daydreaming, he pondered the possibility of being judged by the nurse for his gestures.

"Oh, certainly not! I am perfectly fine. I was merely contemplating the cost of my hospital expenses," Gaussian explained as a form of excuse.



A loud voice called out Gaussian's name.

This was followed by a loud, rapid knocking at the door that then swiftly opened. From the door, Klayd entered, loudly announcing, "Hey, Gaus, I am back. I bring you some food. I don't know about the unusual events that occurred at the hospital, but I bring with me Imee; she wanted to see you."

Beside Klayd, a woman suddenly appeared. She was around five feet one inch tall with dark, silky, short hair with bangs, monolid eyes, and wearing eyeglasses.

Seeing the woman, Gaussian promptly detached the nurse's hand from his temple and then proceeds towards her with a cheerful expression, addressing her as "Babe, Imee..."

It was his girlfriend.

However, instead of experiencing gladness that his girlfriend visited him in the hospital, Gaussian is met with a piercing stare from her. Her expression is a mixture of blankness and irritation, revealing a disconcerting attitude towards him.

There was a huge tension looming, lingering in the air.

The nurse abruptly spoke, cutting the tension between Gaussian and his girlfriend, "Uhm, Mr. Medina, I'll just put your medical test results here. Also, your billing statement is here."

After that, she left, bowing to every individual inside the room with a warm smile on her face.

Subsequently, after her departure Gaussian's cheeks were unexpectedly met with a slap from his girlfriend's hand.


Gaussian was taken aback by the abrupt and unexpected actions of his girlfriend towards him. He couldn't ascertain what he had done to make her mad. But then he remembered he had not answered her calls last night.

Realizing his oversight, he initiated apologies and explanations by stating, "Babe, I'm sorry about last night if I didn't answer your call."

He then pointed his fingers at Klayd and continued, "It's Klayd's fault. He is the one who invi—"

Unexpectedly, Gaussian's girlfriend suddenly left the room, without allowing him to complete his explanation.

Gaussian was in disbelief. "Babe!"

He then promptly follows through his girlfriend.

Everyone inside the hospital's hallway - nurses, patients, police, and safety agency officers - was surprised by the two and had their eyes intently staring at the 'couple'.

"Babe, please, listen to me," Gaussian persistently requested while trailing his girlfriend, who was approximately five feet apart from him. However, his girlfriend suddenly accelerated her pace and chose not to engage with him, proceeding to exit the hospital upon reaching the main door.

After his girlfriend had completely exited the hospital, two men in dark, stylish suits unexpectedly entered, obstructing his path and hindering his pursuit of his girlfriend. As the two men entered, Gaussian promptly exited the hospital.

However, upon reaching the outside of the hospital, he noticed his girlfriend hailing a taxi.


He attempted to capture her attention by calling out her name, "Imee!"

But, eventually, his girlfriend snubbed his voice, swiftly boarding the cab and leaving.

Standing right at the main door, Gaussian can be seen with his hands restlessly scratching his head as he watches the cab slowly disappear from the road.

Shortly, he return to his hospital room, visibly displaying mental distress and exhaustion.

Meanwhile, inside his room, Klayd is sitting at his hospital bed, holding a white plastic cup in his hand, stirring a cheap coffee gently; the aroma of coffee can be smelled in the air.

Then, after stirring the coffee well, he suddenly sips it, feeling the bitter and light sweetness taste of the cheap coffee gliding on his tongue. After that, he then says, "Aah! That's why I'm single!"

Upon hearing Klayd's remark, Gaussian's fatigued expression tightened, displaying evident irritation in his response, "Shut up, Klayd"

Klayds laughs hysterically as a responds to his demeanor. "KEK—HAHAHA!"

Gaussian then let out a deep sigh to calm his thoughts before getting the brown envelope left by the female nurse in his bed. He picked it up and opened it. Inside the envelope, contained his medical test results and the billing statement.

Suddenly, he handed the billing statement to Klayd and requested, "Pay for my bill at the hospital. I left my card at my apartment."

Klayd was slightly choked drinking his coffee by Gaussian's sudden request, "What? Me? I'm broke as hell right now..."

Gaussian, in turn, persistently reassured him, "It's only two thousand pesos! I will transfer my payment to your e-wallet tomorrow."

Klayd has his mind thinking, mulling over Gaussian's request... After a few moments, he finishes drinking his coffee, grabs the billing statement from Gaussian, goes to the cashier, and agrees. "Alright... But make sure you'll pay me."

Minutes have passed since Klayd left the room, Gaussian was on his phone trying to contact his girlfriend. While on his phone, a loud knock abruptly emitted.

Gaussian ignored it at first, however, as the knocking intensified, he moves towards the door with confusion and opened it.

"Who is it?"

As he opens the door, he was surprise to see the same two towering men in dark stylish suits from earlier.

"It's him" One of the men who is tall and bald suddenly said; he was holding an image photo from his right hand.

Gaussian regarded them with narrowed eyes.

"Have we met before?"

Suddenly, the tall bald man removed his sunglasses, revealing a dark expression as he sneered.

"Yes, Just a while ago..."

Without warning, he abruptly clutched and covered Gaussian's nose with a handkerchief emitting a noxious chemical odor, causing Gaussian to experience dizziness and disorientation.

After a few seconds, Gaussian succumbed to unconsciousness.

"We have him. Notify the boss immediately."