
Freezing : Nothing

Kasra Utsumi is a first year Limiter at West Genetics Academy, whose Freezing capability and amount of stigmata are unmatched in the school. However, it is this very same ability that fuels his distorted sense of loneliness and separation. [Cover art is various depictions of Kasra]

seoyeonghee · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Freezing. (3/4)

"Who the hell do you think you are, kid!? You think you can fuck with us third years and get away with it!?"

She lunged at him viciously, with her blade trailing the ground.


He stopped her dead in her tracks, unable to advance, or move.

The rage she had built up was seemingly nothing to him, the screams and threatening just like the unending chirping of a cicada in the summer.

"Who the hell do you think you are, you little upstart trash!? Free me right now, or I will make your life here a living hell, all the way until you graduate!"

[Kasra laughed as he remembered when he first came to West Genetics - then wincing at his stand-offish nature back when he first got here.]

He looked at her with a lack of disregard.

"I don't think I ever said that I cared about what you 'will' do though..?"

His hair hung like curtains, covering his eyes, but the glow that the irises radiated could never be hidden.

"…Also, don't even try to get near me again… because even if you do, I don't think you can ever even get within five meters of me, without being unable to move."

Kasra remembered more about it, as he dug through his memories.

A crowd had formed around them.

Worsening chatter and remarks filled his ears.

"Wow, we barely even started the school year too, and we already have a fight…"

"Where's a teacher at?"

"Do you think even teachers care? Just shut it and watch."

Kasra, squirming from being watched, asked her:

"Hey… if I released you, do you think… you could let bygones be bygones..?"

Immediately after asking he, flicked his head to the crowd, before saying:

"No. I see you there, don't even try to counter me."

Raising his hand to point a finger, he told the boy hiding in the crowd:

"You belong to her, I'm guessing?"

The group of students looked around at each other, trying to figure out who he was addressing.

With no response, Kasra gave him a little warning about what would happen.

"…Okay. I'll tell you this now, an Anti-Freezing field… really wont stop me, and… I'll make sure your face meets the ground."

"Haven't you gone too far? She has done nothing to you!"

The limiter hiding in the crowd broke the silence.

Quick to retort, Kasra justified himself.

Kasra's eyes were wide, then they became squinted, when his brows furrowed deeply and his nose scrunched with his scowl; like he held an intense disdain for the limiter.

"Would you be fine with being touched by someone you don't know!? Tell me! Does it mean nothing to you, to know that she leaves your existence as nothing, to go after yet another boy!? Limiters are just commodities to them!"

Despite being unfinished, he took a deep breath to recover from his outburst.

Slowly recovering, he finished with:

"I know this to be true… I've seen enough to know that… to them… to them… we're just a means for them to get satisfaction!"