
Freedom Or Death

A_Masked_Writer · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Stealing The Katana

I'm currently staying in Sarst. A town belonging to the Kedia Dynasty. I'm here because the queen of the dynasty is delivering her golden katana here so it can be repaired. I'm gonna steal the katana once it is repaired and head for the great merchant guild known as the Earthstars. They pay a high price for that katana and i want the money. The queen finally arrived with thousands of soldiers. this wasn't going to be easy, Wille thought. The queen gave her katana to the blacksmith then ordered her soldiers to patrol around the town then walked into the war room of Sarst. Wille waited for a long time then the blacksmith was done. Wille instantly ran and slammed the blacksmith against the wall and grabbed the katana then ran for the forest but was cut off by Kedia soldiers. They swung their swords but Wille dodged. then Wille saw it. an approaching Atroston army. then from behind the hills boulders came flying and devastating parts of the town. Will ran the other direction. Only one Kedia soldier followed after him. Wille ran then hid in a tree. The soldier lost him. Wille found a town called BlackWater and stayed their for the night.