
Chapter 4: Interesting

I rushed to the bathroom and puke out my last surviving energy I had left from the day's shenanigans, then I sat on the foot mat in front of the toilet just in case I needed to puke again.

Unknowingly for me I actually dozed off and woke up some hours later, at first I wondered how I fell asleep by the door of my bathroom and  secondly I gasped, " I'm late for work!!"

I quickly showered and got ready for work, I got to work five minutes late luckily my boss hadn't arrive yet, so I quickly got down to business and finished the tasks I couldn't complete yesterday.

I was halfway into everything when suddenly I heard someone clearing his throat behind me, I turned to see who it was and I felt like melting " Hey Alex" I said in lowering my voice.

"I thought I told you to take a break, you need it more than anyone else does"

He said to me as he walked towards my desk, "Alex I needed to get alot of things done" I replied, "Do you really enjoy stressing yourself out?" he asked in a worried tone " Can I just finished just this task" I pleaded making a cute puppy face.

"Fine, alright just  one last task, and I would drop you off" he insisted, " Nevermind I came with my car so I'll just go home when I'm done.

After Alex walked out of the room, I began to feel strange, through out my conversation with Alex I couldn't even look at him like I used to, when he walked out of the door I felt like I wanted him to stay.

After all my wild imaginations , I shook my head and brought myself back to reality," He probably likes someone else" I said to myself, Although he had been quite unlucky with women.

Most of them are just after his looks and his money, so no one can blame him for not wanting to get into a relationship.

When I was done with my work for the day I looked at my watch and it was 3:00pm sharp so decided to take walk in the park before I stop at the grocery then finally go home.

I parked my car just outside the park and began to stroll around, as walked around I felt lonely.

I watched how other parents played with their kids, for some time I felt jealous but when I realized something I rubbed my tummy and smiled to myself.

"My little one is on the way" I said to myself happily, when I was about to continue my walking session, you won't believe whom I saw, the traitor Jessica Williams.

I began to boil in rage and didn't know when I completely lost it, I angrily walked towards her and began to hit her vigorously with my purse and she screamed.

"Shut it you traitor, you even have the guts to show you face to the world" I screamed on rage, all of a sudden everyone in the park began to stare in amazement.

"Athy what are you talking about" she asked trying to make me keep my voice down, that even fueled my anger faster, "Oh shut your filthy hell hole" I said as I continued to hit her , then she pushed me hard.

Suddenly I landed in someone's hands but didn't know who, I turned around to see the person and I gasped, " Dad!!??" I said in astonishment "when did he get back from his tour!" I asked subconsciously, Dad looked at the both of us and asked " What's going on here?" .

He looked at Jessie's face and it was a mixture of bruises, sweat and guilt, " Why would two full-grown women fight in broad daylight like flies after the same pile of trash?" He asked in embarrassment.

He then pointed to his car and he said "Got in the car, will ya?"he said to Jess," Meet us at home we need to talk", he instructed me to do so, Jess got into the car with him while I got into mine.

While driving I began to remember what he said and then one aspect stuck to my head, " Why would two full-grown women fight in broad daylight like flies after the same pile of trash?".

After I remembered that part clearly I began to analyze the whole sentence, then everything became clear.

So Jess and I are the flies after the same pile if trash which is Nate, after my brief analysis I let a light chuckle at first, but when I continued to remember it I began to laugh seriously.

When I got to my parents place I was still in the car laughing myself into tears 😂, I wondered why my Dad asked the question in such manner could it be that he knows about what happened," who knows?" I said to myself as I walked out the car.