
Free in another life. solo leveling

The short story is that someone committed suicide because of his boring life and confronted the god, giving him a wish

Daoist755Z0T · Book&Literature
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25 Chs

episode 12

12 Chapter 12 - Special Magic at First Sight

After waiting outside, I and Sil began to wait in silence when they would probably call us inside. It's good that I'm not afraid of being expelled, but I'm afraid for the Force, and what if she is mad at me for that for the rest of my days. I probably won't be able to forgive myself for that.

We did not have to wait long, and when the door opened, the same man came out of it and told us that we would enter. Having entered, we found ourselves in an ordinary spacious office. On the one hand, there are a lot of books, and on the other hand, there must be a place for ordinary conversations at tea. At the table by the window sits an old man who is very many years old at first sight. He's probably pretty damn strong since at that age he takes the position of the director of the Academy. The man who brought us left us alone and closed the door. The three of us stayed in the room and just look at each other, me and Seal looked at the old man, and the old man looked at us. After a short silence, the old man spoke:

- Do you understand what you did? - (Old man)

"I just taught one too impudent guy who dared to slap my sister and then insulted her." I said quite calmly looking straight into the old man's eyes.

-Do you know who was the one whom you decided to teach a lesson? - (Old man)

"I'm at the Academy for only one day and I don't know everyone by sight." (I)

"The guy you almost killed was the son of the head of the family's bodyguard, Count Titius. I think you understand that you have serious problems and I will have to expel you because I do not want problems with the Count's family. - (Old man)

Is the old man afraid of the Count's family? Although perhaps he just does not want unnecessary trouble. Excluding us will mean that this old man doesn't care what happens to us and he will just watch from the sidelines. In his place, I would also not want unnecessary trouble in old age. It also turns out that he will also exclude Sil, and this cannot be changed, but I will not humiliate myself asking him to leave at least my Sister. Better to just calmly leave and already decide what to do next with all this. After all, I probably will be the father of that retarded will by all means and means try to kill me. I wonder how strong this dad is? Okay, then we'll decide with this dad. You just have to go quietly. The Force and I can just go to the "Adventurers Association", but the problem that torments me is "Will she forgive me?"

-Okay. Can we go? "I said in a calm tone.

—Yes .- (Old Man)

Turning around, we went to the exit, but I felt another look and quickly turned around but there was no one but the old man at the table. Looking around, I turned around and left the office.

### - To the director's office - ###

-This boy bravely once decided to do this with the son of an important person in the city and still look me in the eyes, and what do you think Nefis? -Said the old man and looked into the corner of the office at a man of about 50-60

- Hey .. What are you Nefis? - The old man said again when he did not receive an answer.

- Yes, I was just thinking. Three months ago, one team that was carrying out a mission to kill bandits brought one special item. It turned out to be a completely ordinary dagger, but the dagger itself was strange and gave off a strange aura, after some research I found out that it was not made in the usual way. And now I feel the same aura from this guy. - Said Nefis.

- And what's so strange about that? By the way, did it seem to me or could this kid feel you? - (Old man)

- Yes, I also thought he sensed me, but I think it's just a coincidence.

"And what are you going to do with him once you felt the aura of that dagger with him? - (Old man)

"Maybe he'll go to the Adventurers' Association after you've expelled him and can be watched there. I think he will be a good Adventurer. - (Nefis)

###---------The end----------###

Leaving the office, we with the Sil went to the exit from the Academy. Having already opened the front door and left, I accidentally ran into a girl and knocked her down.

-Oh, forgive me not on purpose. -I said and pulled my hand so that I could help her get up, but she got up and without even looking at me said "Nothing" and shaking herself off went to the Academy

She calmly went, and I froze because of what I saw. She was very beautiful, her hair was white, almost snow-white, short in stature and a good figure. But only her eyes I remember. They were green, just like the color of the grass on the plain on a sunny and cloudless day, but even that is not the point. In her eyes you could see what I probably had back on Earth. This look is from someone who is tired of life and wants freedom and peace. They have neither joy nor life nor anything, only pain and sorrow. I remembered how I had promised when I was reborn that I would find my only one, even if I had to go around the whole world. I don't know why, but I wanted to take it and make it so that this girl would only smile like me when I was in the circle of my new family. I quickly cast the shadow of one of several goblins into the shadow of this girl. I'll do my best not to let her die like this. If on earth I found someone who would love me and never betray, I would never go to suicide, in the end I died alone. But for this girl, I will try to become the one who will love her and never betray her.

Having looked at the trail of the retreating girl whose name I do not even know, but I will try to find out. This world is the same as the Earth in terms of money. If you have money you can buy what you need, even information. In my free time, I learn her name and why she has this look that I once had. But now it's more important to apologize to Sil. As we walked towards the exit from the Academy grounds, I said to Seal:

-Sil forgive me for the fact that because of me you will now not be able to go to the Academy .- (I)

"It's not your fault, it's my fault that we have problems now. I had to not lie to you and confess to you earlier .- (Seal)

-What are you talking about? -What does she want to say to those who lied to me before?

"In fact, when I said that I wanted to go to the Academy, in fact I wanted to go and join the Adventurers Association, where my parents would not let me go. If I had said before that I didn't want to go to the Academy, then none of this would have happened .- (Seal)

"You shouldn't blame yourself for this. The fact that you were afraid is normal, but in the future, if something bothers you, tell me. Okay, let's go to the Adventurers' Association, I want to join there too. And thank you for telling me about this, otherwise I felt bad because I thought that it was my fault that you were expelled .- (I)

"By the way, why did you look at that girl with white hair for so long? You never looked at other girls like that- (Seal)

—Well, she's just a little interesting — I said out loud, but I thought that maybe I just want her to love me and smile.