
Franzer: The Uncrowned Prince

Not everyone is the favored child of the gods. Born with the fate to save the world from the clutches of evil. Some are there to support and help the heroes to reach their destiny. Some are simply entities that are not even effected by 'a' Fate. They are born so strong that deities do not dare mark them. Someone like... Lucian Vince Franzer, the former crown prince, now stripped of the royal legacy. He will go through his trials where fate will try to bind him. He will meet heroes, friends. He will find love and reason as he adventures through the known realm. This is the story of the Uncrowned Prince. The entity that fate could not bind. ____________________________________________ Update note: 1 chapter a day Word count: 2.3k words +- 200 words _____________________________________________ Note: All the images that will be posted, including the cover, were drawn by myself, with the help of references. So these images belong to me.

LuminouShadow · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Fighting off the Pursuers

Chapter 3: Fighting off the Pursuers

"Our clan owes him too much. Please, don't put us further in debt."

— Mirabelle (LS 1214)




The name read, "Mamar Zakari Dudarka, The Hero of Voker."

A legend of a man. His other identity was "The First Human Emperor." Yes, this was the man who established the 'Great Empire' and ruled over the whole continent of Bendever. And this land was once known as Plains of Voker, where a tragic war occurred. Dying the land red. But, even this war was nothing compared to the wars fought in the Jumatan Plains.

'I will visit that historic place one day.' I made a mental note when I thought about the Blood soaked Jumat.

I ordered everyone to set up camp. And as if on cue, Mira received a magic transmission telling her to meet the old woman somewhere.

I told her to act natural and not to panic. After nodding, she walked away, visibly concerned in her eyes. I knew the worry was about me, which warmed my heart a little bit.

As she left, I closed my eyes and started meditating. I know that the night will be anything but peaceful


Year 1212, 7th day of the 7th month – Hill of Memories~



As I was getting closer to the hiding spot of my grandmother, I could feel the madness in the air. That aura of madness was being produced by my grandmother. I had no doubt on that regard.

After advancing a bit farther, I could see a cave. In front of it was a silhouette of a hunched figure. I assumed that was my grandmother.

As soon as I went near her, she grabbed me by my forearm.

"Is everything going according to plan? Has the boy asked anything peculiar? You are serving him properly, yes?" Those were the questions she asked me under a single breath.

If I still had doubts about my family's sanity, they were all gone now.

I smiled and assured my grandmother that everything was according to 'her' plan. She sniggered hearing my answer. Then started muttering something with bloodshot eyes.

I frowned watching my grandmother. Remembering my childhood, where my grandmother was a majestic figure respected by all, I couldn't help but sigh.

My grandmother noticed that I sighed, and mistook it as a concern for the fight.

I was sure that, they knew. That they were up against a Sage.

But they probably believed Lucian was still young, and didn't have enough experience.

She might also believe that it was possible to kill him if they caught him off guard.

I mean, Lucian himself told me that his inexperience was shown when he made the blood contract.

My grandmother was probably thinking along these lines, 'He might have thought he was intelligent, but he probably didn't notice that his contract was filled with loop holes.'

And right now they will be using these 'loop holes' to put the young sage out of his misery.

I wanted to laugh at her notion. But I controlled myself.

She stared at me for a while and decided to tell me.

"Don't worry Mira, your cousin Raizer has already joined us. With that we now have one additional Expert Rank Warrior. This battle will go without any hitch!"

So that bastard is already here…

I hate my cousin. I have always hated him. That man was lecherous and even wanted to lay his hands on me. But because, I showed enough talent, and had a chance to be the future Queen.

I was saved from his dirty clutches.

Seeing me frown, my grandmother, again misunderstood me and simply said, " Don't worry about being defiled by that brat. After everything is done, your cousin will take you as his wife. So rest easy."


'Did I hear her properly…'

I couldn't help but laugh at myself. This showed me, just what I was to the family…

I bowed slightly and left the hiding place.

I walked as fast as I could, till it became a dash.

And before I knew it, I was in the camp site. Lucian noticed me and gave me a warm hug.

That felt like bliss… I couldn't stop myself from crying. And he was patiently waiting for me to calm down.

After calming down a bit, I told him everything that had happened before. He told me to rest with a smile.




A few minutes earlier, I saw a crying Mira and then Lucian hugging and comforting her. I waited for them to part. After a while when Mira went to her tent, I approached Lucian.

But, when I went near him, I was stunned. He had a cold look in his eyes.

Lucian wasn't happy. He only shows this side of him when he witnesses the filth of the world.

Lucian is not a knight of justice, who envelopes the whole world with his light. No, he is mostly rational and only acts for the betterment of the people and country.

I have rarely seen him act on his personal vendetta.

But this time… I wasn't sure.

I started asking him some questions, pulling him out of his thinking, "Did they set up an ambush?"

To my question Lucian simply nodded and said, "Yes, they have set an ambush around a specific area. When Mira takes me there, they will kill me when I am most unaware…"

I clenched my fist when I heard him.

Noticing my frowning face, he smiled gently and said, "Don't think unnecessary thoughts, dear Axel. I am well-prepared… They can't do anything to me. Unless they have a Sage of their own… or a Legend Rank Assassin…"

Saying so, he started taking out scrolls from his bag.

I watched in puzzlement. As he unfurled the scrolls. The parchments were filled with runic letters.

I quickly realized these were Spell Scrolls. I didn't know what their function was, but seeing the amount I knew they will have some powerful magic on them.

Not to mention, Lucian, a Sage, forged them. They are bound to be powerful.

Lucian took seven of these scrolls out and tore them apart. Being so close to the caster, I could feel some disturbance in the air. But I didn't know what happened.

I only felt like something enveloped me. But that feeling quickly disappeared and vanished in to the atmosphere.

Seeing my questioning gaze, Lucian started explaining, "Written in those scrolls was a Master Rank Wind Magic. <Wind: Dome Barrier>. It's a bastardized version of the Wind Sage art <Sagacity Art: Domain of Wind>. It doesn't have any oppressive ability or aura like the Sage Art but, it has it's own merits. The created dome of wind is practically invisible to the eye. Unless you were gifted with the ability to perceive Mana.

That's only an ability the Elves have.

The other function of this magic is that it acts as a barrier.

As long as the magic is in place, no one under Master Rank can break out or break in. The ability can only be broken through with Master Rank ability.

The duration of the spell depends on the mana of the caster.

This is the other reason why I did not do the magic myself: I am gifted with monstrous mana reserves, but even I can only hold up this barrier for an hour if I want to guard such a large area.

Thus, I worked on the scrolls. I knew one day they would come in handy…

According to my estimations, the barrier should last a whole day with the activation of the scroll and the runes. I have imbued a large mana stone on the core of the Barrier, so no worries there."

I only stood there stunned listening to Lucian's explanation. I shouldn't have asked.

"Sigh! I understand… most of it. Now, give everyone their orders. We can't let you take them on yourself!"

"Axel, don't worry. But I need you all to surround the parameter. Don't let any of them escape. Today will be a tragic day for the Purplewing Clan…"

He gave me my orders and closed his eyes. He was probably meditating or thinking over the plan.

I nodded and went back to relay the orders.

I have already steeled myself for the slaughter. No traitor shall escape tonight…


In the late evening, Under the dim moonlight~



I was walking hand in hand with Mira. Our destination, the ambush spot. Mira was staring at the ground the whole time. Her thoughts, unknown.

There was a smile on my face. Making sure our lovers act looked genuine. I could already sense many magic signatures around us. But I ignored it.

I would be lying if I said, I wasn't enjoying the stroll while feeling the soft hand of Mira. Her unique scent reminded me of my orchard in Rorengar...

While pondering, I noticed Mira stopping near a fallen tree. She gestured for us to sit on top of it. I complied, of course. I held her by her waist, to which she gasped and let out a squeak.

I just chuckled and helped her up. At the moment, I didn't care if she was a Warrior. Right now she was my lover, act or not.

After I sat down beside her she, I noticed her stiffen. I simply smiled and put my arm around her, bringing her closer.

Mira was looking like a cute little rabbit in my arms. I chuckled again.

We were both enjoying the comfortable silence till she said softly, "If only… this wasn't an act."

I heard her, but I decided to pretend not hearing it.

I had too many things to accomplish at the moment. Romance isn't high on my list right now. And not to mention… I am basically engaged… And I still need to sort things out with Lily… And need to find a way to placate the Black fox…

I started to wonder, since when have I been such a man who plays with the heart of maidens. I always assumed I was a gentleman.

But the unwelcomed guests didn't let me ponder for too long.

I sensed fifteen magical signatures attacking simultaneously. Their magical energy is lacking, so I assumed they were all warriors. There are 2 Magic signatures farther away, one of those two should be the old woman.

I held Mira closer and tighter, while telling her softly, "Just close your eyes and count to ten."

She was surprised but didn't voice any complaints.

When I saw her closing her eyes, the attackers were within 5 meters of us.

I could perceive the Wizards starting to chant.

But to all this… I just smiled.

To take out Expart Level Warriors… I had enough chantless magics…

For this situation let's go with,

<Wind: Twister>

As soon as the magic left my body. Huge amount of wind blades started revolving around us. Basing us as the 'eye'. The wind spiraled out wards with incredible force.

My chantless magic caught them off guard.

The Advanced Rank Warriors were ripped apart. None of them survived…

Among the four Expert Ranked Warriors, 2 were in a disastrous state, the other two showed their experience and were able to use their Aura to protect themselves. But they still had glaring wounds over their bodies.


Among the two badly hurt warriors, a man started screaming, I assumed he was the newcomer, the cousin. Judging by his age and different clothing, it wasn't a hard guess.

Only three seconds had passed since Mira closed her eyes, she was still counting.

My opponents were dumbfounded witnessing what happened. I wasn't kind enough to give them time to recover.

I noticed that the Wizards stopped their chant, a big mistake. The scream probably startled them.

I used another Wind Spell.

<Wind: Gust>

The Warriors were prepared and they jumped back. I only smiled at that. That's all I needed to cast a bigger spell to send off the wizards.

|| Great Wind, gather in thy palm

Breakthough the walls that stop thy path

Show the mighty stature that is thou's wrath||

<WIND: Devastating Push>

Wind blades started gathering in my palm as I pushed out. It didn't stop at anything, anything in its path was pushed out. The old priestess wanted to activate a scroll. But due to her shock she was a step too slow…

*Fwooosh.. Boom*

I wound't lie, I was impressed. The old woman was still alive… Devastated, but alive. Couldn't say the same for the young lad though…

The two warriors, who jumped back earlier, looked at me with utter fear. I just smiled, and they started escaping in the opposite direction. The old woman finally tore open her scroll. He body glowed with green, and she too escaped with the help of Wind Magic.

Quite ironic…

I didn't bother to chase them. My family will take care of them...

It didn't take ten seconds for all that to happen. Mira was still in my embrace with her eyes closed.

I looked below and saw the screaming idiot, he was cursing all sorts of profanities. He had no idea, what recently transpired…

The other Warrior, was dead from bleeding. He had a worse injury than I realized.

I tapped on Mira's shoulder as she struggled to open her eyes.

When she did, she was stunned by the aftermath of the battle.

Then she stared at me, not in anger but in worry. Which surprised me a bit. She started searching me all over, looking for some wounds. When she coudn't find any. She breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she looked at the last warrior laying down on the ground screaming. Her gaze told anyone watching that she wasn't looking at a human but something disgusting.

I asked her softly, "How do you want to deal with this?"

She took a deep breath and looked at me. She smiled and said, "My lord, can you please incinerate the trash? We shouldn't litter."

I smiled hearing her response.

I didn't ask further, there was no need for that.

I put my RIght hand up in the air as golden flames converged on it. Noticeably faster than the previous times I cast this.

|| Souls be cleansed, the flames of the ancestor||

<Fire: Flames of Redemption>

And down came my hand.


I promise! Next chapter is the end of the Purplewing matters!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Before I forget. Do check out my new Naruto Fanfic!

It's called, Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

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