
Framed for her fortune - The Disgraced Heiress Dazzling Comeback!!!

"I loved you three years ago, Sienna but now I feel nothing for you and we're just business partners, so try your best not to fall in love with me,". "That's not true, Sebasitan," Sienna sniffed back tears "All those years... what we had...". "What we had?" Sebastian scoffed "What we had was a lie, Sienna. If you think you can cast me away and pick me when you like and at your convenience, then I suggest, you think again. So, this is not real and we will never go back to what we used to be,". *** Sienna Winchester had it all - soon-to-be CEO of Sky Corporation, Heiress of Sky Group and the only daughter of the Super Wealthy Winchester family. But her life comes to a standstill when she loses her parents in a plane crash and she's stripped of everything after being accused of being an impostor heiress. With her future and freedom at stake, Sienna is left with no choice but to go on the run to prove her birthright. But things take a shocking turn when all the evidence she had available to prove she was the real daughter of the Winchester family disappears overnight. Distraught, she must find one person whose testimony could save her - her childhood friend and ex-fiancé Sebastian Grey was New York's most powerful and eligible bachelor. After growing up poor, he turned his life around when he was rejected by the only woman he could ever love a night before their wedding. Thinking she left him because of the huge social difference between them, he raised an empire overnight and swore to never love again, not until Sienna showed up at his doorstep, bright-eyed, confused and needing his protection. What follows is a whirlwind chase of corporate scandals, family betrayals and a damning truth that Sienna Winchester is indeed a bonafide member of the family. Can she trust the man she knew since childhood to risk everything for her sake? Tensions rise and long-buried feelings resurface as Sienna and Sebastian confront not only those who framed her but the smouldering attraction between them. In this game of deception, love may be the only truth. Will the shocking truth tear them apart? Or will Sienna finally reclaim her legacy with the man who betrayed her at first?

Ejiofor_Dorcas · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Sebastian Grey is Mr Black

 Are you sure you know what you're talking about? Sebastian Grey is Mr Black?" Monty's eyes widened with disbelief "How?"

"Same question I've been asking myself all night," I sighed "But that doesn't matter right now, he has agreed to help us,".

"For nothing?" Monty's dark pupils pierced into me "Don't try to deny it, Sienna. There's no way he'd be willing to help you especially," he lowered his voice "After what you did to him three years ago. I'm surprised you even came here in the first place. How did you end up here?"

"I saw a magazine cover of him in the mini-mart I ran into when I was trying to escape those men. He was splashed on the front cover as the most eligible bachelor in New York. The interviewer mentioned the penthouse and I just ran here. I had no other choice,".

"So, what are you going to give to him in return? If he's Mr Black, he's going to want more than just money," Monty pressed narrowing his eyes at me.

"I'll make him the second highest shareholder of Sky Corporation and subsequently, he wants dibs on any of the business to be carried out by the affiliates under Sky Group,".

"That's a lot, Sienna!" Monty shouted but remembering where he was he lowered his tone "You're practically handing over everything to him. You could have thought things over carefully,".

"Thought things over?" I smirked "Please, Monty… you were on your way to be thrown into God knows cell, he was going to ask me to leave. I had to use what I had. Let's get out of this mess first before we deal with those tiny details. It's thanks to him that we had a good night. When is Chelsea coming over?"

Monty sighed and shook his head relaxing on the plush settee "She should be here any minute. The person she got recently graduated from Law School and didn't mind that you were a fugitive and his rate is cheap too. The Owner of the Law Firm your dad used won't even take my calls,".

"It's fine!" I sighed mustering a smile "We'll get through this, okay?"

"Get through what?" a rich baritone voice asked from behind me making me jerk with surprise, when I turned, it was Sebastian and he looked dashing in the tan colour suit he had on.

"The situation!" Monty filled in for me rising to his feet immediately "I'm grateful to you for facilitating my release and allowing us to spend a night in this magnificent building,".

"It's nothing, Monty," Sebastian tapped on his shoulders brushing past him as his gaze settled on me "Are you ready to go? Is the person you're waiting for here already?"

"Not yet but…".

"Ask her to take a detour and meet us at Blackway Building. I have an 8 am meeting and I don't want to be late," he interrupted me before I even had a chance to speak. He was already at the door and then turned to find us still sitting on the couch looking more confused than ever.

"Well, are you guys just going to sit there?" he arched a brow towards us "C'mon we don't have all day,".

I and Monty scrambled to our feet and went towards the door to meet him. The elevator took us to the ground floor where a sleek, beautiful car was waiting for us out in front. As soon as the doorman saw Sebastian, he hurried into the building took his bag and then rushed to open the door of the car for him. I and Monty hurried after him but when we made to enter the car, the doorman blocked us.

"I'm sorry but you cannot drive with Mr Grey," he said.

"We're together," I scoffed expecting Sebastian to ask him to stand down or something but Sebastian was so fixated on his phone and didn't spare us a glance. I could feel the coldness radiating to where I and Monty stood. The doorman shut the door and the car drove off without any word from Sebastian.

Some seconds later, another car arrived. It was a Sedan. I tried to control the angry tremors that coursed through my body but I decided to remain calm. The driver came down from the vehicle and came towards us with the key, which Monty collected.

Soon after, we hit the road.

"Don't let it get to you, Sienna," Monty said quietly after we've driven for a while "He's Mr Black after all, you don't expect him to be the man you knew before. He's richer and…".

"Rude, insolent…" I completed "Money sure does change people,".

"C'mon, Selene!" Monty sighed "You broke up with him three years ago, you should be grateful he's still willing to help you. Let's just play along and see how everything goes from here out. Okay?"

I nodded listlessly trying not to think too much of the situation. I was fighting for my life here, so I should worry less about Sebastian's attitude to me. We were directed into the underground parking lot when we arrived. By the time we parked the car, I spotted Sebastian leaning on his car, his eyes glued to his phone.

"You're here!" he said curtly when we reached him "I heard that your person is here, so I'll ask one of my assistants to take you to the lounge where she is waiting. It's almost time for my meeting, so I can't attend to you right now but I'll come as soon as I am done,".

"How long will this meeting last?" I asked trying to suppress my fury. He was intentionally making us wait. "We don't have all day for this, Sebastian. You could delay the meeting by 30 minutes, so we would know if things would work out for us or not,".

"You're still as impatient, Sienna…" he huffed "The meeting won't take long and I've promised to take care of you from here why are you sounding agitated? A little wait will not kill you,".

"You're doing this on purpose right?" I retorted "Is this some little revenge scheme or something? It's been three years, Sebastian and I have apologized. Isn't it enough? What else do you want from me?"

He stared at me strangely and was about to reply when several cars started driving into the parking lot. Shaking his head, he texted something on his phone before brushing past us to greet the people who came now from the cars that just arrived. On cue, a uniformed Blonde came down to the parking lot. She had a bright smile on her face.

"This way, Miss Winchester," she said immediately, pointing at the elevator.

My gaze rested on Sebastian for a while, he was laughing at something one of the guests had said and was paying zero attention to me – to us! Trying to feign off the painful pangs in my chest, I followed after the blonde woman.

The ride stopped us on the 10th floor. The blonde motioned for us to follow her which we did. She directed us to a lounge and turned to leave. When we opened the door, I spotted Chelsae on her phone with wind-tousled red hair dressed in a badly-cut suit, clutching a worn-out suitcase, sitting beside her. As soon as he spotted us, he nudged at Chelsea and pointed towards the door.

Chelsea's face broke into a smile when she saw us. Immediately, she rose to her feet and ran towards me, pulling me in for a hug.

"I'm so glad you're fine, I couldn't sleep all night, was worrying about you. Where is Mr Black?" she asked looking behind our backs.

"He went in for a meeting," Monty replied "But he'll be done soon. Before that, there's a lot of things we need to work on so when we have the meeting with him, it'll be easy. First of all, I hope you can help us out?" he turned to the lawyer.

"Of course!" he chuckled and stretched his hand to Monty "My name is Kennedy Foster and I promise I will be discreet and offer whatever help you need. So, may I know the nature of the help you need?"

"I am entering into a contractual agreement with Mr Black," I responded. "If he agrees to help me in achieving something, I would give him another thing in return. There's no timeline for it yet but I am hoping that everything would be done within six months, a year max,".

"But how do you know Mr Black?" Chelsea eyed me suspiciously. "When I got to the police station last night for Monty and mentioned Mr Black as you instructed, they didn't even blink an eye and released him immediately. I know he's powerful and mysterious but it takes a different level of power to be able to control the police. Now I'm curious to meet him too,".

"Yeah!" I nodded with a sigh trying to change the topic "You will but did you look into Janice?"

"Yes!" Chelsea nodded and opened her bag "It's not so much but I got a picture of them meeting at the subway Four months ago… around the time that your father died and then one time last year, at the exact location at the subway and every attempt to reach out to the orphanage has failed,".

"You could also request for a DNA test now that the body of your father is yet to be exhumed and also yours. A clear match would be a tangible and the best piece of evidence ever," Kennedy chirped in.

"That's out of the question," I shook my head "No DNAs will be conducted,".

"Why?" Kennedy seemed surprised "That's the easiest way to prove that you're the real Winchester,".