
Chapter 96 : The Care and Letting Go

Tyler and Ryan had managed to get a surprising amount of evidence removed from the venue by the time we made it back. I told Lily and Rebecca to stay in the car. They'd seen and done enough today. There was no need for them to have to see the rest of the carnage. Rebecca had been worried about her friends. She'd asked me a thousand questions and then demanded that we call Jamie.

Jamie had sobbed on the phone when she heard Rebecca's voice, and I let the two of them talk privately, disconnecting my phone from the car radio. It seemed to work wonders for Rebecca, because she perked up a little after the call, looking less hollow in the eyes.

I mopped up the blood and carried bloody rags out to a trash can where Nico was tending to a fire. We left the bodies piled up in the alleyway. Once my men and I had scrubbed the venue clean, extracting all of the bullets and casings from the building, I had one of them place an anonymous call to the police to let them know about the situation.