
Chapter 65 : Aftermath


When I woke up on Monday morning, I was positive that the whole thing had been some beautiful dream. I was convinced there was no way that Alessandro truly got on one knee and proposed to me.

Holding my hand up in the early morning sunlight, I watched the sparkles dance along the wall, cast from the massive diamond on my engagement ring. It wasn't a dream. It was real and this was happening.

I could feel a moment of overwhelm start to overtake me, making me a little nervous. I'd have to plan a wedding now. I had no parents to inform, but I had some aunts and uncles and a handful of cousins that I'd need to invite. My grandparents on both sides were long gone, but it would be nice to honor them somehow.

Alessandro also had no parents to inform. His grandparents had been out of the picture since he was a child, but I realized I didn't know much about his extended family. Maybe we should have talked about that.