
Frame of Mind

-This story is first set in America in 2134 - It's 2134 in America while the world is rapidly transforming into a fully technological world. Everything is turning eco-friendly and renewable energy is being used instead of fossil fuels polluting the air but a crisis has happened. Someone has stolen nuclear warheads right under the president's nose and is aiming to use it with some tweaks to expose the president and parliament about what their true intentions are and what they are hiding. Several murders are happening globally because of it and unfortunately, someone is framed. Ella Artemis. An 18-year-old girl with an unusual backstory. In her past, she had been expelled from three schools, been charged with drug usage, over a year of detentions on her back as a burden now accused of murder and held nuclear warheads. Suddenly her mum is dead and her dad has gone missing. With the FBI, MI6, the CIA and many other global authorities on her back plus bounties on her head, Ella is going to have to find a way to find the true killer and expose the government of their evil ways. But how when she is currently vigilant to society?

EmmanuelDaAuthor · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

As many moments passed, Ella still questioned her dad. What happened to him? Where is he but the ultimate question that still dreaded Ella: Was he even still alive? One answer to that question if it is ever answered could turn her whole life around in a heartbeat. After having a long conversation with herself while contemplating her life choices, she finally decided to give one and got up from her bed. Her long brown hair was a maelstrom of havoc and massive skin bags lied under her distressed eyes. A wreck in shorter words. After a few seconds, she slowly ambled up to her mirror and gasped at her disgusted reflection. A plump gulp when down her paining throat as if an invisible hand was clutching it, squeezing it tight as if their life depended on it. A chill went down her spine but no breeze entered through the windows. Clothes were scattered across her room like a brisk tornado had ruthlessly entered but left no physical damage. Dust inhabited every small crevice and hole of the room. Everything was an unorganised nightmare like filing every single document correctly from scratch and there are over thousands of them but to Ella, it was just a 'meh' and 'I'll do it later. 'Later' to her is always 'never.

A luminous beam of sunlight seeped through the petite windows as sweltering heat filled the room like a poisonous gas. A small gale of breeze whistled audibly as Ella closed her ears from the irritating noise. She glanced back to the mirror and just stood there. Stationary. Like a rock. She just stared at it. Silence choked the unnecessary sounds in the room. All there could be heard was the wind and an invisible pin drop.


Abruptly, a familiar man appeared in her mind and Ella next to him. In the torturing memory, tears streamed down Ella's face and wailing echoed in the atmosphere. The man looked down and bent down a little to face her.

"Where are y—-ou g-oing, Dad?" the torn girl asked as she whimpered and bawled out.

The man smiled and just said: "I am going to do something dangerous. And if I don't come back. Just remember my message to you and the world: 'Sometimes you gotta have to sacrifice yourself for the greater good.' Everyone's gotta die someday, Ella."

And with those emotional words, he turned the other way and walked into the sunset.


As soon as the short but melancholy memory ended, a plump tear ran down her blushed cheek. Who was that man? What did he have to do with me? Thousands of questions ran through her mind like a bullet and adrenaline pumped through her like a lightning bolt. Her breathing suddenly got deeper and more rapid and crimson streaks infiltrated her hazel brown eyes. Sweat beaded and descended from the shiny forehead and soaked into her shirt like a sponge. Veins became visible throughout her whole body popping out like popcorn. A truly ferocious and terrifying state to be in at this time. Her fingers clenched into a hammering fist eager for blood aiming for the mirror. In a flash, her fist thrust towards the mirror cracking; her eyes suddenly turned scarlet but in the blink of an eye and they reformed to their normal state. As soon as the impact occurred, she contracted her arm and looked at her fingers. Glossy blood fountained out of it scattering in all places of the hand. After analysing her injured hand, she stared at the once stainless mirror where a crack had now been injected into the heart of the stationery item. Only a few splinters and a miniature crack. A sigh of relief escaped Ella's mouth and broken words came out of her mouth.

"Just one scratch. Nothing to be worried about."

Ella Artemis glanced back and an audible, fracturing noise was displayed behind her. In a heartbeat, she swivelled perfectly on one foot at a 180-degree angle facing the now punctured. A hole with no glass in the middle of a mirror. Suddenly her confidence was tossed into a sinister abyss. Looking at the hole, the nightmare of her mother screaming at her made her shudder and pricked her eyes even thinking about it.

After a while, she finally breathed, and a few but worrisome words came out of her mouth.

"Ears might bleed a bit but nothing to be worried about."

If only she hadn't jinxed it. Crack! The petite cracks become wider and more immense. The defeating sound of the wooden frame ripped Ella's ears out. 3, 2, 1. Abruptly, an azure light burst out as the mirror was destroyed and a hole remained in the firm wall as Ella was left in perplexity. She quivered as she looked at the damage she created with one, singular punch. Fear penetrated her body as her eyes shook and she moved backwards. Plump and salty tears flowed down her cheeks. Splintered wood and fragments of the glass lay on the floor. She could hear their screams. She then slowly raised her hand to her face and stared with her hands shaking and then said in a cold and fearful voice.

"What did I just do?" she questioned herself as she looked at the scarlet blood on her hands, "Who am I?"

Some fragments still remained on the mirror but where in a cracked position. Ella then looked at the mirror to see her distorted reflection as her hazel eyes dullened. She knew one person that could answer all her problems.


But he's missing/gone even or so I have heard...

Yo, It is Emmanuel and I worked so hard on this chapter trying to make you as reading ask questions about the book. It is a technique that draws readers in and I left it in suspense as well. Sorry guys. I also have a TikTok where I do maths which is @emmanuels_space and I do music and remixes on Music MakerJam, Soundcloud and MixCloud and my username is Emaxan or DJ Emaxan. Anyway, I will see you guys in the next one.

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