
Frail King

Rough synopsis: Ell is an egoistic famous bully in his school. One on a camping trip, he and his class were transported to another world with skills and magic. Everyone was happy and obedient until they found out that they might possibly be hypnotized by magic. Can they overcome this unprecedented hurdle together or succumb to their differences as students?

Keikei_Karui · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


{Skills are now displayed with [Entry].}

While we were walking towards the door ahead, a little far from the guards that they wouldn't hear us, Sophia called up to me.


Confused, I stopped and asked her "Why?"

"D-did you realize the eerie vibe, too?" her words shocked me and gave me relief at the same time.

"Did you as well?"

"Yes. So you did. I'm glad..." her expression confirms her gratitude. She let out a huge sigh as if she just made a hard decision and got it right. Well, she did and I'm glad.

"You sounded happy, why is that?"

"Well, I was scared of asking you so..." (Are you still scared of me? Even in this situation?)

I gave her a displeased look so she immediately rephrase.

"W-what is that everyone looks oddly happy that I think they were under control or something. I don't know whether they'd suddenly attack me so I was afraid of saying something..."

What she said makes sense. I didn't really consider that earlier when I asked Raien and it might've been dangerous if they are indeed under control. I really dodged a bullet there, didn't I?

"Makes sense, yeah." I nodded. "So, why did you ask me of all people? Don't you trust Allen the most?" I figured that if she noticed something fishy, she would've ran and told Allen.

"I-it's because he's not himself... I think. He was having fun talking to others and ignored me. When I found out what my skills are, I knew something was up. So I tried using the [Appraisal] thingy and see I couldn't trust him."

By now, I was frantic since the guards are staring at us intently so I ushered Raien and Sophia to move towards the others as slowly as possible.

"Does that mean you trust me? Sorry to break it to you, I'm not trustworthy at all. I'll tattle to the priests if this causes trouble for us." I said flatly.

Our conversation was broken by none Raien when she suddenly asked a question.

"Appraisal? Is that a skill?" (Oh, she said that.)

"Yes. It allows me to see your skills and all. I have a [Mental Fortification] skill that supposedly blocked mental attacks. That's how I proved that everyone's indifferent. I don't see Allen having that so I don't trust him."

(Wait, wait, wait... Appraisal? Seeing skills? What the fuck?)

"S-since you can see skills, I'm sure you know I don't have that [Mental Fortification], how come you trusted me?" I tried my best to keep composed after hearing about her "cheat" skill. (What the fuck?!)

"Mhmm..." her lips cracked into a smile that trigger alarm bells inside my head. Not from my skill, but from my own perception. "See, I have a skills that allows me to hear things from a distance if I focus. I went to the middle line away from Allen so I can hear everybody's skills and match them with what I can see, both to test my skills and whether anyone realizes the sketchiness of the priest asking for our skills." We thought of the same but for a different purpose.

"I was thinking of lying about my skills but was not confident about it until I hear you two lie about yours so I assumed you two realize what's going on." she turned to me and continued. "Well, you can definitely tattle all you want but I won't be going down alone. In fact, you should be grateful I didn't tattle myself. You and your "girlfriend" would be in a lot of trouble."

(Well, that was a dick move. You're the new addition to my "People I hate the most" list.)

"I am deeply sorry and I will never do that ever again." I bowed down to her but she seemed caught off guard.

She stretched out her arms and shook them off like she was clearing a misunderstanding. "N-no, I didn't mean to threaten you or anything. Unless you do me harm, I will not. I just want to establish an equal ground since I know how cunning you are." That could mean a compliment but I can only hear it as a partial insult.

"You won't? Thank you very much!" I bowed again.

"You don't need to. You two are the only person I can rely on right now so let's work together."

We arrived and met the others as we speak.

There, the three of us agreed on sharing information about anything notable we see.

I also told her that I, too, am among the hypnotized as well as Raien. I just had a lot of questions and noticed a lot of things I raised a brow on that I "snapped" out of it. In Raien's case, I just told her about it and she out too.

We've gone to the conclusion that we're under some kind of magic to keep us in check and it has a strong effect but is easily shakable.

We also unanimously decided that we wouldn't disclose it to others until were all alone. The spellcaster, if there's any, might be among the people with the priest earlier, or the priest himself, even.


After passing through the backdoor of the Colosseum, we started walking in a long, brightly lit hallway fashioned with lamps and a red carpet. the width of the hallway was about three meters and the height of about five.

The three of us went to the very back where no supervisor was stationed. I guess they knew we won't be disobeying them. Even if I give them the benefit of the doubt, there's no way they'd leave us unchecked unless they knew were can't disobey them.

After a few minutes of walking, we reach the end and arrived inside a mansion.

Full-fledged mansion decorated with chandeliers, crystals, and everything.

The hall that is connected to the Colosseum was huge. It's easily the largest hall I've ever seen.

Based on my classmates' reaction, they, too, are in awe of this.

Mind you their families are well with money and most of them even had a mansion or two. Their amazement just goes to show how beautiful this place is. I can even hear light music in the background.

(That's recorded, right? This isn't medieval-style where they play music live, right? Right?) I would definitely like to think so because that would mean we are treated as high-profile. Well, from their perspective, I guess we are.

Only us students are in here and are chatting about, you guessed it, skills. In that regard, Sophia decided to disclose her own skills to us since she thinks it's included in the information-sharing thing we just discussed.

She doesn't need to, but I'm very happy that she did.

She also told us the gist of the skills of my classmates plus their description. That, along with my [Viewpoint] skill, implanted the information in my brain. I am so bowled over by these passive effects that I'm so hyped and can't wait to use the active ones.

Whilst we were standing lost, a man wearing a stereotypical tuxedo that suggest he was a butler entered the large door.

He has no beard nor any visible hair.

"Welcome to our humble world, people from another world. My name is Gaer and am will be your personal assistant as long as you will be staying here. The sovereign pontiff told me that you all will be staying here for a while until everything's set," he spoke confidently and had excellent air around him. "Unfortunately, there are only ten guest rooms in this mansion and thus we wouldn't be able to accommodate you all. For this, we arranged the room so that each can have more than one person living inside. If that is okay with you all."

(Even a mansion this large don't have enough room for all of us?) There are twenty of us students split ten for each gender. That means we need everyone to share a room with one another.

"Please follow me,"

Raien and I looked at each other but Sophia immediately stepped in between us.

"No way! There's no way I'd allow that! I'll share a room with her so find your roommate!" she was adamant about separating us.

(Chill, I'm not planning to.)

"Why?" I asked anyway and she was furious.

"How could I allow a man and a woman to share a room on this catastrophic day? No shot you won't let your animal instincts go wild." (Whoa, that's some accusation right there!)

"That's the more reason I won't let my animal instincts go wild. Besides, we've slept together in one room before. Quite a lot, in fact."

"Wha—! I-is that true..?" I looked at Raien and without batting an eye, she immediately responded.

"Yes, that's true. I vividly remember those nights dragged on for so long. One time we have classes the next morning and I barely slept a wink."

Sophia's face flushed bright red and her mouth palpitates open and close. Her eyes are everywhere and she doesn't know what to say. Is this her reaction after knowing she's a step behind one of her peers?

To clear matters up, Raien and I indeed slept in one room. Her parent's room to be precise. Once a month, her family invites me to a movie marathon which often dragged on for so long that we just fall asleep on the spot. Me, Raien, her mother, and her father. Raien was just toying with her but I wasn't about to explain that to Sophia.

But to end this topic and jumped to what's more important, I told her I wasn't planning on sharing a room.

"Don't worry, sharing a room wasn't my priority. What I'm worried about is who my roommate would be."

"Y-you're not convincing me... A-anyways, you're right. You should share with someone who you can convince. Perhaps you should ask Allen." it seems that we're not quite on the same page.

"No, not that. I doubt anyone would want to share a room with me. Look over there," I pointed out at the far end of the group and saw Allen talking to somebody. "Allen got his best friend to share with already." Allen and I are friends but not close enough to prioritize me.

"Oh, that... What will you do?"

"I think I know who to ask."

"Oh, you do?" Raien asked, curious and pressing for an answer.


""What?!"" the two simultaneously exclaimed.

"I think I should share a room with you after all,"

"No Raien! But please think about it thoroughly Ell. I know you're a delinquent and always seek pain but please, not now." (Seriously, this girl ticks my nerve every time! She just casually insults me the moment she opens her mouth.) She's awfully confident because she can sabotage me at any time. (What an asshole!)

I had a conversation with Benedict earlier and his voice suggests that he, too, seems to have realized what's going on. I even see him glancing at us from time to time, probably caught on from our conversation.

We followed the "bulter" in complete silence. Not just us three either, everyone was keeping their mouth shut.

After passing through the huge door from the hall, we were met with two arching staircases on both sides and another door in front of us which I assume leads outside.

At the foot of either stair has hallways leading further into the building but that apparently wasn't where were going.

Looking at the many windows, it seemed it was still daytime. The outside has a nice garden that stretched as far as I could see, which is wild. Now that I realized, it was night when we were brought here. Oddly though, I don't feel exhausted or sleepy. Must be from the tension going on.

We went upstairs and there lined up several rooms to the right on either hall.

"Please pick a partner and choose a room." he bowed and let us pick a room.

Everyone was quick to choose a partner, which is obviously their closest friend. Raien and Sophia stick together as discussed.

Allen went to the door closest to the stairs with his best friend Senraki and the room I was eyeing on.

(damn you..!)

As my classmates picked their own room, the people standing in the hallway dissipated and there stood me and Benedict alone.

"Ahem!" although the butler hasn't said anything, it is obvious that he wants us to get to our room.

I looked at Benedict and he glanced as well. He then averted his gaze and look at the ground. (Stop acting like that, it doesn't suit you...)

I walked towards the room and he followed me from behind.

Once in, I threw my bag to the bed on the left which I declared mine.

The room was spacious easily more than ten meters. There are two normal-sized beds separated by a blue curtain.

Inside this room has a pair of mini-room and each mini-room has its own closet, a chair, and a desk with a lamp. I don't think it's run with electricity since I don't see any wires or outlets.

In my eyes, it isn't much. No computer, no TV, no outlet, just the bare minimum.

Benedict settled in his own "room" and I can hear him rustling about.

I also went into my "room" and put the things I might immediately need on the table.

I won't put away my clothes just in case so I left them in the bag.

"It seems that we're tied by fate no matter what world we're in," I muttered silently.

"I guess so..." despite that, he still trusted me more than our classmate who is apparently hypnotized.

"So, you realized it too?"

"Y-you mean their odd behavior? Fortunately, yes..." he sounded a little sad, perhaps because his friends were a victim of it.

(Now I wonder how he and I broke free from this presumed hypnotization. It's not because of our history, right?)

"Say, why do you think you weren't hypnotized? Do you have a skill that blocked that?"

"I don't really know... I'm certain I don't have any skill that can do that..." Figured as much. Sophia told me what his skills are and there's nothing like that. But I must say, his skills were incredible. Seven whole special skills? This guy's gifted.

"H-how about you, Raien, and Sophia? The three of you seem alright." So he's been listening to our conversation.

"I don't know about how I did it but I'm the one who told Raien and she snapped out of it. Sophia has a skill that blocks mental attacks."

"You did?!" he appeared from the curtains with wide eyes. I was startled a little bit but I remain composed as I answered him yes.

"So it's possible to knock reality back to them..." he must be planning to do just that.

"It might be possible but I'm not sure yet. If you're gonna do that, isolate someone first, Miria if I had to guess, before doing that." I said straight. "And in any case that you got caught, don't you dare point us with you, or else I'll tattle to them myself right now." I must definitely not let this guy endanger me or Raien.

"You're awfully frank... D-don't worry I wo—" All of a sudden, the door burst open, and in came Miria along with an army of my classmates with her. Raien and Sophia were among them, as well as Gil, and Allen. It looks like they're all here.

(Great. Just great... Why must you continue doing this Miria? Just why?)

"Benedict! Are you alright? He didn't do something to you, did he?!" she shot me an enraged look with her bloodshot eyes. Even in this world, your sister complex still overpowers the curses that have been put on you.

I know why she's so overbearing when protecting Benedict. It's solely because she and this guy were born in the same hospital, at the same time at the very minute. They live neighboring each other and their parents are good friends so they too became like that.

"Why do you always assume I'm doing something against him?!"

Well because that's the only thing you do to him, you asshole!"

I am pretty pissed myself but I just noticed that she acts like how she usually acts.

"I-is that you, Miria..?" Benedict, who seemed to have noticed, asked.

"Yes, you're safe now..." he ignored her and hugged her tight.

"I'm glad you're safe..."

"safe..? What do you mean..?"

"So he noticed too? I guess you're right Ell," Sophia said as if knowing it was safe enough to reveal it.

"Noticed? What do you mean Sof?" Allen asked from behind her.

"I guess you really didn't know," she signaled everyone to get in, even ordering someone to take the others who weren't there.

After everyone's settled inside, she locked the door and began talking.

"You see..." she started. "Sometime after getting transported here, everyone started acting differently. You all were so happy, obedient, and kind of creepy." that's what I noticed too. Well, at first I am like that, eerily happy and excited.

"At first I thought I was just different and overly cautious but I found that I have a [Mental Fortification] skill that repels mental attacks. Although it wasn't enough to prove my suspicion, it still puts me on high alert. That's when I learned that Ell and Raien weren't affected themselves so we kinda discussed this matter ourselves..." She followed with that I suspected Benedict being unaffected too so we were discussing things ourselves.

Everyone looks in disbelief, which is understandable, and were asking questions one after another.

"Is that really true..? We're hypnotized, is that what you're saying?"

"Yes. I can't say for sure if it's intentional or not... Maybe the air here affects our brain but right now, we're us again so I guess that's ruled out." (Well, it's also possible that we got used to or became immune to it.)

"It's hard to believe but... I still have my memories of earlier and I am indeed acting different." so they just naturally broke free. If that's the case, then perhaps it was unintentional... But can it be ruled out like that?

"Does Ell and Raien have a mental barrier skill too?" one of my classmates asked Sophia. I think her name is Hannah.

"Ask them, why me?" Sophia replied, which is unneeded since she knew our skills.


"No, I don't have any. Ell talked sense to me so I snapped out of it." Raien replied.

"You don't, Raien? How about Ell?" she asked Raien.

"I don't know, ask him," again, you could've told her.

Hannah is a cheerful and kind person with a bit childish personality so everyone just love to tease her. One of her biggest fear is me, which I don't know what to feel about.

"Eh~" she looks hesitant but pulled herself back and hid behind the crowd.

By the way, we removed the curtain and sat wherever. I naturally sat on my bed, Raien beside me, and the two of us alone. One could definitely tell we're cast out on a single glance. Well, me at least. Raien's still accepted and talks with them when I'm not around. This girl just wants to stay with me even though she doesn't need to. You could say she's a downgraded Miria in this regard.

"I don't have such skill. I just think rationally like Benedict." I made sure to include Benedict since if I said "I think rationally" alone, it might come off as offensive.

"He's right. I was being wary at the very beginning until I noticed myself being uncharacteristically obedient so I just snapped... I think." now I understand it.

Benedict is a pain even to the teacher who regards him as a nuisance due to his pranks that cannot be stopped by anyone. Principal, newcomer, new faces, everyone has at least been in his shenanigans at least ten times.

"That's the story Miria so you don't have to be mad at Ell this time," Sophia assured.

"I'm still worried that he'd pull something or do something. I cannot allow them both to stay in one room." (Chill, I'm not hot-headed like you. I won't do anything unless he does something, you, in particular, should know that.)

"Even if you say that, there are limited rooms here. We can't be choosy when the situation's not in our favor." Sophia was spot on.

"Will anyone switch a room with Benedict? I just can let a tyrant like him stay with him after all the things he'd done." (Are you an idiot? If you say that, there's absolutely no one who'd want to. I can't believe this girl. Aren't you number 3 in class? Where did that intelligence go? Did you leave it back on Earth?)

Expectedly, no one raised a hand, instead, they averted their gazes to avoid eye contact. Allen looks like he want to say something but I saw Senraki prevented him.

"I will share a room with him," beside me, Raien raised a hand.

"N-no way!" Sophia was quick to disagree. "No way, no can't. I-I may have changed my opinion of him a little but that absolutely can't happen." I was a bit surprised by that change of opinion but I'm glad she didn't tell them what we told her about sleeping together.

"Unless anyone is willing to use a room of three, someone has to share with him."

"Y-you're right but... I-I don't want to sound rude or anything but sleeping together in a room with E-Ell is... scary..." (You don't sound "not" rude at all.)

Both boys and girls had the same opinion of me: scared. My years of beating Benedict straight have been embedded into their mind that I've been automatically branded as an antagonist without question.

It's not like I attack people on impulse so why are they scared of me?

While this unnecessary predicament is being discussed like this, I don't think we can move forward going into this world. I can't do anything about it, no one wants to volunteer, so we're at a standstill, which is needless to say, a waste of time.

"Why not just sleep in the hallway? I'll even throw an extra blanket for you if you like." Miria, arms folded, spoke with a serious tone.

"Fuck you Miria, do it yourself with your helpless "brother". Maybe that'll satisfy your complex, you weirdo."

Despite what I said, Miria doesn't look shocked. In fact, she didn't even move a muscle. (I guess she knew about that weird complex herself? No, she's just numb to it.)

"No matter what world we are in, you haven't changed. I guess I can't be surprised by that,"

"Oh, I apologize for not changing my behavior while you were reborn anew and started wagging your tail at the people that kidnapped us. Please pardon my foolishness, you incognizant wacko." her eyes cast me a sharp glare and it brought pleasure to my face.

Everyone in the room slightly distanced themselves but not as much noticeably. They're probably at the edge of their seat since it's at this moment that Miria will explode and attack me mindlessly.

"Oh, are you perhaps pissed? You might want to learn a thing or two from Benedict whom you've so protected so much in order to sate your hunger for superiority. He noticed the irregularities faster than you wag your tail after all." I didn't stop mocking her either.

"That's enough Ell!" it was Allen who scolded me. Sophia stood up and took away Miria was at her limits, her eyes wet probably about to cry. (Cry on, see if I care.)

Everyone looked at me mixed with disdain, anger, and fear. (You heard who started it and you still blame me?)

"Is this a feminist thing that I should know about..?" I muttered accidentally.

Raien slapped me on the head and said, "It's because you berate her like there's no tomorrow."

"You two really don't get along..." Allen said, clearly tired of dealing with us. Since the dawn of our rivalry, Allen has always been the one to stop us. Time and time, he's asked by the teachers and students if me and Miria started fighting. I respect him a lot for that.

"It's not my fault. If she just shut her slit, I wouldn't say a sword to her," basically, if she shuts up, I wouldn't verbally abuse her. To be clear, I haven't attacked her or anything. That's only because I can tolerate her flailing and I didn't hurt as much to bother me.

I remained quiet and still.

After a couple of minutes, the tension eased a little and Miria is now back. I just hope she doesn't start round two.

"Apologize to her, Ell," Sophia said after getting back with Miria.

(Oh boy...)

"Why would I?" everyone stared daggers at me, including Raien who was exuding a dangerous glare beside me. "Is what I would say under normal circumstances. But this time, it may be because we're in another world or I just said too much so I will apologize. I'm sorry, Miria," (Oh shit! That's the word I didn't even dream of saying in my entire life.)

"Ell, there's still humanity inside you after all. I'm so proud." Raien mumbles and it reeks of mockery.

"You too, Miria," Sophia urges. (I don't think I need that.)

"I-I may have gone too far with my words so I-I will a-apologize, too. I-I'm s-s-sorry..." she bit his lips as she fumbles to apologize. (She's not even sincere herself! At least I relayed my words straight, not like this! She's even incapable of hiding his disgust with her face!)

"Mm," I replied to get this nonsense over with but Sophia wasn't done yet.

"Now that you've come to terms. You should reconcile, shake hands, and be friends for a bright future." (Wadafack? Is this girl mocking me? She is, isn't she? This is mockery, right? She's definitely enjoying herself. Have you forgotten about our situation?)

I am against the idea of going this far because I am certain Miria wouldn't accept. Although I can do something like this for the sake of things, I will definitely not going to reconcile with this bitch. I've gone through countless disasters from Benedict's shenanigans which are all avoidable if she just reprimands him as she should. I could never get along with someone who looks at things how they want.

"I-if you stop bullying Benedict, I g-guess I can at least forgive you for everything you've done..." (M-Miria..?)

"I... is this a side effect of the mind control?" I said. I quickly shook my head and replied, "If you can reprimand him for going about his shenanigans, then..." I stood up and reach out for her hands.

I grabbed it and shook twice before letting go.

(Ah..! This is so embarrassing! Why! Why Miria, must you make me suffer every time!) I just wish this is the last time we have business with each other.

"Ahem, ahem! Now that everyone is happy, how about we continue where we left off?" the perpetrator of it all, Sophia, smiled brightly as she urges everyone to sit down.

If the time comes when you are on the brink of death and I can save you without doing anything, I'll do everything just to see you suffer. I swear.) With my newfound hatred toward Sophia, we continued when...

'"I-I am willing to share this room with E-Ell..." someone raised their hands and offered themselves.

"Cienn? That's unexpected, are you sure about that?"

As Sophia said, it is unexpected. Cienn is someone who doesn't have a lot of existence to give off so he's usually silent at the corner of the room.

Despite being classmates with them, I rarely see him actively interact with anyone.

"Y-yes. Y-you're not gonna hurt me, right..?" (It's extremely rude to assume I am going to hurt anyone... Well, at least you addressed me so I guess you're different.)

"I won't," I said. Even if he made me angry somehow, I'm not someone who is actively beating someone. Unless they purposely did something to give me inconvenience, I can tolerate a whole lot.

"That settles it then. Don't you dare lay a finger on him, Ell. You have to control your impulse and strive to be a better person from now on." (This girl has been awfully comfortable talking to me frankly.)

"A-are you not afraid of him, Sofie? What if he does something to you for this..?" (Yeah, although I can't really get my head around this "fear of me", are you really sure you should be saying that?)

"Don't worry, Hannah. Ell is not as bad as you think he is. He's actually a good listener and a calm person to talk to." (I guess she really changed her opinion of me. Before, he would always regard me as a delinquent.)

"Bullshit. Him? Calm? Good listener? If you say that, you might want to wipe your eyes, Sophia," (Oh, I forgot this guy's still here.) I really want to say something but Sophia just talked about how I'm calm so I need to hold myself.

What he said definitely wasn't necessary, maybe he just wants to show he exists? Either way, I'll just ignore him and get this discussion over so I can have time to think alone. But to be sure you understand, I can't tolerate you at all so you better stop.

"Now, now, Gil, you don't have to say anything. Miria and Ell had just reconciled so we shouldn't make an enemy out of Ell again." (Oh, she's taking my side. This girl really has changed.) She's acting familiar with me as if she'd known me for a long time. If Raien was still in her proactive years, I bet this is how she'd act when somebody's talking shit to me.


"Let's put aside our emotions for now. We've wasted a lot of time talking about things that aren't relevant to our situation. " Allen correctly reminded. "Let us share with everyone what we know or noticed during the entire time."

Everyone looks at each other with conflicted faces. They must've not noticed anything since they are under what now I assume magic.

If that's the case, the four of us who weren't controlled are the only ones who could answer.

"I'll go first," Sophia started. "In regard to our surroundings, I don't have anything to say. But, when I asked you earlier whether you feel something or not, you gave me a puzzled face. It's as if nothing looked wrong to you,"

"Hmm... I think I remember that. I recall thinking about "Sophia must've lost her mind," at the time." he said. That's indeed unnatural. It's uncharacteristic of him to think like that. He's open-minded and listens to what anyone has to say.

"The effects of the hypnosis must've affected our logical thinking. You were obeying people that kidnapped us, told them our skills, and followed them inside their house." we basically told them everything we shouldn't have.

"Did you notice when they could've hypnotized us? I still remember yelling at them the first time we got here."

"Mmm," Sophia shook her head.

"What about you, Ell?"

"Let's see... I think around the time the lights turned off for the second time. A little before that, maybe?"

"Did you notice anything after you've broken free from the hypnosis?"

"A lot actually," I said. "Aside from you obeying everything without a thought, two things stood out for me: First, my thoughts while I was hypnotized is uncharacteristically different from how I usually think. I would argue and complain in my head about things I see or hear which I think are important."

"T-that would be a sight to behold..." Allen said jokingly. I ignored him and continued.

"Next, I remember the priest said that I have a skill that they have in their record. It was once owned by a criminal if I recall so he asked me to be careful about how I use it."

"Fitting if I do say so myself," Gil commented. (Yeah, yeah, take all the opportunity you want, sucker.)

"I ignored him and continued. "It doesn't make sense to warn me if they are hypnotizing us anyway so maybe they aren't doing it on purpose." I finished.

If we're controlled by them, warning me is like warning a machine. It doesn't make sense.

"He said something similar to me," Raien said on my side. "I think he said that I have a skill that was once possessed by their hero so he's expecting a lot from me."

To anyone that knew us, this is a surreal sight. Raien cooperating, me sharing my thoughts in front of everyone. Our teachers must be proud of me if he sees us.

"I have something like that as well," Benedict raised a hand. "He complimented me on my skills and he's expecting a lot from me, he said." Benedict had a lot of special skills so it's understandable that they'd expect something. (But why am I the only person who getting warned?)

"Hmm... Did anyone else experience something similar?" Allen raised a point but they just looked at each other and shook their heads. "This is troubling,"

If only us that are not hypnotized are being reminded, that opens a lot of possibilities regarding this situation. So much in fact that this might not be so dire as I feared. But that also means they knew we aren't hypnotized and are closely monitored. And that would mean...

"We shouldn't overthink ourselves," Sophia reminded. "If they indeed knew about us, it's also possible that they'll be telling us what we need to know sooner or later. Although the fear is still there, we just need to stick together so they wouldn't attack. We're their hailed heroes after all," she's right. We can't overthink this matter for our own mental health but I wouldn't be so complacent either. These people are strangers and from another world to boot, I don't have any clue about how deranged these people can be and how intricate their plans could have been.

"While we are here, we should stay together and keep a close watch, that's what we need to do."

"But will that really work? I mean, about the toilet and stuff..." they must be troubled by the more personal stuff. I mean, I understand, I wouldn't be comfortable going to the bathroom while nineteen classmates of mine wait outside. But is this really the time?

Raien leaned on me while the others discussed further the details.

Earlier, only us who are aware of the situation and Allen were speaking but now that I've gone silent, everyone is in as well. I'm really baffled by the sheer influence I pose just by sitting here.

They got into more details of the teaming method and they've all gone to conclusion.

The plan is we'd group together into four with five members each. We'd form a "party" in a game's terms and keep watch not only for our group but for others as well. At first, I thought that I wouldn't be included in the discussion and expected no one to take me Allen and Sophia took that matter themselves.

The requirement for grouping is that each group must contain at least 2 males. Those two must get along with each other to avoid conflict—this is when I thought I'd go alone—and oversee their group properly.

Yes, we could've done better than this by including our skills into consideration but Allen said that we don't have much experience with it and we shouldn't rely on those.

I'm personally glad about it. After all, what can my summoning skill do in this early stage?

For my group, it is decided that I and Cienn—my roommate—should be together since were roommates. Raien won't listen to them about separating despite their struggles so she's in mine as well. For the other two, no one wanted to volunteer, well, there's one but she's a she and the others opposed to it so Allen and Sophia joined us.

No one complained even though the two people on top of the class is in my group. Or am I in their group? Either way, non voiced their issue else they'd be forced to be with me.

Although I doubt we'd ever do this kind of silly partying stuff. Raien and Sophia are in my group and I highly doubt any of them would ask us three guys to come with them and go to the toilet. I didn't point it out for the sake of peace of mind.

After that, the meeting still continued and we talked about various things. Mostly about the situation but now we're in the exciting skill discussion, but not anymore since I knew theirs. Sophia said that she wouldn't tell them about mine or Raien's hidden skills to others so I shouldn't worry but she said can't promise it since she was scared of my [Overlord]. Well, whatever works I suppose.

"Is everyone okay about revealing their skills? I know we should have our own privacy but..." While in the discussion, somebody recommend sharing skill information and the majority was in. But based on Allen's expression, this is incredibly unfair to those who don't wanna share. And if they were counted out, it's unfair for those who do since they'd know what their skills are.

"Does anyone wants to hide their skill?" Sophia asked. (No, you're not supposed to tell it like that. Everybody would be awkward to raise their hands...) I don't know if she's doing this on purpose but Sophia is very shrewd and wise. Although she falters when talking to Allen so that's good.

No one raised a hand and Allen just sighed.

"I'll go first, please listen." Allen cleared his throat and continued. "I have three special skills, [Night's Grace], [Day's Blessing], and [Appraisal]. In total, I have eight skills, those being [Ancient Sorcery], [Sage of Fire], [Sage of Water], [Earth Mage], and [Wind Mage]," he said.

Based on what Sophia told me, it matched perfectly. I don't know why but I thought she had lied to me when she said what Allen had. I guess I was wrong to doubt.

She glared at me so I immediately brushed off that thought.

"What about their uses, should we include them?"

"I guess so, yeah. Some of these skills are either vague or misleading so we have to." Sophia replied.

Allen sighed again but proceed to tell his skills. It seems he's opposed to revealing privacy but it's too late for him to turn back now. I have nothing but respect for this man for keeping up with Sophia. If it were me, I'd be miles away from dealing with her.

"[Day's Blessing] said that if the ring's up, I have infinite mana and fortified defenses. [Night's Grace's] description said that if the ring is not up, I have infinite stamina and increased speed and physical power... whatever that means. Next is [Appraisal], I can basically see your skills and more. The last ones are magic so I guess you understood that."

I don't know or care about the rings or whatnot but it just occurred to me that Allen had the [Appraisal] skill. I didn't really care earlier because he's possessed but now it matters a lot. (Could it be that he doesn't want to tell us his skills because he unfairly knew ours?)

I don't wanna assume but I don't want to be so trusting either. I'll just keep it in mind.

"That's right. Allen and I can see your skills so if you want to be smart and be quiet about it, we'll be sure to reveal them." Sophia exclaimed. At this point, I wasn't surprised anymore.

Everyone smiled but their faces shows grief.

Everyone followed Allen and revealed their skills. One by one, more detailed information flowed through my ears.

Assuming they all said the truth, basically every special skill is broken in its own right. I haven't heard a single repeat except for Sophia and Allen's [Appraisal] and those non-special skills appear a lot.

For my mage skills, for example, everyone has at least one variety of it so I guessed it must be common skills. For special, those must be the rare skills and Sophia and Allen coincidentally got the same. (I guess fate is to blame then...)

So far, no one refused to tell their skills because for one it's useless, and also because they want to be trusted.

No one except... Raien.

"Just tell mine, you can see them anyways." she flatly said.

Sophia smiled and replied, "But those were your skills, it's incredibly rude of me to trespass on your privacy." (The heck are you talking about?)

"What do you mean by that? You were gonna tell everybody if somebody refuse to obey. You're contradicting yourself." (I guess that's what you get for exploiting your skills.)

I'm sure Raien just wants to cause her trouble since she's exploiting her skills rather unfairly.

Although skills had a minimal description, Raien had a lot of skills different from others and no mage skills so it's still lengthy.

Sophia, unable to retaliate, just screws it and told them herself. She's constantly squinting at Raien's directing indicating her way of using [Appraisal] which is kinda funny.

"She had a uh... Eight... Nine skills... Let's see. The special skills are [Blaze and Frost] which says she can use fire or ice magic that cannot be removed by anyone except her and [Spatial link] which she can use to connect two points in space. But unlike teleportation, she doesn't actually warp, instead, she zooms towards it from point to point." she continued to explain the rest and left the two skills Raien wishes to hide.

I guess she still held her words.

Raien seems to have no reason to keep quiet and revealed it herself. "I also have [Lifesteal] and [Sub-space]. They're all self-explanatory,"

"H-hey!" she was shocked but Raien ignored her.

"Ahaha... Sigh... It's your turn, Ell," Allen said.

I myself don't have any skills worthy of hiding except [Overlord]. But for the sake of transparency, I should tell them all of mine as well. It's just fair. Unlike that priest, I trust them.

"I have the four elemental mage skills, as well as [Sense Danger] that detects threats in an area. I also have three special skills and two of them are passive. First is [Frail King], it gives me the ability to summon and use my summons' skills in their place. Next is [Viewpoint] that stores information directly to my brain. I don't know how that differs from normal thinking but I guess I have semi-perfect memory..." I said semi- because this skill only draws out forgotten memories that I want.

In simple terms, say I want to remember my test scores of the 3rd of December 5 years ago, I just need to recall something that I did that time, either walking to school or eating lunch, and the memories will flow through like a movie.

It doesn't sound great but it's still an information-related skill so that's useful. I should hit the library whenever I'm free I supposed.

"Last is the skill you all should know about..." I said. Everyone at this point is listening but they became curious and draw themselves closer to me as I said that with a serious tone. "It's called [Overlord]. It's also a passive skill like [Viewpoint] but this skill poses a danger to you who are nearby me. Be careful when talking to me because if you promised me something, I can dominate your mind and control you like puppets." everyone's face grew pale as I told them that.

It's not exactly that but the exaggeration makes it more relevant to them rather than me. Although yeah, it's powerful, I don't exactly want to use it if I can avoid it. The last thing I want is to deal with someone who accidentally promised me something and ended up hypnotized.

I'm not sure how this skill works yet but the description said it's a passive skill that is triggered by promised.

Now I just realized, all of my skills are related to controlling others, maybe that's the reason why the priest warned me before?

"Well, not like any of you would promise me anything but bear in mind that I wouldn't care if you suddenly lose hold of yourselves," I added.

They took a step back from me after hearing that.

"A-as e-e-easy as a verbal promise..? T-that's dangerous..." somebody said.

"Is that true Allen?"

"Yes. But don't hold yourself back when talking to him. Just keep that in mind."

(No, tell them to not talk to me. This is my chance to shake off Miria and Benedict!) Miria and I "reconcile" earlier but I don't really buy that. Sooner or later, that apology will be forgotten so it's better this way. I just hope they avoid me because of it.

"For somebody who couldn't control his urges to hurt somebody, your skills are more tame than they should've been." Gil snorted. (Fucking hell man? Are you really that mad that I couldn't feel a thing from your punches?)

"You're awfully loud for someone who punches weaker than a girl. Is this what they call 'all bark no bite'?"

"I'm merely holding back else I'd break yer' bones."

"That's what you say," to me, what he'd done was his full force.

"Stop, you two. Ell and Miria just reconciled, so why must you replace them, Gil?" Allen scolded him. I'm glad he understands that it wasn't me who started it. "And you too, Ell. Please stop provoking everyone that badmouths you."

"I'm being cooperative and quiet until this guy blabs his mouth, it's not my fault. He's started it earlier so he must want a fight with words." if that's the case, I'm not holding back.

Allen sighed again. (You sigh awfully lot, don't you?)

"Stop babysitting that asshole, Allen. He doesn't deserve your comfort," Gil said glaring at me.

"Maybe so but at least I listen. Unlike you, I'm capable of understanding the situation we're in. I know when to open my mouth and I know how to stay quiet."

The room became quiet as I speak. I can still hear whispers like "Look at him acting cocky," or "he's right though. He's cooperating so Gil should stop."

The opinion seemed split but all I care is for this meeting to come to a close.

Gil stopped his remark and so does I. I hope he understands what comes first before his ego.

"Now that this settles, should we wrap this up and rest?" Allen looks tired now. But I don't think we're finished yet.

"Yeah... I'm exhausted,"

"I wanna lie in bed..."


Everyone was eager to leave but as I said, this isn't over yet.

"Wait," I said. Everyone halted and look in my direction.

"Do you have something else to say?" Sophia asked.

"Rather than 'say', aren't you forgetting something?"


"What do we do from now on? We can't go back home anymore, right?"

They stared at me for a few seconds until the realization seeps into their brains. I thought they realized it already and just accepted it but the hypnosis proved to be more potent than I imagined.

"T-that can't be..!"

"Why?! This can't be right..!"

"N-no way..."

They slump to their seats just now realizing we are not home anymore.

"I was talking about kidnapped this, kidnapped that, I thought you'd realize it already," I was constantly reminding them about that but no one caught wind of it.

"Why would they kidnap us?! They're horrible..."

"Can't we protest..?"

"I-I don't think we can..." Allen answered. Earlier, when Allen asked them to return us, they said it can't be done. Perhaps it's a lie but only they knew for certain.

"Mama... Papa..." Tears suddenly build up in their eyes.

"Calm down Hannah,"

"Sofiee..!" she cried on her lap. I don't know about her family but they seemed close base on her reaction. Well, that's the case for most of us.

I, on the other hand, have conflicting feelings about separating from my parents. I am in a bad relationship with mine but separating from them seemed abrupt.

I look at Raien and she seemed okay at the very least. Her parents are kind and close to her so I thought she'd be more emotional. Maybe she just doesn't want others to see. I'm sure she's just holding herself from crying.

Speaking of which, I am more close to her parents than mine. I am more certain on what to feel knowing that I could never see them again.

Just to be sure, I place a hand on Raien's shoulder. She look at me in response and we locked eyes. She crept closer to me and rested her head on my shoulder.

A few minutes later, everyone calmed down.

The situation is surreal and unbelievable that their recovery from shock is faster than what would've expected.

Of course, not everyone accepted this. They just held their emotions so we can move on.

Allen ended the discussion so that we can all have time to think everything through.

Everyone left the room except for Raien. Cienn meekly said that he'd clean his things first since he'd already settled. Benedict on the other hand was all packed since Miria was busy earlier packing up for him while we were talking.

That left me and Raien alone.

After everyone left, Raien hugged me and cried. I can hear her weep so I extended my arms and embrace her.

"Ell... Mfhh... don't leave me, okay..?"

I hugged her tighter and replied, "We'll stay together, I will never leave you alone." that may turn out to be a lie but I hope this can alleviate some pain in her heart.

We don't know what awaits us in this world. Dangers unknown, deaths unpredicted, and pain unforgettable might come to us wherever. I wanted to be optimistic but death always lingers in my mind.