
Fragrance of Words

"Fragrance of Words" is a captivating poetry collection penned by the gifted poet Zaynaah Kaur. Within the pages of this collection, Kaur's verses serve as a vessel for profound emotions, inviting readers on a poetic journey through the intricate tapestry of human experience. The poetry in "Fragrance of Words" delves deep into the themes of love, longing, loss, and self-discovery. With lyrical precision and evocative imagery, Kaur's verses resonate with readers, evoking a range of emotions that mirror the complexities of the heart. The collection begins with a celebration of love in its many forms. Kaur's words paint vivid portraits of passion, devotion, and the intoxicating beauty of romantic connection. Her verses capture the essence of those moments when love blooms and blossoms, inviting readers to relive the euphoria of such experiences. As the collection unfolds, it explores the intricacies of longing and desire. Kaur's poems touch upon the yearning for a distant beloved, the ache of separation, and the bittersweetness of unfulfilled dreams. Each poem serves as a mirror to the reader's own experiences of longing, forging a deep emotional connection. "Fragrance of Words" also delves into the theme of loss and resilience. Through elegiac verses, the poet navigates the labyrinth of grief and healing, illuminating the human capacity to endure and find strength in vulnerability. These poems offer solace and comfort to those who have grappled with the profound impact of loss. In the latter part of the collection, Kaur turns her gaze inward, exploring the terrain of self-discovery and empowerment. Her verses inspire introspection, encouraging readers to embrace their uniqueness and find solace in their inner worlds. These poems serve as a guiding light for those on a journey of self-acceptance and personal growth. Philosophical insights within the collection are provided by Feng Qi Yuin Yong, adding depth and contemplation to Kaur's poetic narratives. Feng's wisdom offers readers a philosophical lens through which to view the emotional landscapes painted by Kaur's verses. The combination of poetry and philosophy creates a harmonious fusion of art and introspection. In "Fragrance of Words," Zaynaah Kaur's poetic voice resonates as a testament to authenticity and vulnerability. Her words have the power to elicit a spectrum of emotions, from tears to laughter to profound contemplation. This collection is an ode to the enduring beauty of poetry as a means of connecting with the human experience and finding solace in the written word. In the end, "Fragrance of Words" is a poetry collection that invites readers to embark on an emotional odyssey, to explore the depths of the human heart, and to find solace and inspiration in the profound beauty of language and emotion. It is a collection that lingers in the mind and heart, leaving an indelible mark on those who have the privilege of reading it.

FengQiYuinYong0_0 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

I wish

I wish you would see me from my eyes

The world that lives in you feels so ethereal

I don't know how you aren't loving yourself when you're so loved by the world

Perhaps you were so lost in others that you forgot you

Or perhaps you were too busy paying heed that everyone came and used you

If you were to be described by a lover they would describe you as someone as beautiful as a flower

Your hairs when fall over your lips create wonders

That silent beauty in your ever speaking eyes are something that ignites passion

Those hairs when plays with the air feels magical

You seem like that lost city which is so talked of but little known of You remind me of those stories that every longing heart daydream of...….

-Zaynaah Kaur

In the complex interplay of human emotions, there exists a profound longing—a longing that transcends the boundaries of words and gestures. She yearns for a connection so deep that he would see himself through her eyes, for in that reflection, he would come to understand the depth of her love and the significance he holds in her world.

To her, the act of longing is not a mere desire for his presence; it is a yearning for a profound connection, an intimate sharing of emotions that words alone cannot convey. She believes that if he could glimpse himself through her eyes, he would discover a love that is boundless, an admiration that knows no limits, and a significance that is immeasurable.

In her philosophical contemplation, she explores the notion that each person carries within themselves a unique perspective—a lens through which they view the world and, most importantly, themselves. She imagines that if he could momentarily adopt her perspective, he would witness a reflection of himself bathed in the warm glow of adoration.

She ponders the idea that, often, individuals are their own harshest critics, their own greatest skeptics. They may not fully comprehend the depth of their worth or the magnitude of their impact on those who love them. In her eyes, he is a constellation of virtues, a tapestry of qualities that inspire awe and affection. She wishes for him to experience the warmth of self-acceptance that her gaze bestows upon him.

She contemplates the power of empathy, the ability to step into another's shoes and see the world from their perspective. She believes that if he could momentarily inhabit her viewpoint, he would realize that he is cherished not for any external achievements or grand gestures but for the essence of who he is—the kindness in his heart, the authenticity in his actions, and the beauty of his soul.

In her philosophical musings, she understands that true love is often silent, expressed not through grand proclamations but through the subtleties of everyday life. She imagines that if he could see himself through her eyes, he would recognize the countless moments of tenderness, the shared laughter, and the unwavering support that are all reflections of her profound affection.

She contemplates the concept of self-worth, acknowledging that it can be a fragile and elusive thing. She wishes for him to experience the transformative power of knowing how deeply he is loved, how thoroughly he is cherished, and how profoundly he is valued. In her eyes, he is not defined by his flaws or imperfections; he is a masterpiece of humanity, a work of art worthy of boundless admiration.

She believes that if he could see himself through her eyes, he would find a sanctuary of acceptance, a haven of love that transcends judgment and criticism. It is a love that sees beauty in vulnerability, strength in imperfection, and grace in the ebb and flow of life's challenges. It is a love that whispers, "You are enough," and "You are loved just as you are."

In her philosophical contemplation of this longing, she comes to understand that love, at its core, is a profound connection—a connection that allows two souls to see and be seen, to know and be known. She longs for the day when he might catch a glimpse of himself through her eyes, for in that moment, he would not only see the reflection of his own worth but also the reflection of the love that binds them together.

She believes that this longing, though it may never be fully realized, serves as a testament to the depth of her affection. It is a reminder that love is not only about being loved but also about the profound act of loving another. She longs for him to know, deep in his heart, that he is cherished, valued, and loved beyond measure—that he means more than words could ever convey, and that he is a treasure in her world, seen through the eyes of boundless love and admiration.