
Fragments of Time [FREE/COMPLETED]

Time goes. But love goes further. Elena Lee has a unique ability. She remembers everything she saw or heard at least once. Be it people, things or places. Her memory is like a puzzle the fragments of which are growing day by day whether the girl wants it or not. She doesn't know where this ability came from. Her first memories start at the age of 6 when she was adopted by a rich man, the head of the big pharmaceutical company. For many years she was trying to find something about her real parents but all in vain. Elena wants to find this piece of memory but she doesn't know that the missing fragment is in the hands of a man who is following her from the shadows. 12-9-19-20-5-14 20-15 25-15-21-18 8-5-1-18-20 He knows her past. He owns the key to her future. He wants to get the sacred knowledge hidden inside Elena's head even the girl herself doesn't know about. He wants her. But it's impossible to get both. 4-15 14-15-20 2-5-12-9-5-22-5 25-15-21-18 5-25-5-19 Time goes. The price for truth is life. Hers. His. Or the whole world. It depends on how to use the missing fragments. And he has to make a choice. The Master. 20-5-19-5-18'19 12-1-23 14-21-13-2-5-18 9 6-15-12-12-15-23 25-15-21-18 6-5-1-18-19 *** The original cover photo is mine.

Anya_Nesh · Sci-fi
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392 Chs

Everything Is More Serious Than You Thought.

One of the largest skyscrapers in the city center was known for its luxurious apartments. Many celebrities purchased apartments here, and the upper floors were especially expensive, as they had stained glass windows that had an amazing view of the city and the ocean behind it.

David pressed the 63 button on the elevator panel, and they silently began to climb to the very top of the building. The man tightly squeezed the girl's palm, occasionally bringing it to his lips and covering it with light kisses. Going to the door, David entered the code on the display to open the lock, the door clicked and they went inside.

Elena saw a spacious studio apartment furnished in minimalism style. It was unusually bright and cozy, and a stained-glass window with a view of the city added a special romanticism to the wonderful atmosphere of the living room.

"Make yourself home; you can sit where you feel comfortable." David smiled and headed toward the kitchen.

"Maybe I better help you? What do you want to cook?" Elena followed him, not wanting to stay idle in the living room.

"Hmm, well, I was planning to do something like an international dinner. Since I don't know what you like for sure, I hope you will like some of the dishes," replied David.

"Do not worry, I eat absolutely everything. Unless it is very spicy or fat."

"By the way, a friend from the Philippines brought me some wine based on coconut milk. Wanna try it? I have never drunk anything like this before. For the main course, I plan to cook either Philippine Chopsuey or Indian curry. What do you say?"

"Let's make curry. I love it when it is based on coconut milk," Elena suggested to him.

"All righty, coconut wine, coconut curry... you know, I have a Bounty bar in the fridge. I can share it," David chuckled at Elena's suggestion.

The girl fussed back, "Okay, make it yourself then. I'll go and read something." With these words, she opened the fridge, took the Bounty chocolate bar, and sat down imposingly on the sofa, opposite the table.

'Such a cutie,' David thought to himself and began to cook.

Sometime later, they were already sitting at the table and were enjoying a freshly cooked dinner. Elena was surprised at how tasty the dishes were. The man's face shone with happiness that he could please his darling.

"It's almost 11 pm already, will you be in trouble for coming home so late?"

"No, I won't. Father left for a business trip two days ago and will be back only the day after tomorrow," Elena replied to David.

"Well, if you say so. Otherwise, last time it seemed to me that he was not very happy to see me next to his daughter," commented the young man, recalling President Lee's reaction at the police station.

"Unfortunately, you are right. My father asked me to stay away from you," Elena replied with a displeased tone. "Do you have any difficulties in terms of business? Because, as I understood, it concerns business..."

"Hmm, then everything becomes much clearer. The fact is that Lee Pharmaceuticals and Greenline Inc. are direct competitors. Moreover, we are not just competing in one area, our directions are diametrically opposite," David decided to clarify everything with Elena since he thought that this would help her understood the situation better.

"Your father's company focuses on the manufacturing of pharmaceutical drugs and conducts a lot of research in this area. Our company is developing natural medicine and food additives aimed at reducing dependence on classical pharmacology."

"What about Rick's firm?" Elena asked.

"Berne Group has a serious scientific laboratory, and as far as I know, they are currently working with Lee Pharmaceuticals to create a cure against the new virus. By the way, we are also doing this. Because if you don't take serious measures in the next two years global pandemic may take place."

"You mean, the danger of the virus that everyone is talking about is not exaggerated?" Elena did not expect that all the hype about a new disease could have a solid scientific basis.

"No, it's actually real. Everything is much more serious than the government says," David confirmed her assumptions.

. . .

Tomorrow we will have a double update with very HOT stuff, so be prepared!

Cheers! ^_^

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