
Fragmentation: Wrath Ascending

When Jake and his friends discover an app on their phones that promise to lead them to the secrets of the world both spiritual and physical it isn't long before the crew of adults finds themselves deeply involved in a new world filled with struggle against a daunting and mysterious enemy to humanity. will the crew survive in this new hellish landscape or become food for the swarm?

Banishing_Stroke · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Discovery

Jake had always been a fairly open minded individual but, even he had to admit whilst, sitting in a circle of his closest friends, that this new GPS app for finding the paranormal seemed a bit sketchy. Firstly it phrased everything all dramatic and new agey spiritually saying things like make your intentions known or state the desire you wise to find and it was rumored that this app Inutuitica could help guide you to places of influence via GPS that would you on the path to achieving the set intention or desire. though skeptical Jake had heard of some stories that met success just not in the way people had thought it would. this was especially true for his friend Ruben who had wished to find evidence of the afterlife only to be taken to this spooky abandoned school they were all currently in at this time. among the crew of adult paranormal enthusiasts and spiritual hunters was Jamie Ines the teams fiery blonde hunter with a spunky attitude and pleasant well rounded figure and the love of Jake's life.

The two had been hunting and exploring the secrets of life and the spiritual together for well over five years and sure while they've had ups and downs one thing that always held out was their trust in one another even during the darkest grips of Jakes ongoing battle with depression and anxiety. she'd always been his rock and supporting pillar of strength hence why he loved her fiery but strong, proud, and caring. beside her was Ruben the groups eccentric, slow talking, connoisseur of fine anime and art or so he claims really he's just the lovable goofy nerd glue of the group always there with a uplifting joke or tune to keep everyone motivated. A rather tall young man of slender build with long brown hair, he was every part the stoner bro appearance everyone loved in their goofball of a friend. next to him was a small stocky girl named Ashley though she preferred just Ash Since her break up, she had ruby red lips that popped against her pale skin combined with her emerald green eyes and flowing red hair she was quite the looker herself to be sure. she was of a more serious nature and ever the vigilant mother type of the group always looking out for the danger in everything and fretting about the potential trouble the group could get into when we were out doing our "explorations".

which to be fair this little app had already taken us to some pretty sketchy places in the past including what may have been an old mob hideout at one point. when we asked it to find us the secrets of the streets as a joke. it had taken us to a far off dock with what appeared to be a long abandoned broke down warehouse. the strangest thing about the warehouse wasn't the fact that it still had power going to it or that the lights still worked but, it was what we found inside on the night that we visited that made us question whether we should continue or not with our explorations. inside one of the old derelict rooms we had stumbled upon a area filled with chains and various sized hooks all of them covered in a viscous reddish brown liquid that dribbled down the chains and onto the rusty floor and a bit deeper in a single wooden chair stained a deep brown-red color by the same liquid hanging from the chains it didn't take much to imagine the various number of awful and heinous things that could have occurred at such a place. so with the looming threat of potential danger in mind we had left that area as we'd found it relatively untouched and lights exactly as they'd been when we arrived.

the potential thought of what we had found had always stuck with us and made question if we should've reported it but, in the end we decided that whatever was going on there wasn't worth the risk of getting ourselves into trouble we couldn't get out of so we had pressed our reservations down about the app and it's sketchy offerings and decided that we would press forward ever hunting for something more then what this life had to offer. our reason was fairly simple this world it's so messed up there had to be something, anything, beyond just existing right? surely this suffering, pain, and misery in this world wasn't just a coincidence with nothing else to it right? at least that was the hope hence our feverish hunt of the paranormal if it was out there we had to know and we'd be damn sure to find it come hell or high water. so with that in mind we decided that now was the time to ask the Intuitinca App another question to clarify our intentions for the night and hopefully finally find something that would leave us speechless. with purpose and authority i let my voice ring out amongst the group " Intuitinca show us the path to a new world!!" as the final words appeared on screen the application whirred away doing it's work and leaving us in a starstruck trance as we awaited it's answer. it took a while surprisingly this time after several minutes of quite anticipation we still didn't have an answer at first i was beginning to doubt whether the application had heard me clearly but, the words showed up clearly on screen so that wasn't it. suddenly as if in response to my doubt we were given coordinates " Odd these take us just down this hallway and on the left a bit, surprisingly not far from where we already are." Ruben said puzzled at how close we were to the location yet how had we missed it we'd been in the school for several hours now surely we hadn't missed any rooms.

with the coordinates in mind we set off down the hallway with a vigorous haste and upon arrival we were utterly baffled by what we saw inside this room tucked away at the end of a long narrow corridor inside this room were large hoards of various types of supplies, backpacks, storage containers and tents among other things. however, the most surprising thing was the large symbol in the middle of the room carved into the floor every foot or so is another circle filled with symbols inside of other symbols in a cascade of other circular diagrams that formed a very clear pattern of a snake with four gems wrapped around it at various location the placement of the four gems each inside their own circle with a obvious path to the center wherein lies a fifth circle. the most peculiar thing however, was that none of these symbols matched anything the crew had ever witnessed the sharp jagged edges of some symbols seeming to flow effortlessly into clearer more refined symbols. while studying the various symbols and diagrams a vibration from the phone could be felt that alerted the crew to a new message from the application. it gave the crew instructions to sit at various circles and place the phone in the center as the crew sat at each circle and began to meditate as instructed the room began to meld around them in a twisting fashion, shadows began to morph and take shape forming various humanoid and animalistic figures in a myraid of ever changing forms mixed with teeth and eyes in places that those shapes normally didn't have eyes or teeth as the room spun around the crew and the shadows danced one by one they all felt the haze of consciousness fade from them and sleep overtaking them all.

after a long hiatus i've come back to begin work on a passion project of mine hopefully over time this will blossom to it's full potential in the way that i hope and envision! for any that wish to support me feel free to do so i have a ******* as well - https://www.*******.com/TheeBanishingStroke

i also have a youtube where i'll be posting videos in the near future for those interested as well -


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