
Fragment: Bullet in the Heart

“If you keep being like that, no one will love you, Kath.” It was her past boyfriend’s words to Kathrina before he left her for good. He was cheating on her, but she got the blame for everything just because she could not give him the thing he yearned for the most. Yeah, right, sex. Kathrina Reed had not been able to let someone touch her most private part of herself. She was terrified that someone had tried it. It brought terror into her body and forced her to freeze like a survival instinct. With her failed past relationship, Kathrina stopped dreaming of falling in love. She was tired of getting disappointed with her partner and herself, and she was tired of visiting a psychiatrist’s office just to get better. It was better to be alone. Fewer expectations result in less hurt. Kathrina was fine being alone for a long time until she met Arthur Ford. The man set her heart and body ablaze. Then before she knew it, she started thinking about him, longed for him, and fell too deep into him. - Synopsis change, but no change made in the story.

Moonamore · Urban
Not enough ratings
69 Chs


Arthur went back to Blossom after he had released his anger. With a brown handkerchief, he wiped the blood on the corner of his lips. It stung a bit, yet it was worth every punch he could land on that asshole.

As he passed the entrance, some people gazed in his direction. Arthur was aware that his condition was far worse than before. Appearing with a small wound on the corner of his lips, messy clothes, and beads of sweat on his temple, he could guess some of their thoughts.

'They probably think I got into a catfight.'

If they did think that, then it was not wrong. But it was more like a cat and mad dog fight. And he was the mad dog in the story.

Arthur ambled, passing multiple tables until he reached his family.

"It's okay," Arthur said when his mother was about to speak.

Their faces were contorted in shock seeing Arthur's sorry state. However, Vivian felt like she was about to have a heart attack. It was because his son had never fought since her husband died. Arthur claimed that only children used their fits, and he was not one. 'Adult should solve their problem with a calm mind.' Arthur once said. Therefore, this was a very scandalous event for her.

Sensing that his mother had not given up and wanted to ask for more, Arthur could only sigh. "Not now, mom."

Vivian finally sealed her lips as she discovered that Arthur's countenance was terrible and that he looked in tremendous pain. That expression was almost similar when Arthur learned about the death of her husband. Instantly, her heart was cramped with worry.

Aside from Vivian, everyone else was aware of the cause of Arthur's behavior and expression. It was Kathrina. Arthur's only heartbreaker.

Dion felt sympathy for Arthur for a second, but it disappeared as soon as he remembered what Victor had done. If Arthur did not want to consider his idea, then he would have to suffer like that until time eventually healed him. But, considering Arthur's mind, it was near impossible to get over Kathrina for the next few years.

Ariel and Belle's eyes stayed on Arthur during the meal. They were worried sick but were afraid to ask. Belle wished to console him, yet she knew her presence was unnecessary.

Ariel grasped Arthur's hand under the table, and when Arthur jerked his head, she gave him her biggest smile. The one Arthur said was the sun in his life.

Arthur patted his sister's head tenderly. He was suddenly feeling bad that the atmosphere turned solemn because of him.

Dion could not take the tense situation, so he opened his mouth to shift their attention by asking a silly question to Ariel out of the blue. "Forget about Arthur. He is just moody. Let's talk about our dear Ariel." Dion said. "Do you have a boyfriend now?"

Ariel's smile faltered. "I do." She answered proudly. She was lying, of course. She had just broken up with her boyfriend before moving into Centre City.

"You are lying." Dion smiled. "Tell me, Vivian. Is she telling the truth?" Dion turned his head into Vivian, taking the older woman's eyes from Arthur into his.

"Well, as far as I know, their status has changed into an ex."

"Mom!" Ariel exclaimed.

Thankfully with Ariel and Dion's continuous bickering sessions, they seemed to forget about Arthur. So with that, their dinner went smoothly.

During their conversation, Dion sent a simple text to Arthur, which said,

'You won't be this miserable if you follow my idea. If you are that afraid, just do it first, then think later. At least you could have a short time of happiness.'

Arthur rolled his eyes in annoyance. He texted back,

'Stop minding mind business. Just focus on your job after the election ends. And please run a background check on the man with Kathrina; if there is a speck of dirt in his history, leak it.'

While Dion and Arthur were focused on texting each other, suddenly, Vivian asked a question that turned the warm mood into the cold one.

"I've been wondering who the woman that broke my son's heart was. Perhaps Belle and Dion have an idea about her identity?" Vivian asked with an innocent face, without knowing it was Arthur's sore spot.

Belle felt the food stuck in her throat; she started coughing while hitting her chest lightly. Seeing that, Arthur handed a glass of water to her.

"Be careful," Arthur told Belle, then ate his food in a hurry.

In contrast, Dion chuckled. "Do you think someone could break his cold heart, Vivian? I doubt someone has that much power to do that."

"Even ice could melt if it is under heat for long, Dion. So yes, someone out there has that power over my son." Vivian knew Dion was trying to help Arthur out of the situation, but she knew her son. Something had changed in Arthur; it was for sure. As for a reason behind the change, it was for her to search for the answer.

Arthur did not want to be included in the conversation anymore, so he finished his meal first. He excused himself first without giving his reason, and they did not bother to hold him back since it was clear that Arthur had lost all his energy to deal with them for longer.

As Arthur drove into the city, his mind kept wandering into Kathrina. Arthur wanted to shield her when she had a little argument with the man back there. He wanted to wrap her body with his if the hurtful words from that man had marred her heart.

He drove his car at high speed as his thought became unbearable and the anguish in his heart increased. When light from another car appeared before his eyes, Arthur slammed the steering wheel to avoid the vehicle.

"Fuck, are you looking for dead?"

Arthur heard the other vehicle's driver curse him multiple times, yet he did not care at all. Instead, he hit the steering wheel in frustration. "You are a mess, Arthur." He said while resting his back on the seat.

After a few minutes of staying in the same place, Arthur continued his journey. He drove aimlessly. However, his car somehow ended up in Centre Palace Apartment.

He laughed acrimoniously. It felt funny since every step he took to stay away from Kathrina only brought him to her. He stayed there for a long time. He did nothing, only looked at the apartment with longing eyes.

"I miss her, dad." He whispered into the nothingness.

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