
Fractured futures- journey of chaos and peace

100 years have passed since the portals of the other side opened and creatures from the outer space entered our environment, people have mutated since then, fought the villains, co survived with them and some have become the hunters and savior's who have saved the humanity from the gruesome aliens, but within all this chaos in him, one of the hero, will he find the one who is destined to be his and ace his future, or will he be the lone hero like any other novel?

Rupika_Chaudhary · Fantasy
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The portal opening of space not only brought aliens and monsters to the earth but also blessed humans and some monsters with magic and techniques to survive the apocalypse. The year is 3011 and instead of flying cars and teleportation the civilization finds itself in the middle of magic and power, one side are the ones who want to capture the earth and others are who want to make the cohabitation work.

RON- Oye! You done there? For real, I thought those we were dead today, thankfully we had you- our hero who came at the right time and sliced those ugly creatures to death.

ARCHIE- マジで, we were so done today, all because of you Ron, because you decided on this immediate expedition. Thanks to HAK, we are breathing the air again, those bastards had me on chokehold, if he wouldn't have come our ticket to hell was definitely booked.

RON & ARCHIE were suddenly summoned to survey this site but they had no idea of this impending chaos that just took place. thanks to the intervention of their friend/ groupie they were saved last minute.

As the banter continued between the two, HAK covered the area with the protection barrier and surveillanced the area for any more hidden monsters or aliens. Not all of them were bad, and perfect example was him, the mutation child born between alien mother and human father, the perfect blend of both abilities and strengths and weakness.

HAK was a 6'5 male, body built to combat with shredded muscles and abs, he was a dream of a man, the mutation had actually made him go from 10 to 100. every eye turned when he walked by. and the cherry on the top was his personality he was a man written by a woman, fearleaa, strong, kind, resillent and one who brought every women be it monster or human to their knees.

He hated the place where he stood right now, it reminded him of all the that he lost here 10 years ago, when his parents were killed by the mob of humans, his friends shredded to pieces all in the name of sacrifice. He hated that he was here to save all these humans who were monstrous even than the actual monsters.

The shreds of the past were still visible to him, his burnt house, the broken swings, the toys still scattered as no one touched those. His eyes blurred, he could have gone for revenge as he had achieved the level of GRADE Z hunter- the ace of hunters, purely on the basis of his physical and mental strength.He had aced every test, every physical and mental assignment, worked hard for years to achieve what he had to, only to be strong to never see that horrendous incident again. He choose to let go of those binds of revenge, because if he would have held them for long then they would have pierced his soul breaking the little humanity left in him.

Hak for many years thought and planned how to kill those who left him helpless and orphaned, but one act of kindness in his life by someone changed the perspective he lived for last 7 years.

since then Hak decided to let go off the chains of the past.

He despised that he was raised this way, how his mother raised him to be kind, how his father always taught to forgive. He hated his parenting because those values stopped him from killing all those murderers.

A tear left his eye remembering his mother's lullaby, her soft hushes and her laughing smiles. OH, how fast the years went, but still the memory of that day ghosts his mind just like it happened yesterday.

With all these thoughts in his mind, HAK's barrier is lowered, the fogginess numbs his senses and suddenly in a second a sword is pointed at his neck and Ron and archie are surrounded.

He lifts his eyes to see the owner of the sword and his hearts Skipped a beat and his brown orbs clashed with the same blue orbs he once depended on. The orbs of his best friend who has now turned into someone he once knew, someone whose soul was long dead and only had the appearance of his best friend, who once was his rock, his strength.

His body stood immobile, how was he supposed to hit him when once this face was the one who saved his soul from the ally of darkness, his hands shuddered and the weapon fell from his hand. The enemy smirked and raised his sword to slash HAK's neck.

The ghost of past had actually come back to haunt him again, to push him to find his limits, and to make him find his place in this uncertain future.



Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

this is my first time writing, i hope you all can guide me along the way.

i am thankful to everyone who is reading this, please feel freee to correct me and guide me.

Rupika_Chaudharycreators' thoughts