
Fractured Etalon: Memories Before Our Years

In HaoTian, where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur, Wei's life takes a crazy turn. First, her father vanishes without a trace, leaving behind an emptiness she struggles to comprehend. But the strangeness doesn't end there; an enigmatic woman emerges from within her sword, forming doubts in Wei’s head. As she grapples with these inexplicable events, Wei finds herself thrust into a world that tests her resilience at every turn. The unforgiving challenges she faces threaten to overwhelm her, but Wei is determined not to succumb. With each obstacle she encounters, her burning questions about her purpose and identity only intensify. In this gripping tale of self-discovery and determination, Wei's journey becomes a reflection of our own struggles and aspirations. As the knowledge she accumulated till now goes down the drain, she must uncover the truth that holds the key to her imaginary past. Will Wei's resolve be enough to get through life? In a world where living feels optional, who knows?

Npmaster69 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

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The diminishing blue lights signified that my newly magically created clothes were done.

The tingling excitement from being able to wear new clothes was sending shivers of joy through my head.

Finally, I get to get out of the old heavy sloppy clothes. I wonder if I could learn how to make clothes? That would be insanely cool! I can just change my style and my drip whenever I want! 

She then picks up the pile of black and dark purple apparel, that seems like it would be a perfect match up with my dark magenta eyes and hair. As if it were a shadow on an eerie purple night. Like she was holding what I would see in the field of wisteria trees at night.

"Here try these on, I didn't go too crazy and chose colors that'll make you stand out like a neon phoenix."

I received my clothes with joyful open arms.

To my surprise, my arms immediately felt weak and my back gave up and I slumped down to the ground.

Gosh, this is so heavy! Even more than before what did she do?!

"Oh hehe, I enchanted it to make it heavier."

I saw this snarky smirk across her face. A few huffs of suppressed laughter with me slowly picking up the clothes that had made a slight dent in the floor.

"Why did you do that?! I want to actually walk normally ya know?!" Hmpf, I puffed up my cheeks and cast a disapproving look at my mother.

Wait a minute... Aside from the barely tolerable weight of the outfit, the material is now super soft and smooth to the touch. I think I can forgive the weight for now.

Gently placing the pile on the bed I could see the depression as the weight of the garments pushed on the surface. I go ahead and just pick up the first article of clothing, with much effort I lift it up to my head, arms shaking I get a good view of it in the light.

Pants... Boring. Why do I need to wear some baggy pants again? At least the pockets on these are intact, unlike the last pants I had. And the material is so nice and soft, but also feels incredibly tough. I am a bit curious if I stab it with my sword which one would break first?

Sliding on the pants they fit perfectly on my hips. One problem, it feels like I'm moving underwater and the floor is trying to drag me down.

"How am I supposed to walk like this?!" Taking a few steps I remembered how much my ankle hurt, but I forgot because of everything that was happening.

"You'll get used to it. I'll remove the effects once you have grown." She picked up the top from the bed where I left it and held it for me to see. 

It was amazing to look at. As if the rays of the setting red sun blended into the blues of the ocean. This pristine purple jacket was asking for me to wear it. Still, it is probably going to be even more of a bother for me to move in.

"Don't worry I only made the sleeves weighted. This way you can still sleep in the clothes."

"Sleep?! I'm going to be sleeping in this?" The weight is already giving me a headache forget about my painful ankle.

"You'll thank me later on, but listen to me. Now come here."

Lifting the jacket above my head I instinctively raised my arms and slid them up to the arm holes. She really wasn't lying when she said the sleeves were the only thing weighted. At least this won't crush my chest when sleeping. 

I gradually shifted myself to the bed and lay down. Too many emotions today. Excitement, confusion, and I feel betrayed. I still can't believe that Dad is just gone like that. But now this person who I trust to be my mom is here and I actually feel a stronger bond to this stranger than to my dad. Even though I've spent the last sixteen years with my dad I feel as if my mom, whom I just met, is much more loving. 

Plus I saw so much magic in front of me today. When before Dad didn't show me anything at all. Well, now that Mom told me that he can't even if he wanted to. Wait a minute if Dad couldn't even use magic then...

"Um, mom"

"Yes, Wei?"

"You said that Dad can't use magic, but a certain technique right?"

"Yes, I did, though defying the rules of magic there are still some limits to what he can do."

"Just before you appeared here I saw a magical purple light, kind of like the light that you produce when you use magic." 

"Hm, I know that it is possible for him to bring me back in unorthodox ways, but I've never seen him with purple light. It was always red..."

She looked at me and as if she remembered something her face softened and a somewhat sad expression grew on her face.

"Wei I'm going to head out for a bit. Stay here and get some rest."

"Where are you going?" Unable to lift my arms I just had to talk to her from my lying position.

"Don't worry about it. I'll be back before you wake up."

I can hear her metal boots clack on the door as I position myself on the bed in a more comfortable position.

The door creaked and all of a sudden I felt alone again. This stinging feeling that I can't shake even though Mom reassured me. What if she just leaves like what dad did?

The light in the room started to dim, the warm color fading as the white and blue hue of the moonlight started to settle back into every surface of the world. I couldn't stop thinking about my parents and what happened in the last hour or so.

I do wish that when I wake up and see that my Mom wasn't lying about what she just said. Now the only thing I can really do is close my eyes and hope for the next sunrise. Too tired from the day to even move in these clothes.

One thing I do have to say though is that the weight for some reason makes it a bit more comfortable to sleep in. 

I hope that Mom can teach me how to use magic like her. It would be crazy if I knew and I could do all the things she did. Magic is so cool. 

Does this also mean that I get to use my katana now that my dad isn't here? I've seen him take it out for me and clean it every so often, but I was never allowed to draw it myself. I hope Mom lets me, even better yet teach me how to use it to slay all my foes!

Ya... I'm sleepy...