
Fractured Echoes

Jackson Cole, an interesting man who got forced to become an agent found a new purpose to live and stop doing bad things. But his past will haunt him as he gets involved in a fight against crime syndicates who will do anything in their power to destroy their enemy.

Raixen · Action
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 - Case start

"Three dead bodies where found hanging in an alleyway in Richmond. Their bodies are completely mutated and unrecognizable but we identified them based on the id's scattered around the alleyway." Agent Harper explains.

"Isn't that weird, our last case is completely the same." Agent Kriss interjects. "Do you think it's the same killer?"

"We don't know that Kriss, remember we still haven't caught the killer." Agent Jordan says while doing something in his tablet.

"It's not possible." Agent Clyde replies. "The victims where found in Richmond and the past victim where found in Las Vegas."

"Hey, I want to go to Las Vegas too." Jackson says in his normal cheerly tone.

Agent Luke didn't say anything about the case and just sits there like he's the only one in the room.

Agent Harper continues to lay out the details. "The mutations are extensive, just like last time. Twisted spinal columns, elongated limbs, and complete facial disfigurements. Whatever did this, it's not human."

Agent Jordan looks up from his tablet. "I've cross-referenced both cases, and there are some striking similarities – including the type of mutations and the pattern of the mutations on the bodies. This can't be a coincidence."

"Maybe it's some sort of underground experiment," Muses Agent Kriss. "Something that went terribly wrong — or maybe it went exactly as planned."

Agent Clyde shakes his head. "We'd have to be dealing with someone with advanced bioengineering knowledge. These changes aren't just bad luck or random; they're methodically executed."

Jackson leans back in his chair. "You think we might be looking at some rogue scientist? Could explain why the locations are so far apart. On the run, maybe? Testing their work on random victims."

Agent Luke finally speaks up after a long silence, his voice measured and calm. "Or they have an accomplice, someone who can move freely and scatter their victims across different locations to throw us off. The ID's scattered around the scene suggest a close proximity kill. The killer might not just be moving around – they might be local to both areas or have ties to different regions."

The room grows eerily quiet as everyone contemplates Luke's theory. Agent Harper finally breaks the silence, "Okay, we need to strategize our next steps. Kriss, Jordan, I want you to dig into any biogenetic labs or projects that could have the capability to make these alterations. Clyde, Luke, start canvassing the areas around both crime scenes for any potential leads that overlap. Jackson, since you're new, you're going with me for now."

They each nod and prepare to leave. Agent Harper stands quietly for a moment before adding, "And let's be sure to stay extra vigilant. If we're dealing with a person — or people — capable of this level of atrocity, we can't afford to slip up. Meeting adjourned."

After a while all the agents have left the meeting room except Jackson and Agent Clyde.

"Agent Cole right?" Agent Clyde asks, "Boss says that you'll need a tour guide and I'm the one up for the job."

"Tour guide? Really?" Jackson looks confused. "I don't need that, I want to know how can we get Richmond faster."

Agent Clyde looks up and down to Jackson, before speaking. "Oh, that's easy. We'll take the bullet."

"What's a bullet?" Jackson asks but got silence as Clyde grab his hand and run out of the meeting room.

They run through the hallway bumping into many agents that's working before stopping in front of a staircase that leads down the building.

"What are we doing here?" Jackson asks while fixing his clothes.

"This staircase will lead us down to the underground railway that's connected to all over the world." Clyde explains as she starts to walk down.

Jackson hesitates for a moment, trying to process what he just heard before quickly following Clyde down the dimly lit staircase. "Wait, are you saying there's a secret underground railway network that can take us anywhere in the world? Why haven't I heard of this?"

Clyde chuckles, her voice echoing softly off the walls. "Classified information, rookie. Trust me, no one talks about it outside of designated circles. You'll get used to it. By the way, 'bullet' is our code name for this express ride. It's the fastest way to get from point A to point B without anyone noticing."

As they reach the bottom of the staircase, a massive steel door looms ahead. Clyde pulls out a security card from her pocket and swipes it through the reader. The door unlocks with a heavy thunk and slides open, revealing an ultra-modern station. The sleek design and high-tech equipment stand in stark contrast to the aged staircase leading down here.

"Wow," Jackson breathes out, clearly impressed. "I honestly didn't expect this."

"Few do," Clyde admits with a grin. "Now, come on, we have a train to catch."

As they walk inside the train, all the other agents are busy with their own things. Agent Luke is the only one that is not busy and he is staring towards the window of the train.

Agent Jordan and Agent Kriss are both busy looking at their tablet. There is a hologram in front of them, a list of names, place, and cases.

"Well, that's all." Clyde says while putting a hand on Jackson's shoulder. "You can find me in the kitchen of this train if you have any other questions."

Jackson nods as he starts to look around the train. He can go and ask what the two agents are doing or he can go and talk to Agent Luke.

Before he can walk someone tap him from behind, "Hey, you're coming with me." Agent Harper says as she grabs Jackson's hand and lead him towards an empty seat.

"Alright, let's start in the police station and talk to the detective assigned to this case." Harper says, opening a hologram in front of them.

A picture of a man wearing a white coat and a white hat is shown in the hologram.

"Detective Bryan Cayde is a skilled detective and he solved all his case alone, there are no failures in his record." Harper adjust her eyeglass and switch the photo in hologram into a certain place.

"This is the place of the murder. They found a red car near it with the victims blood inside it." Harper continues. "A suitcase and a syringe inside it are found in the passenger seat."

Jackson stare towards the hologram before looking at Harper. "What exactly is my part in this case?"

"You're the one who's going to catch the murderer." Harper looks at Jackson with serious expression on her face.


Many armed men are scouting the area as a black van drives inside and park in front of the mansion's door.

The door of the van open, a tall man with an angry expression on his face steps out of it and another man with white hair and beard follows him. The armed men opens the mansion's door revealing a large statue inside.

"Where's my son?" The tall man asks one of the armed man.

A man with red hair walks out of the side door in the mansion, a hint of fear etched on his face.

"You stupid!" The tall man shouts towards the teenager with red hair. "Didn't I say to you to stop killing people?"

The teenager stands there taking all the rage coming out from the tall man.

"You're creating more problems for us!" The tall man speaks again, as he grabs the teenager's shoulder. "The police are on the case and it will interfere with my plans."

The tall man tightens his grip on the teenager's shoulder, his face contorted with a mixture of anger and desperation. The white-haired man steps forward, placing a calm hand on the tall man's arm.

"Samuel," The white-haired man says in a measured tone. "Let's not make matters worse here. We need to focus."

Samuel, the tall man, reluctantly releases his grip. The teenager, rubbing his shoulder, shifts uncomfortably but remains silent.

"We have a plan to execute," The white-haired man continues. "And we can't afford any more slip-ups."

Samuel turns back to the teenager. "Damien, you need to understand that your actions have consequences. If the authorities get too close, everything we've worked for could fall apart."

Damien nods, his gaze dropping to the floor. "I understand. It won't happen again."

"It better not," Samuel growls. "From now on, you follow orders without deviation. Got it?"

"Yes, sir," Damien replies, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Guards, make sure Damien can't leave this house. If he wants to leave inform me first." With that said, Samuel walk past his son followed by the white-haired man and three other armed men.

As Samuel and his entourage walk through the grand mansion, they reach a study where a few important-looking individuals are gathered around a large table covered in maps and documents.

"What's the update on the shipment?" Samuel asks, his tone still stern but controlled.

One of the individuals, a middle-aged man with glasses, steps forward. "Sir, the shipment is on schedule to arrive tomorrow evening as planned. The preparations are in place, and everything seems to be running smoothly."

Samuel nods, a flicker of satisfaction crossing his face. "Good. Keep a close eye on it. We can't afford any mistakes at this crucial juncture."