
fractis alis

Icarus Lewis, Ryegate's residential loner. No one knows much about him but what they do know is that he gets a job done no matter how hard it is, as long as the money is right. Kayla Matthews, new kid on the block. Typical happy-go-lucky girl that tries to be nice to everyone, even to those who don't want her to. Soon trouble begins to follow her around, leaving her no choice but to strike a deal with Icarus. Will this flourish into something more for the both of them? Or will she just be another sun that Icarus will fly too close to?

RandomWriteTypes · Teen
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17 Chs

c h a p t e r t w o


It's my first day of my new school and I couldn't be more excited. My family and I just moved in to a new town and we've been busy unpacking everything. So occupied that I couldn't go and take a peek at my new high school. Moving to a new school is exciting of course but the thing I'm most excited for is to see my boyfriend. We've been together for almost 2 years now... Well a year and 7 months but it's always been long distance, finally we get to meet and I couldn't wait for it. I made my way downstairs to my mom serving up some pancakes, my dad drinking coffee and my little brother having breakfast.

" Morning!!!" I greeted them in a sing-song voice.

"Someone's in a good mood" My mom snickered.

" Excited for school Kay?" My dad asked

" Yess! I'm going to meet so many new people! New enviroment! Everything!"

" Ugh! Not the only reason you're overly excited ey?" My brother replied with a sly grin, looking at me.

I mouthed at him shut up dumbass. My brother , Lennon may be younger than me by 2 years but he still knows me like the back of his hand, so he knows about Edmund , my boyfriend. I walked over to have breakfast and swiftly smacked him in back of his head. He glared at me and I just laughed. Soon enough it was time for school. I dragged my brother who was still half stuffing his face with pancakes.

" Wait! I haven't finished" Lennon pleaded.

"We'll be dead by the time you actually finish eating, c'mon" I replied laughing

He followed me sheepishly to my car, a 2017 Audi S4. It wasn't a flashy car by any means but it was still nice. My parents got it for me when I turned sixteen. We arrived at school 15 minutes later, on the verge of being late. If there's one thing I hate about driving is the traffic, we were stuck in one for almost 15 minutes. Lennon and I dashed into the school finding our classes. My first class of the day was Arts , one of my favorite subjects, however just because I like it doesn't mean I'm good at it. After reaching the class, I took a deep breath to calm myself and entered, nervous but excited. The teacher, Mr Phillips was a nice elderly man who greeted me and introduced me to the class before letting me go to my seat. I scanned the room as I was being introduced. Everyone seemed friendly except for a guy in the corner of the room looking outwards with the sun slightly hitting the side of his face and made his hair golden with a bit of hazel. I love the moment when the sunlight hits someone that makes them look like they're in a photoshoot.

I quickly sat down on the first chair I saw which was next to the quiet boy. As I sat there, I began to notice his features. His long hair tied into a messy bun, his faint cheekbones, jawline, the slight bags around his eyes, a few scars over his face and an all black everything that covered his lean but clearly cut body. He wasn't a Calvin Klein model but he was damn close to being one. Maybe if he smiled, he'd be one I thought. Before I continued my thoughts, Mr Phillips had assigned tasks to us.

He wanted us to sketch a sculpture of Caesar that he brought. So everyone took out their stationaries, well everyone except me. See I was so excited this morning that I forgot to pack my stationery. I mentally slapped myself before turning to Model Boy on my side and asked.

" Could I borrow a pencil? I kinda forgot my stuff..." I asked, scratching my head at looking down. I was a little embarrassed which is why I initially didn't want to meet his gaze


With no response, I lift my gaze to his face with a bit of annoyance and sadness until I realize he had wireless earbuds on and was facing towards the window. Seeing how he did not hear me, I shook it off as the girl on my right shared her stuff with me.

" Don't mind him. He's always been that way. I'm Judith by the way Judith Mayfield ." She said extending her hand.

" Nice to meet you, I'm Kayla Matthews. I'm new around here." I said reaching out to shake her hand.

" I can tell... No one just comes around, sits next to him and start up a conversation with him"

I was dumbfounded at what she meant by that so she explained.

" Are you familiar with the story of Icarus?"

" The boy who flew too close to the sun yeah why?"

"His name is Icarus Lewis and h sort of lives up to it. He wasn't always this quiet loner guy. When he was a freshman, he was quite popular among the boys. After the summer holiday, it was as if he became someone else entirely. He went from a charming bad boy type guy to a cold quiet mind-your-own-business kind of guy. No one really knows him but what they do know is that when he's been paid to do something, he gets it done. He could even be a hitman if you wanted him to."

The story sent chills down my spine. Indeed I was shocked at what she said but there was also a slight feeling of sympathy that I felt for him. How hurt he must have been that made him change this way. After getting to know each other more, Judith and I went back to finishing up our work. We both held our laughs at how badly we both drew the sculpture. I decided to take a quick peek at how Icarus's sketch went. My jaw dropped at how beautiful it looked, the attention to detail, who knew that he has such a talent in Arts.

I know that this was strange to everyone in the school but there was something about this boy that has my curiosity and I hope that I can figure out what it is before it kills me.