
A broken heart

# "Lady Nami, please eat something. You aren't eating anything for a week." "Don't try to tell lie with me, I am eating every day on proper time." " But you are only eating few, you aren't taking a proper meal."Though she is her slave but she take care of Nami like her own sister. "Hey, why are you sticking your nose at my personal matter?" " Yes, yes now I am sticking my nose but when you miss prince zedox then I am your only helper who can help you by kind words." " Really? why are you talking about zedox?" Nami is looking at her without any expression. "Why?" " Aren't you stop eating just for prince zedox?" " why? why I will stop eating for him? Do you have any proof?" "I know your heart, lady Nami." " Soonlie, please don't make me sad anymore. I have to gone through a lot every day. I have to put on a mask to win his heart ; I have to act like a sweet, cute girl but you already know who I am actually." "You are the one who start this." "Yes, I won't deny it that I like prince zedox. Yes, I like him very much. But that was in the past. Now I have just no feelings for him." "What? What are you talking about?" " Soonlie, you know that his father don't like me. All faults is mine because I forced them to find any feelings for me. But soonlie you know that now I don't like him anymore. And, please bring some suger cube for me ."

# "Wow! how big is this tree ? Thanks Zedox, for giving me such a beautiful gift. I will be always grateful to you." " of course, It is a normal thing of being grateful." Zedox smiles a litte. "Zedox, I heard that you left and went outside of this palace with a unknown man." "How do you know this?" Zedox is feeling something suspicious. "I just heard that, I don't know very much about this matter. That's why now I am wanting to know this from you. Zedox, are you fool or something else that you are going out without any protection?When a war is happening? why you are looking sick, zedox?For this war?" " Eh, too much questions." Zedox looks sleepy. "what is wrong with you? Nami touches his hand :" Please be safe from colds. Today I want to tell you a thing. I don't want to marry you." "Why?" Zedox seems like he knew what she will say now. "I think I have lost all of my feelings for you. Can you tell me what's your opinion?" " I have nothing to say but let's think about this matter for few more days. Now our kingdom situation isn't that well. So please don't rush into your final wish like that. You have to think more carefully if or if not we are going to loss something." " Sorry, but I have decided very carefully. It's not like that I am fearing for something but you know what? Now I want to leave this palace. I think I don't belong here anymore." " What about my debt for your kind heart towards me? Nami, please don't misunderstand me but I also don't have any feelings for you. But I am really grateful to you that you cure me from a rare disease. As a royal physician I was always grateful to you but when I find that your emotional maturity is far below from your medical skill I was kinda felt burdened. When you expressed your feelings for me I thought many times about you. But you told me that you just happy by seeing me. Then I decide That I should marry you because I don't want to break your heart." "you really means so much to me but Now I find out That I don't have those sweet feeling for you anymore. I tried to feel that but now everything feels just like a routine work."

"Ok, I will respect your wish. I am now more serious about this war. you know I have to stop this ridiculous war. Otherwise those witches will take over our minds." "our minds? Can I help you somehow at this matter? " He sit on his rose chair and start drinking lemon juice. He smiles :" it's ok Nami as long as I can make you happy."

# Soonlie is looking at Zedox's leg. All She can seeing is only his leg. "Wake up, girl. What are you doing here?" " Prince, I am very sorry for bothering you. I didn't have any intention to bother you.I was just finding lady Nami." "you work for Nami? aren't you the girl who were kidnapped at childhood? " "Prince, do you know me?" "Yes, I know you very well. You were kidnapped by a witch from witch kingdom. Your parents were fooled by a witch and that witch killed your parents and kidnapped you. Then my father rescue you while he was haunting at the jungle. That time I was around 11 years old and you were 4 or 5 years old." "Really? But I didn't know that." Soonlie is saying with a sad voice. "Ah, you didn't Know that? " Prince is feeling sorry for telling her the truth. Probably she was understood by any kind of fake story." I know a palace maid and she told me that my parents were sent to apple kingdom as tribute and they are working for them as the behalf of our emperor. I believed in that story for 15 years." "Ok, now eat this banana and repair your mood. Past is past, sister. " He lightly touch her shoulder and says : "Now, let's go on our own way."

# Nami don't know what is name of these white flower trees. She tried to know but now she become frustrated that know one knows about these flowers. Suddenly Nami starts feeling that She is crying. "What's wrong with you, Nami? " a mysterious voice is asking her at her own head. "Why are your feelings decreasing like this day by day?Sweet feelings about life were your pride, Nami. You can't understand when you are hungry, when you need to go to bathroom or even when you have to sleep : It's a shame Nami that you can be strong only when that is connected to ignore your real feelings." "But, I don't think I have the power to take care about my real feelings. My real feelings can't be fulfilled by me when I have to face difficulty at every step of life. When I know that obviously I have to sacrifice somehow that moment it becomes more harder for those real feelings. Nami replies by shouting quietly to her mind. "But, still Nami, you were always taught by books that - never give up. Nami, please give up at this and start preparing for another matter for giving up. "Ah, it's so easy to think like that but doing it's - Nami hides her face with her hair : A bunch of nice, healthy silver coloured hair.