
Info and finding Emily

'Host you have 8650exp left, I recommend using the left over to turn them into points or body cultivation, since one can't go past level 10 to after their coming of age ceremony do to the awakening of their bloodline. In your case host, it will awaken your Fox bloodline and give you access to your second tail, but before then one can't go past level 10. Before host asks, your clones Will raise your Dexterity and Agility up, though slowly since only one clone is currently working on your body, the other is working on the Cultivation method which is increasing your Qi though the hosts Qi pool is currently sealed, it can still be raised. Yes, you need your second tail before you can use your Qi before you ask.'

Waking up hearing the system talking to me, but there is really no one else here at the moment it looks like it is only dusk and with this I can ask the system a lot of things before getting the weapon of my choice... though I am not sure which to get.

'Interesting... Well I might as well as turn them into stat points... which will get me 80 points... leaving 650exp to save for now'

'Understood host you now have 80sp points, do you like to assign them now?'

'Yes, put 20 in strength, and 60 in constitution, since I can't use Qi for now... my guess is having a stronger body, and system why hasn't any thing happened from the clones?'

'Assigning points....

Training room: 6Days 12Hours

Flexibility: 1 Clone Dexterity and Agility training. 1-10 points total.

Body building: 0 Clones Strength and constitution training.

Mirror Training: 0 Clones Charisma

Studying and Research: 0 Clones Intelligence and Wisdom Training.

Cultivating Nine-Tailed Fox: 1 Clone meditating increasing the Qi and mana one can hold after Awakening. Qi Pool 1,000/1,000 Mana Pool 1,000/1,000 after 7Days.

Host it is recommended to buy a Cultivating chamber to add to your training room to maximize your training breakthroughs.'

'How much is the chamber?'

'Host the chamber for this current cultivation is 5,000p normally this room would cost 1,000p but do to your cultivating method you need five different elements to start the lowest level of true cultivation of it'

'Why seven days?'

'Host must know that these are just clones in a closed space, they aren't your body, thus the training they'll give is minor and will only be able to link with you once every seven days, and seven days for 1,000qi and 1,000mana is good considering a genius of this world usually only masters one not both and it would take them a month to achieve the same amount you're basically getting for little to no effort. But do note even if you archive in the next six years you'll reach multiple stages after awakening but do know that without the body to withhold all the qi or mana you will have intense pain thus currently your body can only hold 1,000 of each the rest will be turned into crystals which will hold 1,000 of each inside them, even if you use them to cultivate after, you will only retain 30% of the total of each after crystalized. But there is no other way'

'how do I raise my capability?'

'every 100 in constitution and strength will give you a 1,000 cap in Qi, and every 50 in wisdom, intelligence, and 100 in constitution will let you hold 1,000 max in Mana.'

'Okay system buy the chamber, and save the rest for now... not sure I want to spend all the points... So, system what is the stages?'

'Host there are seven stages in the body cultivation, every 70% will raise a stage, once all is 50% around you can no longer use experience points to raise them so up to stage 5 is rather easy to do. The last two stages are something one has to do by trail by fire, and if you do not know what that is it's by fighting a lot of enemies to get use to your own body to break through in control of it.

After the seven stages you will enter a Qi Refinement stage which you will then refine your own body with Qi up to 100% per stage unlike the body refinement where you can hone on each body removing the impurities the Qi Refinement stage will only be done in set stages and only set parts per stage while it has 6 stages which are.

stage one: Refining heart stage which the host will refine the heart with qi making your blood host your qi as well, most call it the ability to channel it into your path ways.

Stage two: Refining your muscles and tendons, this stage will make it so it's easier to channel your Qi onto your skin or in your muscles to make your body stronger for a set time or to use any Qi related skills.

Stage three: refining your blood veins, this makes it so Qi that is in your heart after stage one is easier passing through, but this stage is easy sense the Qi in your blood will partly do this one easily with you doing nothing, you just have to finalize it.

Stage four: you are to refine your organs in a set order from the closest from the heart to the farthest aside for the brain. Starting in this order Lungs, eyes, Liver, Stomach, Spleen, Pancreas, Colon, Lage and small intestine.

Stage Five: is another refinement of the body, it is your Qi pathways and the pool, you must refine your brain with Qi and circulate it throughout your body to create a vacuum.

Stage Six is the stage which you make your Core, like your cultivation technic you need to create nine cores in nine different parts of your body, the main problem of this is the positions of the Cores one is in the Brain, heart, Stomach, Liver, Heart, Left and right leg, Left and right arm.

Do not mistake these as the core stage of cultivating this is just the start of Refinement, since you need nine cores before even entering the foundation stage which is where your pressure points come in, but I am not going to explain later stages because it will take a while for you to even complete the refinement stages'

So, it is intense... like in the novels it is quite hard to imagine the pain I'd have to go through just to follow through with it... but luckily, I am only stage one.... of the body stage... could be good for a six-year-old child... I already have a Dagger and bow... which would in most games put me as an archer or ranger build but I rather not have to rely on a weapon if I have too... it is just back up.

'System what about the weapons, can it be an unarmed weapon and skill?'

'Yes, but do to your age and gender one must take into effect that relying on unarmed combat will have to be calculated differently even with your strong strengths and fast speed it's still recommended to pick a Stage one weapon, and a unique skill that falls through with it then use some of your points to buy unarmed combat, since if you rely on your old world the skills would be cheaper do your connectivity to them'

'Then I pick a Dagger since it's easier to hide'

'Storm Dagger stage 1

This dagger is only the first stage of this dagger it has an ice and wind element which allows it to be like a storm. Note at stage one you only get the basic ice and wind enchantment which makes it a bit faster and freezes cuts.

Unique Skill: Blade furry.

This skill is used for the ones that are for speed, each cut of the blade is stronger than the last, depending on the mastery of this skill can make one as fast as lightning.

Unarmed Earth combat Arts.

This skill comes with the various skills from earth, starting at knowing the most basic of the martial arts from Earth, this skill can't be taught to others that didn't once live on Earth, this skill also can't be leveled up by experience points or system points, it must be trained through your own efforts. Cost 6,000p'

Out of all the skills and weapons these are the best ones, luckily my system is very helpful, I chose Blade Furry because it seems it can be used with any blade I get my hands on, but it looks like it'll be best for duel wielding daggers.

The system had added the storm dagger to my system storage, while the headache from learning the basic level one of each of the skills was quite something. Not that it hurt but it felt like I was living an animation where the skills were me using them unlike the skill knowledge when I ranked up other skills this one let me experience the basic mastery of the skills while me being different people at different times.

Though I am sure... that the unarmed combat I won't master all of the skills taught... in it I will use them from what I know to make my own skills so who knows how far I'd level this skill since it is only for self-defense when I can't use a weapon or other skills and for fun... I like martial arts.

While in thought I started practicing the basic forms in it, though it doesn't seem like separate martial arts but one new martial arts with many different basic forms, even if I have a mastery of the basic form it's like putting every known martial art into one art, it really is hard to comprehend completely.

By the time I got half way used to it I heard a knocking at my door, but before I could answer the door was opened leaving Mary... or should I call her Mother form now on?

"honey... I know I didn't get the chance to name you... when I lost you..., but I did pick a name... but I hope you like it.... I decided to call you Lilith, but I'll nick name you Lily so I would be the first one to do so, is that fine?"

(author note: thanks Coffee_is_my_life for the name)

She seemed shy and nervous, though she pretty much named me already, without my consent, but the system already pinged the name Lilith as my name by the time she said it.

"It is fine with me, Mother"

She smiled happily, before hugging me in a tight bear hug and caring me out of the door like yesterday.... she carried me around like a doll...

Seemingly happy so I didn't complain about her doing so, but really her weapons are a pain... she isn't in armor...

"So, Lily why don't we go shopping around before we go back to our home in the capital tomorrow?"


"Such a silent child...."

"I just don't find answering more than I did as needed"


This was the type of talk we had as she was caring me down five... yes five flights of long stairs before we arrived at the front door, not even waiting for breakfast she carried me out the door.

Though she seems a bit of an Air head, I am sure do to my instincts that she's not a push over.



I heard from one of the back allies as we walked maybe a block away from the brick house we were in... though there is still a lot of mud houses it is packed enough to make unseen alley ways, but no one was helping even though it sounded like a female.

Looking up at my mother and pointing in the direction she seemed to get what I meant but she sighed... before walking fastly towards the screaming lady, but not before saying that she hated this village already since this happens often here...

When we arrived I seen what looks like a twelve year old girl getting pushed down by a middle aged wolf demi-human, though I can't get a good look at the girl, she seems to be a cat type.

My mother kicked the guy off while holding me without much effort as the guy's head goes straight through one of the mud houses.

"what the hell!" Man

"My cute darling Lily wanted me to teach you a lesson."

She seemed a bit irritated... that she had to even do this since she probably wanted to have alone time with me.... can't blame her. If I lost a family member for a long time I'd want to be with them too.

The guy seemed to get even more angry and charged at my mother which, she only shifted me to her left arm while pulling her sword that was on her side cutting the guys throat like he was just an insect.

Why are bad guys so stupid... the lady just kicked him into a mud house while holding a six-year-old girl... yet he still charges her...

The cat girl on the ground seemed to get up, but I can tell she hasn't ate well in a while, but she seems happy she was saved.

"My Lily wanted me to save you, thus you need to repay the favor by being her friend and come with us when we leave okay? Don't worry... I will pay you for you service."

My mother seemed to have an idea of gaining a maid for me? Well even if she isn't a noble? She does make enough I think since most of her armor looked strong, and she is on extremely good terms with the noble lady Elina.

The girl agreed very easily, which found out her name was Emily, and she followed us around shopping... yes, my mother went shopping for clothes and other feminine things... and no, I won't repeat the experience by telling it here, since it wasn't that fun to begin with.

Aside from some new dresses, and shoes and underwear it isn't much there that I wanted, hell I didn't want the clothes either... but well you know how women are when they go on a shopping spree... Yeah that type, I was never one myself I'd just prefer getting what I needed.

By the time we went back it was already sundown... yes it took most the time shopping... my mother shopped for herself, Emily, and me, though I admit it was fun watching them trying on cute things, but most the time they just... window shopped... looking but not buying.

But one thing I know is it is tiring to do so even if I was carried and forcefully changed by my mother and Emily. So, when I got home the first thing I did was eat dinner, take a shower, and laid down for bed.

But before I went to sleep Emily came in and laid down beside me after asking if it was okay, which I agreed before cuddling her like a body pillow and falling asleep happily.

I know this chapter is mostly info, but I feel it is needed.

Thanks to Coffee again for the name suggestion. I do thank the ones that comment and read my story thus far.

It will start a bit slow, but do stay with me, I really won't show a lot of plot to after the child grows up.

Since the chapter is a heavily info'd chapter I decided to write extra a 2,551 Words, while 1,072 of it is info.

KuroSonacreators' thoughts