
Fox in an inverted world

Did you ever imagine ... What would happen if the roles of men and women were reversed? That it is women who persecute men? Wouldn't this be every man's dream? Well let me tell you that not everything is what it seems, since I was reincarnated in this troubled world, as a fox. PS: English is not my mother tongue, sorry for grammatical errors

DE_LEON · Eastern
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149 Chs

Chapter 90: Tumulario


Hidden in the fog the slight growl of a beast was heard, this monster had a Humanoid form, likewise, a skeleton armor where black gas escaped from its orifices, it also had a weapon very similar to a crossbow in its hand and in his back a very large sword along with a shield that covered his entire sword similar to a turtle shell.

This monster is a Wight, the most powerful monster of this Secret Kingdom, also one of the fallen Heroes of this place.

At this moment the Wight was hunting its prey, a few minutes ago it smelled the slight aroma of a soul of the living, this indescribable and irresistible smell, however unlike other Undead, this Wight stalked its prey and waited for the best time to attack.

The prey is very good at hiding, there was no sign of life and there was no visual contact either, it was an invisible prey that moved very carefully avoiding the perceptions of the Undead, even the fog did not make any obstacles to find its location, it is as if they had blended into the environment.

Yet this Wight knew it was there, he felt it, like the faint scent of delicious food hundreds of meters away...

Because of that, the moment this prey returned to the ground, the Wight mercilessly fired a spell from his weapon.

He thought that this was enough to kill the body of this prey and enjoy its soul, he was wrong, this prey used a mysterious ability and managed to evade his attack and escape at the same time, this left him a little surprised, but more than surprised, he was having emotions which an Undead shouldn't have...

The thrill of hunting worthy prey...


"The Wight will catch up with us sooner or later, we must hurry and advance as far as we can…."

Fighting in the Death Zone is a mistake, fighting him will not only attract more Undead, blocking his escape route, it will also deplete his magic power.

Although a Wight is bad news, Arthur was familiar enough with their actions that he knew that these monsters enjoyed the hunt and would keep their prey alive for as long as possible, which was quite beneficial, they were also territorial, which was a plus great advantage...

"Is it possible to kill him?"

Honestly, Elias was afraid, facing death this was obvious and he still didn't know where Arthur's limit was and how powerful he is, so he had a slight hope...

"As I said before, we don't have the power to pull off something like that, at least if we face it head-on..."

In a head-to-head fight, it was suicide to face a Wight, even with Akagi helping, Arthur's chance of winning is less than 5%, even though all the monsters in this area are Transcendent level, the Wights were another level, there was simply no comparison between them.

They are the lords of this area of ​​death.

However, Arthur is someone who doesn't fight losing matches.

"Don't worry Mr. Elías, trust me..."

A cold smile formed on Arthur's face, unfortunately, it was a smile that only Akagi could see and appreciate...


And seeing him, Akagi Chibi melted in ecstasy, it was simply a sinful smile that shouldn't exist in this world.

The duo moved forward as fast as they could, not even looking back and continuing to blend into the mist...

"We lost it?"

"No, that thing is there..."

Elias clenched his teeth, these monsters are not beings that Humans could face, even so, he decided to trust Arthur for his only salvation...

Arthur on the other hand was dropping Micro Drones, fogged with his mana, to distract the Wight for as long as possible...


Explosions were heard and the Micro Drones were destroyed, however, Arthur frowned...

(He is very intelligent ...)

The Wight didn't fall for the trap and the undead that were after his Micro Drones were the Scavengers...

However, this was also good, since several Undead creatures were attracted and thus the path was easier...



Suddenly a black flash was seen and Arthur was again attacked...

(It's too fast!)

Reappearing a kilometer away, Arthur heard Level Upper's alert and without hesitation moved again with Elias, activating a magic circle at his feet...

<<Jump: second step>>




This time it was an arrow that hit, Elias gulped at the incredible explosion, and even with the fog, the scale of destruction was gigantic...

He also felt chills, if Arthur had moved a second later, both of them would be killed...

"Akagi, enemy position?!"

"Calculate the trajectory, it's 2,000 meters and his power level has surpassed rank 2 Transcendent, we're facing a very tenacious Heroic Spirit, he's no longer hiding, he's a very hateful monster..."

"Activate the thrusters and deploy the Mana darts..."

"Here comes another one! Watch out!"


<<Jump: second step>>


Arthur jumped again and successfully dodged another arrow, however this time he was so close that the explosion still affected him, luckily Akagi acted just in time and activated the thrusters and neutralized the damage with his mana darts...


Running like a mouse again was a bad experience for Arthur, after all, if by any chance one of these arrows touches him, it's over...

"Akagi, how long until 'Metratton' is ready?"

"I'm doing my best, it's not easy to charge this weapon! Also, the chance of killing that Wight with 'Metratton' is 5%, we wasted a lot of magic power!"

"Fire the gun!"


<<Jump: third step>>


The conversation between these two was so fast that before the third arrow arrived, Arthur had already jumped again and dodged, both World Artifact and the owner were at the limit of their speed...

However this wasn't enough, after all, Arthur was carrying someone else with him, so it slowed him down and he also had to protect him which also affected his movement and stealth, otherwise, he wouldn't be so desperate for the continuation. rain of arrows, not to mention that his divine body 'Fortune Shot' only helped him dodge surprise attacks and ambushes, but since the Wight stopped hiding and blatantly played games and even Akagi calculated the trajectories and speed of fire, this ability was Useless...

Elias on the other hand was like a small boat in the middle of a storm, Arthur was too fast, he was jumping right in and it was very difficult for Elias to even see the figure of him….

However, what scared Elías the most was that the arrows of the Tumulario were getting faster and faster, as if he were increasing the difficulty step by step, thus enjoying the poor resistance of this juicy prey...

"Triple Arrow!"

"Fuck no! It's absurd to dodge this!"

Just as he finished his jump, three arrows shot out with impressive speed...

Arthur hadn't even finished stepping on the ground and his magic circle on his feet still wasn't fast enough to jump that quickly...

However he did not despair, his Infinity Eyes flashed and his fourth Innate ability activated...

The three arrows that were about to pierce his body inexplicably swung and changed his trajectory just an impossible distance away, it was as if the same arrow had receded and turned, which was a miracle...


The Tumulario grunted upon seeing this, not even the Transcendent knew what had just happened, those three arrows had hit the target, that was for sure, but his prey kept running as if nothing had happened...

Arthur of course did not miss this opportunity that the Wight stopped moving, jumped again, and ran as much as he could, at the same time one of his Infinity Eyes closed and a headache attacked him, the charge of activating his Fourth ability Innata was fierce, luckily the pain was only a second away and gone, Akagi had intervened by alleviating the side effects...

[Fourth Skill: Fate Immunity]

This was the name of this ridiculous ability that allowed Arthur to be unable to be harmed by any possible means for a second...

A second of absolute Immunity, in which fate itself is forced to twist and reality itself is altered...

Unfortunately, the secondary effect was very heavy and thanks to Akagi, Arthur endured the minimum that is the deactivation of one of his Infinity Eyes for 24 hours.

And as important as the Infinity Eyes is, this is a big price, especially if he uses it again, his Infinity Eyes will be forced to close, and with this Level Upper...


Of course, the Wight did not give up, from his crossbow another three arrows were fired, but unlike the others, these three arrows had locked onto their target, like a guided missile….


Arthur jumped twice, but the arrows chased after him with impressive speed...

"My husband!"

Akagi chibi's hands ran out of nails to bite and her face showed pain, simultaneously activating 'Jump' causes a heavy load on his legs, Arthur before contracting with Akagi, could barely use it a few times, but now thanks to the millions of nano-machines in his body, his vitality is stronger, but still his legs blood burst and the automatic repair of the Nano-machines could not keep up with the speed at which Arthur's blood vessels burst, especially when most of the magic power was used to charge Metratton...

[98%, 99%, 100%...]

[Full load]

"Metratton is complete!"


Arthur did not hesitate, the three arrows were already just about to hit his chest, fortunately, Metratton's magic circle was formed in a millisecond, thus forming the cannon.

[Deploy Aegis Shield]

[Setting Target]

[Firing Metratton]


The huge energy bullet was fired and impacted against the dates, however, that did not stop it, it continued with its impulse against the Wight that was in the sky, which I never expected the prey to suddenly attack...

An energy shield instantly covered Arthur and Elias, then it happened...


A terrifying explosion was heard, even two kilometers away, Arthur and Elias were blown away by the incredible explosion and were also covered by the flames...

Much of the mist dissipated and was covered by smoke, likewise, several scavengers were injured by the aftermath of the impact and even a Dulhallan lost an arm for this...

Although they weren't destroyed, this blast was huge firepower that sent the Undead flying away from Arthur...


'Aegis' vanished, leaving two people in the middle of the destruction caused by the strongest attack...


Elias opened his mouth, Metratton's power left him breathless, such a weapon of destruction was fired by a child...

"Terrible! Powerful!"

Even among the human inventions of modern weapons, there may only be three weapons capable of such destruction.

After all, Metratton beats even the most powerful nuclear bomb from Arthur's old-world...

Unfortunately for Elias, he didn't have time to stay to watch the wonders of Metratton's power, as he was pushed by Arthur...

"Quickly we must go!"


Elias was unable to understand, Arthur was pushing him urgently...

For Elias this monster was surely dead, even a Transcendent would die from this terrifying explosion, however, Elias forgot that a Tumultuous was not an Ordinary Transcendent and much less a living being...

"Quick, that monster hasn't died yet!"



Elias's face paled and then it happened, a roar was heard and full of murderous intent was heard...

At the same time, Arthur's body began to glow and his full body suit dissipated...

[Entering standby mode]


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