
Fox in an inverted world

Did you ever imagine ... What would happen if the roles of men and women were reversed? That it is women who persecute men? Wouldn't this be every man's dream? Well let me tell you that not everything is what it seems, since I was reincarnated in this troubled world, as a fox. PS: English is not my mother tongue, sorry for grammatical errors

DE_LEON · Eastern
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149 Chs

Chapter 83: Close Encounter


Elias was in trouble, those winged snakes were the most powerful monsters of this level, as well as monsters that surpass his power by far since it was a B ++ rank monster similar to an Innate level final stage of humans.

Even using Wunder-lapis he couldn't leave a single scratch on the scales of these monsters, he was clearly out of his league ...

* Bom, Bom

Deploying his weapons, Elias made use of his maximum speed to escape, unfortunately, although his attacks were conspicuous, the snakes continued to chase him.

"Doesn't look good at all for that human ~"

Mumbling Akagi shook her head, even with his sophisticated weaponry, Elias was still weak, Wunder operates thanks to the user's magic power, but at this rate, Elias will run out of magic power and will not be able to kill these snakes.


Arthur did not say anything, but through Augmented reality, his gaze on him did not clear, there was something about that human that Arthur could not explain, a nostalgic feeling.

Seeing him flee from these monsters, made this feeling even stronger ...

"Akagi get ready ..."

Unable to bear it anymore, Arthur stood up, he needed the answer to this unfamiliar sensation and he had the feeling that if he did not approach that human he would regret it.

"Are you sure? Imitating human weaponry has caused my stats to be reduced by 40%, we won't be as agile and strong as before, I suggest we go back to the original form ..."

Akagi asked with concern, it was not difficult to imitate Wunder, but Akagi's battle statistics were reduced accordingly, after all, Wunder is an armament made for human use and by linking to his magic veins, Akagi also had to imitate this function. and Arthur's low magic power in his magic veins was a problem, fortunately, Akagi could still change the internal system and still use the magic power of Arthur's Irregular spiritual core, the biggest problem was the mobility and conductivity by which Wunder was built, Wunder was not a full-body power suit like Akagi, he was more of an exoskeleton than a battle suit, his defenses consisted of force fields and her fears of attacks in drone-like Extensions, this was a problem.

Akagi prioritizes defense above all because his means were enough, besides that he had to use inferior weaponry and human magic circles, this was not something that Akagi could change since by doing so his identity as a non-human race would be discovered, not to mention that Arthur is in Human form right now, after so many years, he was used to having the foxtails that gave him balance and more agility, now Arthur did not enjoy this and his body statistics also dropped, adapting to that of a human ...

Right now they both had their power level reduced by human adaptation, which was a headache, however, this did not matter to Arthur.

"Okay, I have a plan, don't worry and continue in our current form ..."

For Arthur this was not a problem, his power in human form was reduced, but that does not mean that he is not strong, also if there are problems Arthur would not hesitate to return to his original form and crush his enemy, but Arthur hoped not to have to do this since he did not want to leave a trace whatsoever on the human continent, as a male spirit Fox, the consequences that his presence would bring to be revealed, can cause an intense invasion of the human continent and also a total war against the Angels, Arthur does not He wanted war, millions of people die, for the selfish reasons of their leaders, which was very cruel to ordinary people.


Akagi obeyed and his body divided into millions of nano-machines, Arthur was acting strange and he couldn't say exactly what it was, the only thing he knew is that he had something to do with that human ...


Elias was at his wit's end and began to question his decision to enter this secret Realm, he thought that with his Earth level power, his superior weaponry would not be weak, at least not at the level where he would be hit without striking back and looking at the other mercenaries whose level is not that far from his, Elias's confidence was at the highest, unfortunately, he is only the first level and some Monsters have already brought him problems.

(At this rate I have no choice but to use it! ...)

Elias had a trump card and this was his innate ability that when combined with his Wunder-lapis his abilities would transform and his power would reach a new height.

Unfortunately, this was very risky, as his Wunder-lapis would be similar to a Time bomb and all of his magic power would be completely drained.

This was something that Elias wanted to avoid, since being in such a situation in the Secret Kingdom, which he would fear would not be monsters, it would be his race, not that Elias is narcissistic, but in the past, they tried to kidnap him and during the While, he was married, he received a lot of invitation and harassment from women, it would not be a surprise that his defenseless condition is a cake delivered to the doors of these mercenaries.

But because of his situation, it seemed that it would be impossible to avoid them, these winged snakes do not give up and little by little they are closing the distance between them.

[Danger! Danger!]

[Danger! Danger!]

[A high concentration of magic power has been detected]


From the jaws of the winged serpents, magic power was concentrated and from it, rock balls were formed that were fired at high speed ...

[Calculating trajectory ...]

[Calculating trajectory ...]

Elias did his best to dodge while the support AI installed in his Wunder-lapis tried its best to find an escape route, unfortunately, the rock bullets were too fast and so numerous that some of them hit the barrier. of Elias ...


Losing his balance, Elias flew sideways, he almost felt that his back was split in two by that attack of the snakes, this made Elias's eyes fill with horror, unlike women who when fighting against a man tend to hold back and sometimes let them win out of sheer courtesy and also as a kind of courtship, the monsters were different, they did not care about the sex of their enemies and would kill them mercilessly and this was the first time Elias experienced the horror of being at the gates of death after all this was not something that could be compared when he faced his family ...

* Bam

* Creakkk

Another rock bullet hit Elias, creating cracks in his shield, Elias spit blood ...


[Danger! Danger!]

[Damaged energy shield]

[Defenses have been reduced by 60%]

This could no longer continue, otherwise, if he is hit again, Wunder-lapis will be destroyed and Elias will be fatally hit ...


Suddenly a small figure appeared from a distance, this small figure is a Wunder user, likewise, he held a huge weapon that exceeds his height by at least two times, this huge cannon pointed directly at Elias, sending a terrifying premonition to the latter ...

And his hunch was correct, as this small figure did not hesitate and pulled the trigger of his huge gun.


"Damn! He's crazy!"

Leaning his body over, Elias swooped down, doing his best to dodge the huge energy projectile that was fired.


Fortunately, he was able to do it and was not injured, although he suffered from the shocking blow, it was not a problem due to his force field.

But it was a completely different story for the snakes, at the moment the projectile hit, they were caught in the explosion and consequently, they were eliminated ...

* Shhhsssshh

Although some managed to survive they did not hesitate to turn around and flee, this enemy was not a prey that they could hunt, at least not with that kind of devastating attack.

"What incredible magical power!"

Elias was upset, from the moment he saw this cannon pointed at him he knew what was going to happen, firing from a cannon <<Anti-matter>> was not something that someone in their right mind would do, they are too powerful that they are capable of shooting down Wunder fighters and magic modern tanks with ease, even destroying a small base was not a problem for this weaponry.

The only problem is that they require a lot of magic power and take approximately 45 seconds to load, which was a problem in battle, this type of weapon was used by snipers than by a Wunder user.

"Hehehe it was too easy ..."

Slowly approaching the small figure he entered the sight of Elias, who at first thought about fighting, it does not matter if he saved his hide, it was clear that if he did not dodge in time, he would also be killed by this person, this made Elias quite angry and he wanted to teach him a lesson ...

"Huh !?"

However when he saw the person who piloted the power suit, he was speechless, he thought that she would be a rather small woman from her appearance, but he was wrong...

He was quite a beautiful boy, Elias was stunned by his beauty for a few seconds, this boy had a beauty that was not something that Humans could possess, he was handsome, but compared to this boy his beauty was a joke, this boy simply He was the most beautiful man Elias had ever seen, not only that, this boy was about 12 or 13 years old, still too young to be a master pilot.

And above all ... he was a man!

A male Wunder user is very rare and even rarer to find a master pilot at his age, the child in front of Elias had to be an Elite, but what seemed strange to Elias is that this child was wearing a blindfold and It seemed that he could not see, however, it seemed that this was not the case, since his aim was good, although it was also possible that this boy could see through nervous sensors.

After seeing this boy, all anger disappeared from Elias, it's not like he could seek justice against a boy, in this secret Kingdom where life and death are at stake, even in the real world, Elias wouldn't dare either, they were both men and the other side is a child, the laws protect men, but in this conflict, the child would have priority, it was a pity but this was the reality.

"You are well?"

Bowing his head, the boy smiled at him and the huge weapon disappeared, causing Elias to sigh and wonder at the same time ...

What is a child doing in this place? He thought that he would be the only man here and he believed that he was already crazy enough for being here, but there was another one even crazier than him, too...

This child possesses a great amount of magical power, being able to fire from an Anti-matter cannon showed that he is a Master Pilot, not weaker than him, likewise, he had to belong to one of the most powerful families, since he carried a Personal Wunder and from the appearance of that child's Wunder, it is more powerful than yours ...

And finally...

Was this child trying to save him?

He could not perceive malice in his smile and acted innocent enough as if he did not realize that his actions almost took his life ...

It is as if this child was sure that Elias would dodge the projectile in time.

"I appreciate his help, but I prefer that he not shoot me with an Anti-matter cannon ..."

"Hehe ~ I'm sorry, but this was the only way to get rid of those Najash ..."

Raising a hand to his head, the boy apologized, he was quite embarrassed and even bowed and this confirmed Elias's theory, this boy did not try to harm him, although it was too early to lower his guard, at least he reduced the pressure from Elias.

However, the next instant Elias widened his eyes as he heard something interesting from the boy's mouth.

"Do you know the names of these monsters ?!"


Author's Note: I'm going to rush this mini arc a bit, so I'll publish 3 weekly chapters for three weeks to advance the plot, also don't worry about Arthur, I already have plans for him and his family, which will become clear as the chapters go by

Advanced chapters here https://www.pat reon.com/emperadordeltiempo

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