
Fox in an inverted world

Did you ever imagine ... What would happen if the roles of men and women were reversed? That it is women who persecute men? Wouldn't this be every man's dream? Well let me tell you that not everything is what it seems, since I was reincarnated in this troubled world, as a fox. PS: English is not my mother tongue, sorry for grammatical errors

DE_LEON · Eastern
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149 Chs

Chapter 73: Fallen Angels (1)

"Serafin Gabriel, I think you owe me an explanation ..."

The room was silent for these words, Margareth was demanding Gabriel, leader of the most peaceful race in the world.


Everyone was shocked for a few seconds staring at Gabriel before Alyssa burst out laughing ...

Of all the races that could be the perpetrator, it had to be the Angels known for their purity and their help to all weak races, no one wanted to believe it except Alyssa, for her this was the best news she has received all year.

Angels and Demons do not get along, they both had opposite attributes and the Demons hated them, especially Alyssa always believed that her solidarity was so hypocritical, no one helps someone without expecting anything in return.

Their ideas were rubbish that Alyssa spat on them many times, thus waiting for the day when this hypocritical race will reveal they are true colors, unfortunately, there was nothing Alyssa could do, the Angels remained neutral for thousands of years and have never committed serious crimes like the other races, they were blameless ...

Until now of course ...

And this opportunity was something Alyssa was not going to waste.

"War !! Lady Margareth my people are willing to fight alongside you!"

Alyssa's face was flushed and she revealed her fangs when she said these words, she rose from her seat and offered her help in all sincerity.

Just as Lilith suspected, her race will fight for free if it means wiping this pesky race from the world.

Even before Margareth or Gabriel digested anything, Alyssa's mind was immersed in bliss and battle strategies, ready for invasion.

"Please wait a moment! Your Majesty Alyssa, Lady Margareth ..."

But just as Alyssa hated Angels, other races loved them, especially Humans.

Humans being the weakest race in the world, in the past they encountered invasions and wars from other races to their continent, especially from the demonic race.

Each race intimidated them and robbed them of their resources and the Succubus also kidnapped their men.

Human men were of no value to the other races and they are quite unpopular, they are not beautiful and there are also no benefits like magic power, except for the Succubus who feed on life energy, which was the only thing human men were good at.

Humans are also the largest race in the world and the only race with more men since there was a human man for each human woman, however, even so, they were still weak and unable to fight against other races, they had little life expectancy. , that unlike other races that live 1,000 years, common humans live only 100 years at best, which caused their race to be almost enslaved, that's when the Angels came into action, they took them under their wing and they protected them from the other races or rather they created pacts with other races to avoid more bloodshed and looting.

Except for the demons, all races stopped invading humans, which also provoked the demons' hatred of Angels.

Now the human race has progressed, without invasions and looting, they are currently the race with the most advanced technology on the planet and also those who worship the Angels, religion is rooted in their bones and there are millions of churches on their continent.

And although they were still weak, they could defend themselves against an invasion.

At this time the current representative of the human race was an Elder of approximately 60 to 70 years, her name is Alba Becker.

"No, let's jump in and draw conclusions ..."

Alba quickly appealed to avoid the worst, drops of sweat fell on her wrinkled face and she was very unhappy with this.

"Shut up, Human! This conflict is not with you! What else is there to say? Los Angeles broke the treaty, the only solution is war, Lady Margareth demands justice and our people are willing to support her"

(And neither with you!)

Alba wanted to reply, but unfortunately, she couldn't.

Alyssa did not let this old woman continue and she blatantly accused the Angels.

Tests? Alyssa didn't even know why Margareth pointed to Gabriel, that the angels are involved is enough for Alyssa to start a war of irrational words to start the War.

Everything to erase the Angels from this world.

"Did you ask me why Mrs? Margareth came to such a conclusion? Our race is peaceful and neutral, no, we like conflicts and wars"

During this war of words, Gabriel spoke, his voice was so soft that it quickly calmed Alba's anger, and those present frowned, as their voice had a kind of ability to calm the mind as well as having goodwill towards Gabriel...

"If there is any dissatisfaction, do not hesitate to say so Mrs. Margareth, we will do everything possible to clear up the misunderstanding"

"I can attest to this statement of her Excellency Gabriel of his, that everything she says is true ...."

The six pairs of Gabriel's wings flapped and bowed, for a world ruler bowing to others is something that does not happen, not only her dignity is at stake, since doing so is admitting that the entire Country behind them is in the mistake, but Gabriel did it, but he did not admit anything, on the contrary, she waited patiently for Margareth's demand and assured that it was a misunderstanding, likewise, she reminded everyone of the gentle and neutral nature of her Race, at the same time Alba also endorsed these facts.

It was very difficult to incriminate a leader of a race, it had tens of thousands of warriors to fight for it, likewise, the Association could not deprive them of their freedom since they could leave the Association and fight, the Association was rather an alliance made for interests, not for punishment, however, it was still a powerful weapon to corner a country.

"I remind the Humans, that this is a conflict of the Angels, you do not have the right to Intervene, if you want to do so, wait until the end in making decisions…."

Damaris's cold voice was heard, bringing chills to Alba.

"Misunderstood? Don't be silly Seraph, your race tried to kidnap my cub ...."

"As I repeat, this is a misunderstanding ..."

"Shut up! I have proof! Your race not only harmed my cub, but it is also involved in the deaths of thousands of people and the disgrace of an entire clan of elemental rats."

Margareth clenched her fists and almost lost control of herself, seeing Gabriel's gentle face enraged her, wanting to punch her.

At the same time, the holographic screen behind her flickered, displaying the collected evidence.

The elemental rats were used as scapegoats, also controlled by drugs that made their elemental nuclei endure the pressure of concentrated magical power and their bodies went through a kind of reaction, granting them more agility and strength.

The various experts of the Seymur, Van Phantohime, and the Royal Family, confirmed this fact.

And while the drug couldn't incriminate the Angels, the aftermath of magic power in the Dungeon did, not to mention the magic power of No. 37, each of this evidence was irrefutable.

"This magical power belongs to the Archangels! Leaders of the angels, added the fact that they possess 4 unregistered World Artifacts, hiding the fact of their existence ... Seraphim Gabriel What do you say about all this? Is it still a misunderstanding? "

There was clear evidence and thousands of witnesses, it was clear that it was not something invented, so they all just looked at Gabriel, thus waiting for his response, a smile had on Alyssa's face, Gabriel, on the other hand, the face of he was calm.

"If I may ... This has an explanation"

Gabriel did not deny, but neither did he affirm these facts, he shrugged and a trace of sadness appeared on her face.

With her seat moving to the center in front of Margareth, various holographic screens began to appear around her.

"As you all know, our race believes in God and we revere her ..."

"Serafin Gabriel, I remind you not to bring the name of an extracted to this room, God does not belong to this world ..."

Frowns began to appear on the faces of those present, except for Alba, the existence of God was not welcome so she had no voice or vote in this Association and Alyssa remembered this with her words.

"I am sorry that our belief is not welcome to this Association and I am aware of this, but this matter has to do with our Faith ..."

Gabriel was aware that all the tests, if she wanted to avoid war and for her race to be banished from this Association, she had to make some sacrifices, her plans were not yet complete and she needed time to carry it out.

"Have any of you heard of the Fallen Angels or the so-called Black Angels?"

A trace of confusion passed over the faces of those present, as this was something new to them, while Gabriel kindly explained.

Fallen Angel, are all those angels whose wings turned black for going against God, they betrayed their Faith and were deceived by the evil Gods, consuming their souls and bringing destruction to the world, at the same time they did not lose their sacred powers, they continued being the same, with a small difference, which is their personalities were dark...

Of course, all this was a lie, the Fallen Angels do exist, but they were not the Black Angels, for an Angel to betray her race required to renounce her wings and the curse that God left on her body to activate, thus causing this Angel was unable to fly again, this was called the << Banishment from Heaven >>.

The Black Angels were simply a variation of their race just like the Black elves with the Forest Elves.

However none of those present knew about this, after all the black angels were the shadows among the angels and their existence was a secret, that Gabriel decided to use them as scapegoats was a desperate measure to avoid war and that the plans of Los Angeles are affected.

"Fallen angels? Do they exist? Besides ... There are other 'Gods'"

Margareth, like everyone present, looked at Gabriel with doubts, that a new race that they have not heard of suddenly comes out, it was very suspicious, likewise the existence of other Gods ...

The existence of God is not welcome in this world, the only reason that the other races will not act against the angels to prohibit religion, is because three thousand years ago in the last great war, the angels were participants and managed to stop the war in the name of God.

Their positive acts were so great that the other races agreed to leave them alone, as a reward for their high merits.

Of course, the religion did not spread beyond their borders and the other races were alert with them, however, three thousand years have passed, that little by little the other races began to lower their guard.

Likewise, the Angels also have quite an outstanding military power, that they have not been eliminated by the Demons is enough to know that they are not easy prey.

The World Association always thought that there were no other 'Foreigners' apart from 'God', that there were other Gods was new to them and they doubted Gabriel.

However, several images began to appear on the Holographic screen behind Gabriel, thus showing the existence of the Fallen Angels.

"This has been a great secret of our Race, we have never mentioned it because we always trust our belief, but now I see that it was a mistake, our lack of Faith has created lost lambs, and sincerely I never expected that there are still fallen Angels in this world and the evil Gods are also responsible for tempting our people ... "

Again Gabriel apologized, her explanation of the Fallen Angels was not so convincing, but if what he said was true, the Fallen Archangels this time had World Artifacts in their possession and their sacred powers were the proof.

In addition, there is also the possibility that these Fallen Angels have existed for a long time, having World Artifacts in their possession.

Advanced chapters here https://www.pat reon.com/emperadordeltiempo

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