
Fox in an inverted world

Did you ever imagine ... What would happen if the roles of men and women were reversed? That it is women who persecute men? Wouldn't this be every man's dream? Well let me tell you that not everything is what it seems, since I was reincarnated in this troubled world, as a fox. PS: English is not my mother tongue, sorry for grammatical errors

DE_LEON · Eastern
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149 Chs

Chapter 71: World Association (1)

Central Continent, Capital of the Territory of Los Angeles.

[Sorry her Excellency, the mission was a Failure ...]

Sitting on the throne, an extremely beautiful woman completely in white, with curly white hair and a voluptuous figure, likewise a Halo on her head, her twelve white wings without spots, they seemed so heavenly that it was impossible not to admire them, she looked at the screen holographic in front of her and frowned.

The name of this woman is Gabriel, a Seraphim and current ruler of the Archangels and Angels, her twelve wings flapped when she heard these words from her subordinate.

On the holographic screen was the kneeling figure of Lucifer alongside the other two deadly sins.

After escaping from the dungeon through the black holes, the first thing Lucifer did was contact No. 37, which failed, no matter how much he called, No. 37 did not answer, this made Lucifer think about it. worse, which is No. 37 eloping with Arthur.

And just as Lucifer was about to activate her authority to summon No. 37 by force, No. 37 finally responded.

[Fail ....]

A single sentence of No. 37 was enough for Lucifer to understand the situation, really Arthur is a child to fear, as the future strongest man in the world, Arthur should not be underestimated, that his youngest member with the highest potential could not With him, she showed how powerful Arthur was and how terrifying he could be.

Contacting Gabriel, Lucifer explained the situation step by step and also made sure to put all the blame on Escarleth, after all, it was she who ruined everything.


Gabriel did not speak and slowly closed her eyes, thinking deeply, Lucifer's mission was highly dangerous and required quite detailed planning, Lucifer as the most competent of all the black Archangels was her left hand and sharpest blade, that Lucifer was capable of planning something as elaborate as kidnapping Arthur from Margareth's hands was commendable, however, that it will ultimately fail due to the intervention of a third party, was something that even Gabriel did not predict.

"Dark Dawn ..."

Whispering this name, Gabriel slowly opened her eyes, millennia the Demons and the Angels share a rivalry and hatred, the angels belonging to a race of light, abhor demons in their domain of darkness and vice versa, it could be said As all the races in the world, the Demons are the only ones who distrusted the angels and dared to bite them.

Dark Dawn belongs to the Demons, and they can interfere in their plans, which means that the demons had a good mole.

The question was ... Who is it?

Gabriel did not know, likewise, she could not blame Lucifer for her failure, after all, her plan was executed perfectly, and the Demons can intervene was her fault for not discovering the Mole that allowed her to leak information. ..

[Her Excellency I am willing to pay for my sins with my life]

Lowering her head, Lucifer took a vow of allegiance, which Gabriel raised her hand, thus preventing a scythe from severing Lucifer's neck.

"Okay, you are not guilty, lamb of God, I am sure that a gracious God will have mercy in her heart to forgive our sins ..."

Holding both hands in prayer, Gabriel's Halo began to spin and her golden eyes filled with longing for her creator ...

[God is great and merciful!]

Likewise, Lucifer and the other deadly sins knelt, praising God.


[Urgent notice]

[To all the representatives and leaders of the World Powers, I, Damaris Ness Bartholome, Ruler of the Amaru Continent, hereby make use of the world pact of all races ... IGGRID]

Suddenly something flashed on the holographic screen, this was a notice from the World Association, as the ruler of the Angels and being a World power, Gabriel had a voice and vote in this association, unfortunately for Gabriel that this notification has arrived, I mean bad news since Damaris had directly invoked the world treaty, so all the leaders of the world powers were obliged to attend and it did not take a genius to know the reason for Damaris ...

"May God give me strength and she will be done ..."



Opening her eyes weakly, Maria felt confused, at the same time she felt her head explode, she was in so much pain that her gaze was blurred.

"You finally woke up, that's good"

She heard a familiar voice and did her best to look, however, her silhouette was so blurred that she could hardly identify it.


"Yes, from what I see you have regained your sanity"

Cross-legged, Margareth looked at Maria weakly on the bed, after knocking her out two days ago, this woman went into shock and began to attack the servants, fortunately, Margareth subdued her with ease and managed to detect the abnormality.

"Huh? What happened? Where am I?"

Shaking her head, Maria tried to get up, unfortunately, she was so weak that she fell back on the bed.

"Don't try, you are still very weak ... As for your question, you are temporarily under house arrest at your house"


Maria was unable to understand.

House arrest? In her house? Isn't it the Central Continent?

After asking all these questions, Margareth explained slightly, Maria had been controlled, which was quite rare, after all, World Artifact users are immune to negative effects, so mind control was impossible.

Since every World Artifact had a conscience and they protect the contractor from it, so Maria's case was very unique.

However, Margareth and Damaris came up with a very crazy theory if the World Artifacts prevent their contractor from being controlled ... What if they also control the World Artifact?

World Artifacts are powerful, but that doesn't mean they don't have weaknesses, so it's possible that a World Artifact was the cause of Maria's Mind control, only a World Artifact could fight a World Artifact.

After interrogating Maria's World Artifact as well, this Margareth theory became more accurate, as the World Artifact was also in the same position as Maria.

And the more Margareth discovered, her expression became more and more confused, the mind control over Maria was very good, to the point that Margareth could not detect anything.

María was controlled since she was still in the Central continent, so she did not remember anything of what happened in the last days, much less the identity of who could do this to her, María intervened in everything related to security and allowed the Elemental rats invaded, likewise, the rats also received brainwashing, as well as the consumption of strange drugs which had effects on increasing their magical power more than 2 times, the same happened with their physical strength, these rats were perfect scapegoats, the perpetrators had it all very well planned, that if not for the intervention of the Necromancer, their plan would have succeeded, just thinking about this made Margareth clench her teeth in fury.

"What have I done? The children ..."

After Margareth told her what had happened, Maria fell into depression, she did not even know her grandchildren due to work addiction, but she had caused them so much damage, this was unforgivable, especially to her only grandchild man of hers, Arthur ...

Surely hers her grandchildren must hate her right now, Maria was so depressed that the spiritual flames of her intense red hair went out, she did not dare to look at Margareth again, much less face her grandchildren, it was her mistake.

She owned a World Artifact and was controlled, Maria knew that if this came to light it would cause great chaos and the Dragon Queen was obliged to punish her.

Fortunately, Damaris had mercy and this was kept under national secret, but she could not forgive Maria either, so she gave the order to keep her under house arrest until further warrant, likewise the Seymurs had to pay all the damages caused by their negligence to the Royal Family and the Van Phantohime light punishment, taking into account that they lost their Young Master.

"They ... they hate me right?"

"I don't know, but it's something you have to face ..."

Margareth on the other hand was not happy either, although this event did not harm the children, it had serious consequences for Arthur and Cristie.

Two days have passed and Margareth still couldn't find Arthur, her clones scattered all over the world in search of her grandson and she made sure to use the Tracking Artifacts and her Innate ability to see into the future, but even with the Artifacts and her Innate ability, she could not find it, this led to Arthur being in the underground, trapped in a Dungeon or some kind of sealed alternative space, so Margareth had no alternative but to enter the Dungeon, where the Artifacts of Tracking does not work, unfortunately, the number of Dungeons in the world are millions, from low level to dangerous level for the Transcendents, so it was not easy even with Margareth's clones.

Just as Arthur is missing is a secret so Elizabeth could not mobilize a large number of soldiers to search for him, the only thing she could do was send exploration groups to the Dungeons of other continents, Beta also joined the search, later After being fully healed, she resigned her post as general on the frontier and left the territory, as Arthur's personal War Maid, Beta felt that she had failed in her duty, so the only way to remedy her mistake was to bring back to her Young Master.

The same happened with the Seymur, they also sent small search parties, undercover so as not to raise suspicions towards other continents, Phenelope was quite ill, her nephew did not appear and Cristie fell into a coma.

Cristie as Arthur's twin sister was the one who felt the most impact by Arthur's disappearance, her spiritual core encountered problems that forced her to go into a coma.

Everything was pretty bad for the Van Phantohimes, their only heirs were in poor condition, and to make matters worse, this event very quickly became known to the whole world, with Margareth moving the stars and the impact on the world, everyone knew that an Artifact World was activated.

This prompted Damaris to call for the world alliance, where the rulers of the world powers will meet.

There were so many things going on in the world that Margareth felt tired, physically and mentally.

"The children ... Are they okay? Can I see them?"

After being depressed for a few minutes, Maria sighed and looked up, as a woman and a grandmother, she knew that she could not run away forever, so she thought about meeting her grandson and apologizing to them, especially to Arthur and Cristie, both of them. who suffered the most in all this.

"For now it is not wise ..."

Margareth rejected her, Maria was under house arrest, likewise, Margareth did not tell her about Arthur's disappearance and that Cristie is in a coma, she still did not know for sure if the effects of mind control had completely disappeared, when it comes to World Artifacts You have to be careful, so it would not be good if the angels found out that Arthur is missing ...

"I understand..."

However, Maria understood something else, since being the cause of this, it is obvious that Margareth mistrusted her, it hurt that those who consider a sister see her in this way, but she knew that it could not be helped, it was she who I betray trust first ...

[Mrs. Margareth, the conference is about to start, her presence is requested ...]

Suddenly Sofia's voice was heard in Margareth's mind, she had come the day where the representatives of each World Power will meet and as a member of the Van Phantohime and a witness to what happened, her presence was necessary.


Looking for the last time at Maria, Margareth left the room, likewise, her eyes shone in cruelty, she was determined to break the teeth of that Seraphim and she would not mind declaring war on the angels.


Advanced chapters here https://www.pat reon.com/emperadordeltiempo

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