
Fox in an inverted world

Did you ever imagine ... What would happen if the roles of men and women were reversed? That it is women who persecute men? Wouldn't this be every man's dream? Well let me tell you that not everything is what it seems, since I was reincarnated in this troubled world, as a fox. PS: English is not my mother tongue, sorry for grammatical errors

DE_LEON · Eastern
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149 Chs

Chapter 46: Treason

"This will stop them ... for now"

Sighing with relief, Arthur watched as the door shook and the women trapped in the shadow dimension did their best to get out.

Fortunately for Arthur, his magic power was not wasted, he should know that activating an Artifact requires mana, and keeping it active requires even more mana.

Not to mention a Legendary grade Artifact like the 'Door of the 4 directions'.

But Arthur was not limited to this problem in his space ring he had quite a few artifacts, of which all of them were administered magic power by Elizabeth, each of them could be activated and maintained without any problem until Elizabeth's magic power left runs out.

"Young Master ..."


Attending CC-1, Arthur began to run, likewise, several magic circles appeared on his and CC-1's clothing, turning invisible and walking away from this door, with so much magic power gathered it is a matter of time before the female rats appear.

"This is strange..."

After getting far enough away, Arthur hid next to CC-1 and thought deeply.

This operation was not easy it was not a good idea to leave this park, at least not now.

He was able to verify it when CC-1 tried to take him out through the shadow dimension, there were already several female rats waiting for him and he did not doubt that there would be more rats waiting for him at the edge of the barrier, waiting to ambush them.

(A traitor huh?)

He also thought about the people close to him, one of them must have betrayed him and revealed important information, otherwise, the Rats women would not know about CC-1 and his other bodyguards hidden in his shadow, nor would they prepare necessary measures, such as assaulting them. with an armed and high-level squads, such as Dark Blue Core and Black Core.

The question is who to trust?

One wrong step and you will be carried away by rats or worse, you can be killed.

In addition, the traitor had to be close enough to him and have a high command in the Seymur family for him to create this little time where the guards disappear and allow the rats to invade.

There were too many elemental fox guards, to scare them all away and not create a commotion, to warn Margareth.

Arthur didn't think it would be Nora and Phenelope, they could both be considered future wife and mother-in-law.

There were no benefits and it would also break the relationship between both territories.

"Maria Seymur ...."

Suddenly the image of his grandmother came to his mind, he did not know why, but this must be the work of his grandmother.

"This is bad ... Grandma Margareth"

Frowning, Arthur looked into the distance, if his assumptions are true then he explains everything, Maria was next to Margareth, so it would explain why Margareth still does not appear, also it is right, then things are not so simple.

Now that he remembers, Maria rushed back to the territory even though had business on the central continent and remembers Nora telling her that this vacation trip was partly Maria's idea, with the excuse that Nora and Arthur are closer in their relationship, all of it pointed towards her.

The only thing Arthur didn't understand is that he wins his grandmother in all of this ...

Why does she want to kidnap him?

Maria is his grandmother ... did this also involve the Royal Family?

Some political scheme that affects the continent?

This was a mystery, he needed information to discover the true objective as well as those responsible for this, however, at this moment his priority is to save time and stay safe ...

"Young Master, we must move ..."

Covering his presence, CC-1 looked around cautiously, he could see several female rats looking for them, although they were not of high level, one female rat was enough to attract the others.

"We must find Cristie and the princesses, surely the Royal Family must have their means to protect themselves from something like this"

Since they couldn't get out, it was better to reunite with the other children, with their guards and artifacts, hold out as long as they can and wait for reinforcements.

After all, even if elemental Phoenixes don't act, foxes will.

There are quite a few elemental foxes in this territory, I was sure that they would come to this place and enter by force, also this event would surely pass to the ears of Elizabeth and Damaris.

With both moving, it would be a matter of time for the elites to appear.

By then the rats wish they were dead and surely the culprits will be caught.

(Beta, it may also appear ...)

Even her favorite War Lady may appear, it would be great to see her in action.

At this time everyone had time as an enemy, Arthur hold out for the reinforcements to arrive and the rats to find him before the reinforcements come.

So taking a compass out of his pocket, this was an Extraordinary grade Artifact, [Compass of Lost Wishes].

As its name suggests, it guided the user where his heart longed the most, this time Arthur would use it to find Cristie.

Arthur activated the Artifact and it began to turn the needle until it stopped in a particular direction.

"As ordered, Young Master ..."

CC-1 attended and also began to move with Arthur in his arms, while he led the way.


"Hiiii ... Why is this happening ?!"

"Relax your Highness Carter, we will protect him"

Carter's eyes filled with tears as he grabbed his head and his dragon tail wrapped around his waist.

He was afraid, out of nowhere several rats attacked him, likewise, they were fighting against his guards.


* Bang

Gunshots and explosions were heard, as Carter continued to cower in fear.

"Hehehe who would have thought, that we would also have a Prince ..."

Suddenly the sound of a small ball was heard, a rat woman made her way through and her body lit up.

"Activate, [Temari]"

Throwing the balls, they flashed and multiplied by thousands.

"Protect the Highness from him!"

Quickly the main guard activated her Artifact and a translucent barrier appeared around her, thus protecting Carter behind her.

* Bam

The barrier creaked and balls covered the sky, falling at great speed.

* Shuaaa

Suddenly something flashed and a female rat appeared next to the guard, causing her to open her eyes in shock.

After all, it doesn't matter if he teleports, her magic artifact must negate all space waves, however, this female rat did not teleport, she sped up her time and reappeared instantly.


Clutching her hand, the glove around her hand lit up and several claws appeared mercilessly hitting the guard.

"Guh ?!"

* Creak

The guard spat blood and was sent flying, the barrier broke and the balls went through the barrier.

"Your Highness!"

The guards screamed as they saw Carter being attacked by the balls, these balls are Legendary level artifacts, although they would not kill Carter due to his protective artifacts, he would surely suffer from the impact.

Carter's eyes flashed with fear and he cringed harder, expecting the worst.

And just as the guards were about to activate his most precious Artifacts, a bell fell from the sky and wrapped it around him, protecting him.


The female rats were shocked, this bell came suddenly, their eyes widened in shock.

However this was not over yet, already several mana bombs were thrown, exploding instantly.



Carter opened his eyes in surprise, he was surrounded by a bell and the bombs did not damage him, however, he heard a familiar voice.

"Please be calm, His Highness"

Walking calmly next to CC-1, Arthur made his way, likewise, a fan covered part of his face.


(As I suspected, I am his target ...)

The number of female rats assaulting Carter was nothing compared to those who attacked him, and the levels weren't low either.

The lowest among them was Dark Blue core, it was clear that these were the elites of the rats.

Arthur didn't know how many rat clans were involved in this, but the entire race may be here.

However, this small group attacking Carter was likely set up to serve as a distraction, yet it was still enough to give the Royal Guard trouble.

(This is strange....)

Arthur's expression was more and more serious, after all, no matter how good the elemental rats are, they had in their possession quite a few artifacts, likewise, the power levels were uncontrolled as if something will stimulate their elemental nuclei and increase their power...

"The Elemental moles ..."

At the same time, Arthur looked at the corpses of Mole women, another race was poking its nose at him.

"CC-1, help the royal guards, I will stay with his Highness Carter"

"As Young Master ordered ..."

Without wasting time, a magic circle appeared at CC-1's feet and she flashed, moving at high speed.

"Alright, His Highness?"

Sighing, Arthur turned to Carter and smiled, at the same time he offered his hand, like every child, Carter must be especially afraid with high-level fights like this.


Carter didn't answer, he attended unconsciously, but he was staring at Arthur, he couldn't understand.

Even in this situation, Arthur was so calm and even smiling, he also offered his help at such a critical moment, activating another of his protective artifacts.

Carter had rejected him and called him a fake before, there was no reason for Arthur to protect him at this point.

It was also better for Arthur if he ran and hid, however, he chose to save him.


Carter honestly couldn't understand him, his heart pounded, yet he took Arthur's helping hand and stood up.

With a turn of his hand, Arthur retrieved the Bell and it flew into him, shrinking rapidly, forming a mark on his fan.

"Your Highness, please remain calm, with me here I will not let him get hurt"


Attending again Carter lowered his head and did not respond, however, Arthur did not care, he kept his guard up, his fan covered part of his face, looking towards the battlefield.

At the same time, a magic circle appeared on his clothes and Carter's clothes, making them invisible.


* Bam

The fight reached its climax, fortunately for the royal guard, CC-1 was like a ghost, the physical attacks only pierced his body.

This was his innate ability, capable of making his body a shadow, it took a large-scale blow to be able to hurt her.

This greatly reduced the pressure on the royal guards.

After a few minutes, they finished off all the female rats.

"Good work CC-1 ...."


Reappearing again, Arthur looked around the battlefield, he attended CC-1, as a guard she was doing a good job, at the same time something has been bothering him.

(Blue blood?)

No matter what race they belong to, the blood will always be red, this is an indisputable fact, however, the blood of these female rats is blue, something was changing their organism as well as raising their levels of magical power.

Approaching a corpse, Arthur pulled out a small glass bottle and took a sample, as a doctor he was very interested.

"Your Highness..."

The royal guards on the other hand rushed back to Carter's side and examined him, no matter what, Carter is a man of the Royal family, nothing should happen to him, at the same time they sent glances of gratitude to CC-1 and Arthur who They appeared at the right time.

"Thank you, Young Master Arthur, his help was very crucial."

Bowing slightly, the leader of the guards, also thanked her dragon tail swaying from side to side.

"Don't worry miss, as a noble, I must protect the royal family"

Arthur did not mind receiving the thanks of this young guard, so he turned his hand and continued examining the area.

"Young Master, we must move"


Exchanging glances with CC-1, Arthur knew that they couldn't stay in one place for long, otherwise, they will be ambushed.

After presenting their action plan to Carter and his guards, both agreed to continue together, as Arthur's reasoning made a lot of sense, before Carter's guards also tried to get out of the barrier, however, they found themselves in an ambush which caused the actual situation.

There were too many elemental rats around the barrier, getting out by air or land was a mistake, even underground it was not possible, after all, rats had elemental moles and they were experts at digging holes.

Fortunately, Carter followed him without saying a word of reproach, this let Arthur be the one who leads the group, thanks to his compass.

The explosions continued and, the female rats were trapping the civilians, Arthur narrowed his eyes when he saw how the rats took an entire family of elemental Phoenixes, however, he did not act, he did not know if this was a plan of the rats to get him out, so he continued looking for Cristie.

It was more important, find her family and wait for reinforcements, once the fox army passes through this barrier, the civilians will be safe.

The group continued for a few minutes until they found another team of female rats patrolling the area, this triggered another fight.


Author's Note: For those who want to support me, I uploaded advanced chapters to the pattern.

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