
Fourth Calamity of the Beasts Pirates

Jigen traveled through the world of pirates, got lost on a deserted island, activated the technological system, and created hermit seeds as the first reward. He was worried about how to get out of that place when a shadow fell from the sky, lamenting having survived. Kaido: "Do you dare to call this bean an invention?" Jigen: "It can restore all wounds." . . . . . . . . . . . --------------------------------------- Translation: Chinese-English b.faloo ---------------------------------------

BlackGoku222 · Anime & Comics
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135 Chs

Chapter 69: Dealing with Joker

"That invention is truly terrifying. It can hide the plans of the Beasts Pirates in the shadows. It's difficult to have the power to detect in advance what they will do."

"However, this also leads to a problem, namely, the current Beasts Pirates have become the target of public criticism. This time, the Marines, Red Hair Pirates, Whitebeard Pirates, and the Shichibukai... and other important forces have chosen to deal with the Beasts Pirates."

"You want to take a bite out of them!" Trébol said.

"That's right! Two fists can't beat four hands. Even if Kaido found the Big Mom Pirates to cooperate, this time they lost half of their force and also lost an important asset... and Big Mom lost a Sweet Commander, the loss is not insignificant!"

Doflamingo laughed and interrupted the discussion. "Anyway, the turmoil in the New World has just begun, and there will only be more in the future. Even if other forces don't seek trouble, with Kaido's character, he won't let this disgrace slide!"

"The great storm of this era is about to strike!"

Doflamingo smiled, "It's faster than I thought!"

"Doffy, what are your next plans? I'm afraid if you continue like this, the Marines will recruit the combat power of the Shichibukai again, so we must be on Kaido's hostile side," Trébol said.

Doflamingo contemplated, and after a while, he said, "Anyway, we should try to obtain some technology from the Beasts Pirates as soon as possible, preferably an [Arbitrary Door], which will have a great impact on the upcoming deployment of assistance for our family."


It's a pity that the Beasts Pirates don't want to sell any doors, which gives Doflamingo a headache.

Even Senzu beans and universal capsules would be fine, at least they would be of great help to his family.

Just as Doflamingo was thinking about this, the Den Den Mushi suddenly rang. After looking at it, Doflamingo was slightly surprised that King took the initiative to contact him.

However, he couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth. "It seems that this battle has caused the Beasts Pirates to continue replenishing their combat power."

Whether it's a weapon or an artificial Devil Fruit, it's one of Doflamingo's favorites, and he can make money out of it anyway.

Soon, the Den Den Mushi responded, and King's voice sounded clearly, "Joker!"

King's voice was somewhat low, which made Doflamingo frown slightly. With this situation, something else should happen. Just as Doflamingo was thinking about it, King on the other side continued, "I just wanted to confirm if you are really willing to buy our technology!"

After Doffy heard the words, he was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand why King suddenly mentioned this. Didn't he hear them reject it before?

King didn't say much nonsense and continued directly, "We, the Beasts Pirates, can sell you the Senzu beans and the universal capsules!"

Doffy was filled with joy instantly and quickly said, "What about the Arbitrary Door?"

Although these are good, it must be said that what Doflamingo desires most right now is the Arbitrary Door. This artifact that can go anywhere, at any time.

It can completely avoid the traps set by the major forces around him, and after having this, is he still afraid of being pursued by Vice Admiral Tsuru and Cipher Pol personnel.

"The door will not be exchanged for the moment, it depends on your performance in tracking, Joker!"

"There is also another condition for this transaction, that is, your Donquixote family must join the Beast Alliance, join forces with us and Big Mom to fight against those forces that are watching us. What is your answer?"

It can be said that King is direct, he says everything at once and doesn't beat around the bush.

Before Doflamingo could speak, all the members of his family were shocked.

They all felt that King's condition was inappropriate.

"Although you have a special status, young master, if you openly oppose the Marines and the World Government, the Marines will directly erase your Shichibukai title and the World Government will not let you go." Trebol explained the impact of the pursuit.

"Yes! And now the Beasts Pirates are the center of this storm, all forces are going to attack them, even if they have super technology, under the attack of a group of forces, it's difficult to reverse the overall situation, this is too risky for us!"

Doflamingo contemplated for a moment, and when King asked for his answer again, he couldn't help but smile and said, "No problem!"

"As long as you, the Beasts Pirates, can continue to provide me with these channels to purchase super technology, I will do it!"

The frames around were stunned. They never thought that their young master would accept the Beasts Pirates' conditions and get involved in this matter.

The Donquixote family will have constant troubles in the future!

"Very well! Indeed, I didn't misunderstand your conviction. As a businessman, you must have such a wild spirit," King mocked.

Immediately, he started quoting Doflamingo: "Joker, the price of a senzu bean is 10 million. We originally planned to sell it for 20 million Baileys, but considering the risks you will face in the future, we are willing to sell it at a loss."

"And the universal capsule is also given a discount. One hundred million Baileys, how much do you want to buy?"

Doffy showed surprise, but he wasn't surprised by the price, but by how cheap it was. A senzu bean, which can bring someone back to life, costs only 10 million Baileys?

After thinking for a while, he said, "King, I want 50 beans and 5 Universal Capsules!"

"Alright! A total of one billion Baileys!" King stated the money for this transaction in an instant.

Doflamingo smiled, revealing his characteristic smirk. "Alright! I will send someone to collect the money immediately!"

"At that time, how will the transaction be conducted, King?"

However, just after Doflamingo uttered this sentence, a door appeared in his salon, and when the door opened, King appeared in front of everyone in the Donquixote family...




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