
Four Leaf Clover

In the year 2015, a signal was broadcasted from space, said to be sent from an Extraterrestrial life form. Soon in 2019, a large number of people have gone missing overnight without any explanation. Many people suspected it to be aliens, the government refutes all those claims, saying that these disappearances are somehow connected to a Trafficking ring, but the people knew better. Now in 2315, The world is now at war with the extraterrestrial life, 'The Homines' are what they're called. The U.S. Government has launched a space program where they will train child soldiers into combat so that they can face these aliens and all other threats to the Human Race. (Though you would still understand the plot without reading ‘Follow the North Star’, there will be some elements and character carried over from the first part, therefore I recommend reading that first)

TheGorillaMonkey · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


A bright light shone down at Alex's face, waking him up. "...Ma?" He looked around in confusion, he could see people in dark blue coats in the room, one person in particular walked over to Alex and examined his face. "...The boy is awake, reactivate 'the Deep'" The man ordered, before a flash of yellow light sent Alex into sleep

Alex immediately woke up in a bus, looking out to see bright green trees passing by. He looked around the bus and saw that there were other kids on the bus like him. He was horribly confused by what is going on, he last remembered some 'Clover Intelligence' Officers entering his home before his memories became blurry. The bus suddenly stopped and an adult wearing a military-style vest and bulletproof helmet stood up, "...Everyone please get in a single file line and follow me, don't go running anywhere or you will face a strict punishment...come along now" the guard said as he walked off the bus.

Alex followed near the front of the line, looking up ahead of them, he saw a large triangular building, almost like a Pyramid. The building seems to be constructed from Ebony and there were cracks along the tip. The children were led through the building, which was rather big despite its outdoor appearance, they were all led into a small room, forced to be cramped with one another, Alex was hesitant but decided to follow the officer's order, after all they're supposed to be the good guys right? The ones protecting them from the evil aliens.

"Get your filthy paws off of me!!" One boy shouted as two guards tried to drag him into the room, the boy had black hair and wore a green collared shirt. "You won't get away with this!! My dad is getting me out-" the automatic door to the room immediately shut and was auto-locked, leaving the children to all be trapped in the room. "What the-AGHHHH" The troublesome boy from earlier immediately fell over and held his head, screaming in agony. Soon the other kids began to do the same thing, falling over and screaming. Alex was terrified, and before he knew it, he felt a horrific pain in his head that caused him to tumble over. "MOOOM!!! DAAAD!!" Some of the kids cried, but nobody came. Alex could feel his ears start to bleed and his head felt like it would burst open, but before that could happened, everything suddenly went black...

Alex awoke in a bed, a hospital bed to be exact, his head was still throbbing in pain but aside from that he felt completely fine. "Hey you, you're finally awake" a man in the blue uniform from earlier said, he had a knowing smirk on his face. "You woke up just in time actually, the Colonel's about to explain everything, just head out this way" The man said as he guided Alex out of the infirmary room and towards two sets of doors. Alex opened the door and entered what seemed to be a large gym room with a mega-sized obstacle course, a man with a white beard and dark skin stood tall in front of a small crowd of around 23 students who were sitting. Alex approached the crowd of students and sat near the back.

"That's everyone...I'm sure you're all incredibly confused right now, believe me I've been in your position before...you have all been enrolled into the 'Red Clover Program', some lucky individuals may have heard about this, but I'm sure most of you have not...this program aims to train children like you into Super Soldiers who will fight for Humanity...as for who you're going to be fighting, you'll be battling those bastards in the skies...you will be going out there and helping us eradicate The Humines, who are a major threat to Humanity as a whole...The Humines are not our only threat out there... but they're our most prominent ones" The Colonel explained, "I know many of you were forced here against your will...many of you may have family at home that you wish to return to...but know that you will be fighting so that your family back home will not have to be endangered by The Humines!!!" The Colonel shouted. "You will each be separated into squads of four...in Squad Alpha...Alex Jones...Samantha Elin...Bailey Rose...and Zachary Shun!!! You will be reporting to Sergeant Greens" The Colonel shouted. As he went on to announce the other teams, A middle-eastern man wearing a large bulking hunk of armor stomped forward, his mouth was covered by a strange equipment, "Come with me Team Alpha!!" Sergeant Greens yelled, his voice appeared altered and sounded glitchy in a way. Alex and three other kids followed the Sergeant.

They were led to a door with a keypad next to it, Sergeant Greens immediately grabbed Alex by the arm and harshly yanked him forward, bending down to closely examine his wrist, that's when Alex noticed a number marked there, "...125?" Alex muttered. Sergeant Greens punched the number into the keypad causing the door to slide open, "...You have an hour to settle yourself, then you will meet back at the gym...don't be late" Sergeant Greens said in a threatening tone before he stomped away.

In the room were two bunk beds, four lockers, a round table and a door that supposedly leads to the bathroom. Alex entered the room and immediately took a bottom bunk while a tanned girl with black hair chose the top bunk of their bed. Alex glanced across the room at another girl with brown hair, and finally at a boy, the same troublesome boy from earlier who was causing all those troubles with the guards.

"...I feel like we should introduce ourselves..." Alex said awkwardly. "My papa taught me a fun game for introducing new people to one another!! Icebreaker!!" The girl with brown hair said excitedly, "I'll start!! My name is Bailey Rose, I'm 12, and...my dad used to take me out hunting a lot back in Montana!! He would teach me how to hold a gun properly and taught me to always aim for the head so that the poor animals won't be in pain" Bailey said excitedly, Alex can already tell she's gonna be a real jumpy and cheerful person to be around. "I'll go next then" Alex suggested, "My name is Alex Jones...I'm 13, and...I guess, I used to be in Boys Scout? I came from New York, the city of technology...you can't walk down a single street without being bombarded with advertisements...my dad told me that they're making all these technologies and putting all these advertisements everywhere to distract us from the stuff going on out there...the aliens and stuff" Alex stated. "...So who's next?" He asked, looking between the two remaining kids. "...I guess I'll go next" the tanned girl said from the top bunk above Alex, "The name's Samantha Elin, I'm 13, and I was born in Egypt but was raised in Russia for most of my life" Sam said, her accent had a hint of Russian in it, "I guess one interesting thing is that my dad was quite the military man...he used to fight for the Red Clover and was in the exact situation as I am, so he prepared me for this early on...he was lucky enough to have suffered a serious injury, he got to leave this army...others were not so lucky...I've prepared for this moment all my life" Sam stated in a serious tone. "Woah...that's awesome!!!" Alex told Sam, "So, what about you?" Alex asked the last boy.

"My name is Zachary Shun...12 and a half...and ready to kick each one of those guard's ass" He rhymed, "I was born in Hong Kong But was raised in Oregon for all my life, that place is one of the few that hasn't been overtaken by all the shitty technology being shat out these days...and one interesting thing about me is...I once blew up my childhood home by dumping a firecracker down the toilet...my dog took a shit in there and the turd got stuck, I had the absolutely genius idea of tossing a firecracker down, act as a substitute for plumbing, instead of forcing the shit down the toilet it instead blew shit up...quite literally, the shit exploded and the house burned down...thankfully nobody was harmed in the making of the shit-storm" Zachary stayed with a smirk, everyone but Bailey was weirded out, Bailey just seemed intrigued.

"...Well...this is gonna be...a shit-show" Alex sighed...