
Four God's: Legend of The Tea Maker

Huiyin carried on with an ordinary life until one day when she met a palm reader who revealed to her about her life changing soon. Her father who worked as a security guard in the biggest all boys school in Guangzhou province, China, was killed mysteriously. Promising to figure out the reason for her dad's death and take her revenge, she decided to go to the school and pretend to be a boy. She met Kang, a cool unforgiving Chinese governor son who seemed to be keeping a very dangerous secret and who she has eyes only for. Meeting Kang's three rich friends, who have handicaps and are no longer friends, her life was tossed into a blend when she fell genuinely enamored with one of them. But trouble begins when she realized a powerful witch and wizard from her past life was after her life to steal the magic light from her divine tea and that an invisible enemy was bend on destroying them all. Four God's: Legend of The Tea Maker is a story that will melt your heart. Be the miracle that you want the world to see.

Minja_Okeke · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 14

❤️❤️ The Seer and the Witch (Part Two) ❤️❤️

The bell rang and Huiyin who remembered the way to the history was the first person to arrive. She quickly cleaned Kang seat with her hand before any of her classmates will come and sat down on her previous seat.

It wasn't up to 3 minutes and all students in the history class were already seated and were whispering amongst themselves. Kang walked in and all whispering stopped.

He walked straight to his sit and said aloud.

"Have you clean my seat?"

The students stared at each other wondering who Kang was asking.

Rolling her eyes Huiyin answered with a low voice but was audible enough for everyone to hear her. "Yes."

"Yes what?"

"Yes boss, I cleaned it before others came in." Huiyin answered ignoring the murmuring going around her.

Kang sits and the history teacher choose that moment to walk in, answering their greetings, he started to talk about the history of the Great Walls of China.

Huiyin prayed the class should be over so that she could hide from Kang until school is over.

Her wish was granted, the bell rang for sports and Huiyin ran as fast as she can out of the classroom to the sports area. Instead of going towards the football training area, she started walking towards the swimming area, she won't be joining football anymore because of Kang.

Entering the swimming section, she stared around her in wonder. Beside the long blue pool were boys on their swimming trunks and were preparing to swim. She suddenly remembered her false identity. There is no way she could wear swimming trunks without everyone seeing her breasts. That would expose her.

She turned to go out of the swimming area when Zan voice stopped her.

"Hey Huiyin what are you doing here?"

Tuning to face him she shrugged her shoulders, "Avoiding Kang."


"He paid the bills and now I am his new bodyguard."

Zan laughed attracting some attention towards them.

"It's not funny." She huff out in anger.

"Well it's better than washing the school plates for a few months. You should be happy the school management didn't find out or your scholarship is ruined."

"You are right but that shouldn't give Kang the audacity to make me his-" she stopped when she noticed someone on a wheelchair entering the swimming area. It wasn't his handsome face that attracted Huiyin to him, but his shiny golden hair that was tied in a bun. She could have sworn she know him from somewhere. She watches as the boys in the swimming section gathered around him with joy except Zan who was still with her.

"Who is he?" She found herself asking, suddenly interested.

"He's Zhengfu, the swimmer I told you about a few hours ago."

"His hair is..."

Zan interrupted her and completed the words for her. "Out of ordinary, I know."

"I think I have seen him before, like we know each other." Huiyin didn't know when she said that out.

Zan regarded Huiyin then smiled, "Probably you've come across his picture with his parents, his father is a famous artist."

The swimming instructor went to meet Zhengfu.

"Hello Mr Zhengfu, it's a great pleasure seeing you here after a long time," the swimming instructor said with a smile.

"Me too sir, I heard they will competing with Zain High School tomorrow so I came here to wish them Goodluck." Zhengfu said with a sincere smile which the instructor return.

He rewind his wheelchair and left the swimming section.

No one but Huiyin saw the sad smile he wore when he turned his back on them.

"I will be right back Zan." Huiyin told Zan and ran after Zhengfu.

She caught up with him and went to stand on his way, stopping his wheelchair from moving.

Huiyin met his questioning gaze and her eyes widened when they met with golden Iris. Are his eyes really gold as his hair? She wondered as she stared without shame.

Staring at idiotic boy in front of him Zhengfu couldn't place where he had met the boy before.

"Why did you stop me?" He asked pushing off the thoughts at the back of his head.

"I want to talk to you Zhengfu, but not here." Huiyin answered.

The feeling of knowing him came to Zhengfu once came. "Okay." He brought out a card from his breast pocket and gave it to Huiyin. "That is my house address you can visit anytime." He added and Huiyin collected the card from him.

Huiyin went to stand at his side. "Thanks for this, be expecting me tonight," she said putting the card in her pocket and left Zhengfu presence.

Rather than going back to the swimming section or the football training field, she went home.

Kang isn't her worries, she will face Kang tomorrow, now, she couldn't wait to meet Zhengfu tonight. ****

It was almost 7pm when the green haired girl put a call across to Huiyin. She was in her room.

"Hello who is this?" Huiyin voice came at the other end.

"Hi, I am Ping, the girl who you whisper your number into her ears in the school hall this morning."

"Oh, the girl with green hair and eyes?"

"Yes, I told you I want to discuss something important with you. Can we meet now? I will direct you to my house." Ping said.

"Okay, send me your house address, I will come right away," Huiyin said and ended up the call immediately.

Ping was startled by the clapping of hands and turned to see a young beautiful lady in her room. Stabding on her left shoulder was a black Hawk. Her eyes widened when she recognised the mysterious lady in her room.

"You," Ping said, she remembered the lady from the vision she had when she touched Huiyin. "What are you doing here and how did you find here?"

"That will be an answer for another day, I came here to warn you to stay in your lane and you should not do what you want to do, if not, you will have me to contend with," Mia said with a cruel smile. "And trust me, you don't want to step on my toes."

"You don't scare me one bit witch, I know who you are," Ping said, her hands going to her moon necklace she wore.

Her moon necklace which stands as a protector against any kind of magic. It was given to her by her grandmother who was also a seer before her death.

The black Hawk laughed.

"Just because you are wearing one of the moon property you think you are invincible against my mistress," the hawk said. "Your idiocy amaze me kid."

Ping didn't even show any signs of fear by the Hawk statement, instead her hand clasp at the necklace more tightly.

"I have pass you my message and I am sure you understand my meaning," Mia said and vanished.

Ping texted Huiyin her address ignoring the witch warning.

Well, two can play.