
Four God's: Legend of The Tea Maker

Huiyin carried on with an ordinary life until one day when she met a palm reader who revealed to her about her life changing soon. Her father who worked as a security guard in the biggest all boys school in Guangzhou province, China, was killed mysteriously. Promising to figure out the reason for her dad's death and take her revenge, she decided to go to the school and pretend to be a boy. She met Kang, a cool unforgiving Chinese governor son who seemed to be keeping a very dangerous secret and who she has eyes only for. Meeting Kang's three rich friends, who have handicaps and are no longer friends, her life was tossed into a blend when she fell genuinely enamored with one of them. But trouble begins when she realized a powerful witch and wizard from her past life was after her life to steal the magic light from her divine tea and that an invisible enemy was bend on destroying them all. Four God's: Legend of The Tea Maker is a story that will melt your heart. Be the miracle that you want the world to see.

Minja_Okeke · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


When you trust your inner guidance and begin moving in the direction of your dreams (aligned with your individual gifts) you will be immersed in an armor bestowed upon you by your guardian angel.

❤❤ Huiyin And Kang ❤❤

A Month and Two Weeks Later Huiyin sat for the scholarship and within a week her name came out.

She called Wong to share the news.

"Stay focus Huiyin, and remember the reason you went there." Wong said.

"Thank you uncle."

Two days before the resumption of a new term in King's High School, Huiyin cut her long black hair and trimmed the mouth giving her a more boyish look, she smiled to herself as she looked at her mirror. She removed the ear rings given to her by her mother and kept it safely in her drawer.

On the D-day, she carried her backpack which contains her books. She was dressed in baggy jeans shorts and a T-shirt. She had tied large bandage multiple times across her not so small breasts that no one wouldn't notice when you glance at it.

Huiyin was ready.

She left her house and started walking to school. She was early and a security man directed her to the school management office.

She knocked and opened the door and saw two middle age men with black short hair. They were seated as if they were waiting for her.

"Sit." One order and Huiyin sat down.

"Good morning sirs." She greeted.

"Your name is Huiyin Shu right?" The one who had ordered her to seat asked.

"Yes sir."

"At first I thought you were a girl with that name of yours but now, I am wrong." The other man said with a smile.

"My mother always wanted a girl but I was born as a boy instead so she named me Huiyin." Huiyin said the lies with ease.

"You know the school rules, right?"

"Yes sir."

"Then you must follow our rules, do not forget that you are attending this school based on the scholarship."

"I won't sir."

"Here is the subjects you will be having, you can go and have a nice day in your first day."

Huiyin collected the paper and went out of the office.

On her way she met a boy who wore a medicated glasses and asked him for the directions to her first class.

"Let me see your paper."

Huiyin gave him without hesitation and the boy glance through it.

"We are having almost the same class except for history." The boy said and gave the paper back to Huiyin. "You are the boy who was among those that won the school scholarship, right?"


"I'm Zan and you?"


"A girl name?" Zan asked in surprise and Huiyin shrugged her shoulders. "Let's hurry to our class before the bell rings."

Huiyin followed Zan to their first class, Maths. 30 minutes later the bell rings for their next class, Zan took Huiyin to their next class until it was lunch time.

Zan took Huiyin to the school Cafeteria and they sat together and order their food. The cafeteria was divided into two sections, the super rich kids and the rich kids.

Zan took her to rich kids section.

"You seem like the lonely type." Huiyin observed her new friend. "And everyone seem to mind their business here."

"Yeah, you move with your class. They talk to you only when they know how affluent your father or mother is that's why the cafeteria is divided into two sections." Zan explained.

"Hmm, I see."

"Yeah and I will advise you to stay away from Kang."

"Kang, who is he?"

"Our governor son, he is in history class and I heard no one speaks once he enters the class."

"History class you say? I can't wait to meet this Kang."

"Stay out of his way, his father is highly connected and the rest of the students in history class are rude."

"I will Zan." Huiyin said and couldn't wait for the history class to come for her to see Kang and the rude students.

Zan took Huiyin to history class once the bell rang and went to his own music class.

Entering inside the class, the students she saw all ignore her. Some of the boys were pressing their iPhones and others were discussing among themselves. Being a new student isn't a new thing to them.

Taking one of the two seats at the back seat, she hardly sat down when the teacher and a student that has Biyu almost popping her eyes out of socket walked in and the guy started walking towards her direction.

If not that she was in a boy school she would have started fanning her herself for the sudden heat she was suddenly having. He was hot.

She smiled more brightly as the handsome guy with deep blue eyes neared her.

He sat down on the empty one.

"Hi, I am Huiyin and I am a new student." Huiyin introduce herself to him and the handsome guy didn't even glance her way.

It hurts but she ignored it and focus on the teacher.

"We have a new student here, Mr Shu please stand up for all to see you."


Huiyin stood up and introduced herself to everyone like she has been doing since morning.

No one even turn to look at her, how rude.

"Well that was the warmest welcome Mr Shu, I'm Mr Lei." The history teacher introduced himself. "You can sit down Mr Shu."

Huiyin sat down holding herself from going to give a hard knock on each of the boys head.

"Since today is the first resumption of school I will be asking you some questions, okay?" Mr Lei said and when no students answered, he continued. "Who is considered the world's best sprinter in the world?"

Huiyin was surprised when the handsome boy raised his hand. She never know handsome boys are intelligent.

"Yes Mr Kang."

The words Zan told her came back to her mind.

So the handsome guy sitting next to her is actually Kang, hmmm interesting. She thought as she awaits his answer.

"Usain Bolt." Kang answered.

"Correct answer Mr Kang." My Lei said.

"Wrong answer Sir." The words fell off from Huiyin.

The boys turned as if they were in slow motion to see who dares speak when Kang is there.

"Excuse me?" Mr Lei said.

"I said Kang answer is wrong sir." Huiyin repeated.

"How do you mean?" Mr Lei asked.

"Do you know Mo Farah, sir?" Huiyin ask.

"What?" Mr Lei said.

"Do you know Usain Bolt sir?"

"Who doesn't know him, that is what Mr Kang just said now. Usain Bolt won gold medals at three consecutive Olympic games in 100 m and 200 m category. He is a world champion." Mr Lei answered with pride.

"Even Mo Farah is a world champion like Usain Bolt sir. Mo Farah won gold medals twice consecutively in the same Olympic games where Usain Bolt won. But that wasn't in 100 or 200 meters run but in 5,000 and 10,000 meters. And you said this is a history class? I'm sorry to say this sir but how can you teach us history when you have an uninhabited, dry, deflated, vacant and empty brain, sir?"