
Four God's: Legend of The Tea Maker

Huiyin carried on with an ordinary life until one day when she met a palm reader who revealed to her about her life changing soon. Her father who worked as a security guard in the biggest all boys school in Guangzhou province, China, was killed mysteriously. Promising to figure out the reason for her dad's death and take her revenge, she decided to go to the school and pretend to be a boy. She met Kang, a cool unforgiving Chinese governor son who seemed to be keeping a very dangerous secret and who she has eyes only for. Meeting Kang's three rich friends, who have handicaps and are no longer friends, her life was tossed into a blend when she fell genuinely enamored with one of them. But trouble begins when she realized a powerful witch and wizard from her past life was after her life to steal the magic light from her divine tea and that an invisible enemy was bend on destroying them all. Four God's: Legend of The Tea Maker is a story that will melt your heart. Be the miracle that you want the world to see.

Minja_Okeke · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


"Hui-yin." He managed to say, his voice shaking.

"It's me father, what happened to you? Who did this to you?"

"I am sor-ry I couldn't keep my promise Huiyin."

"Don't say anything father, I am taking you to the hospital now." She said and lifted up her father in her arms in a bride style and started running.

"Ki-ng's Hi-gh Sch-ool." Nianzhen whispered as he was slowly losing the fight.


"King's High School," he said more clearly.

"What did the school did to you? Tell me who did this to you?"

"Huiyin, Happy Birthday." Nianzhen said and gave up the ghost.

"Father! Father, please don't close your eyes on me! Hang on a bit." Huiyin shouted.

Thirty minutes later…

"I am sorry, we tried our best but we lost him. If you had brought him on time, he could have been saved. He has been bleeding for almost two hours before you found him. Sorry." The female doctor of the hospital Huiyin had rushed her father too announced Nianzhen death.

"No! It can't be!" Huiyin said. "Can I see him?"


Huiyin entered the ward and saw a nurse covering her father with a white cloth.

Going to meet him she uncovered his face, held his cold hand and cried.

King's High School...


Residence of Mr Zhao….

Soldiers littering around the environment gave a salute as Kang and a man came down from a white Limousine. Two soldiers brought out umbrellas which Kang and the man used as a shield against the pouring rain.

They entered the elegant sitting room and was greeted by Zhao himself. Kang hugged Zhao and sat down.

"Good evening sir." The man with Bingwen greeted sitting on one of the sofas which was designed by gold.

"Evening coach."

"So happy to be in the presence of the Chief of Army in the whole China" The man said. "Thanks to Kang here."

"Kang's father and I are tight friends coach. So to what do I own your visit coach?"

"It's about your son." The coach begins. "Ever since the accident, he hasn't been seen."

"Yes, you know according to my doctor reports half of his face was disfigured after the accident. He has been in his room and hasn't stepped out," Zhao said trying to hold his tears. "People have talked to him even Kang but he still won't come out. We pass him food under his door. I haven't set my eyes on my son for the past three years." He added.

"Your son was the best centre forward player when it comes to football Mr Zhao. The best striker ever." The coach said. "If the accident didn't happen, he would have become the best footballer in the whole of China."

Coach get up to his feet and so did Zhao.

"I have to go now, will be going to King's High School tomorrow, Kang has got some new moves he wants to show his teammates after school."

"No problem."

"Don't worry Mr Zhao, one day someone will make him realise his worth." The coach said.

"I hope so too, the accident which happened three years ago wasn't ordinary. I think it was a planned accident to stop my son career with his other three friends."

"Those three friends of his died their talents after the accident." The coach said with a sad tone.

"Don't worry Mr Zhao, I am sure he will come around and face the world once again," Kang said with a sad smile.

Zhao turned his gaze at him and wanted to say something when he saw dried blood on Kang neck.

"Kang, is that blood on your neck?"

Kang touched his neck and magical one of his fingers was torn open.

"Oh, it's from my index finger," he said and showing the cut on his finger to Zhao.

"Okay, when you get home have that checked, okay son?"

"Thank you Mr Zhao."

They left.

"One day son, you will come out from your shield." Zhao said to himself cleaning the tears that has escaped from his eyes.

'No one will dare set him free.' Kang thought to himself with an evil grin embedded on his lips.

Two days later Nianzhen Shu body was laid to rest. His best friend Wong was there with Huiyin when Nianzhen was buried. Huiyin had called him that same night to inform him of her father's death and he entered the next train to Guangzhou early the next day.

"Your father was a good man," Wong said trying to cheer Huiyin up, he was holding himself from crying but was failing at that "He would starve to make sure he fed his hungry friends. I will never forget him." He added his voice hoarse.

"My father doesn't look for trouble so I don't know why he was murdered." Huiyin said cleaning her eyes.

"What are you going to do now Huiyin? Will you still live here or go back with me to Beijing?" Wong asked.

"I am not going back until I fish out my father's murderers."

"How can you find the person who murdered your father?"

"I just have these feelings that the answers I seek lays in King's High School, so I will be attending the school."

"But you know the school is meant only for boys." Wong said. "And their school fees are very expensive." He added.

"I know that uncle, I will disguise myself as a male then as for the school fees, I will sit for their scholarship that was announced yesterday on News. I pray I get the scholarship and when I do, finding my father's killers will be easy for me." Huiyin explain her plans.

"You know they are writing their exams."

"I know that uncle, the scholarship is for those who wants to start as a freshman and sophomore in school."

"Okay, whatever you decide know that you have my backing and my door is always open to you Huiyin."

"Thank you uncle for everything."

The next night, Wong went back to Beijing.

Once she reaches home she put a call immediately across Mr Zou and explain why she hasn't come to the arena the past few days.

"So you've given up your fighting for school?"

"Yes sir, i need to find out the reason why my father was murdered and may be, I will be back."

"Take your time Huiyin, whenever you decide to come back, your seat as my reigning champion still remains."

"Thank you sir for your understanding and I will keep that in mind." Huiyin said and ended the call.