
Four God's: Legend of The Tea Maker

Huiyin carried on with an ordinary life until one day when she met a palm reader who revealed to her about her life changing soon. Her father who worked as a security guard in the biggest all boys school in Guangzhou province, China, was killed mysteriously. Promising to figure out the reason for her dad's death and take her revenge, she decided to go to the school and pretend to be a boy. She met Kang, a cool unforgiving Chinese governor son who seemed to be keeping a very dangerous secret and who she has eyes only for. Meeting Kang's three rich friends, who have handicaps and are no longer friends, her life was tossed into a blend when she fell genuinely enamored with one of them. But trouble begins when she realized a powerful witch and wizard from her past life was after her life to steal the magic light from her divine tea and that an invisible enemy was bend on destroying them all. Four God's: Legend of The Tea Maker is a story that will melt your heart. Be the miracle that you want the world to see.

Minja_Okeke · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


❤️❤️❤️ The Black Hawk ❤️❤️❤️

"Are you sure you will be okay sleeping on the couch? I can sleep on it while you sleep on the bed." Nianzhen suggested again.

"Don't worry father, your old bones needs the bed more than me."

"Thank you Huiyin, I bless the day you were born," Nianzhen said and entered the house. Indeed the living room look huge, he stopped in his stride and blinked his eyes. Everything in the room was in the same colour and Huiyin had done him a favour by opening the door that leads to the bedroom.

Entering the room, he shut the door behind him, and changes into his night clothes and collapse on the bed. Tomorrow he is going to check if the water system is still working in the house or not.

He slept off.

Huiyin jumped up to her feet immediately her father had shut the door, she quickly climb the huge plum blossom tree to have a better look around the city. She sat down on one of the tree branches and stared at the quietness of Guangzhou enjoying the cool breeze blowing from the four corners of the world, Huiyin didn't know when she slept off.

She has a dream…..

In her dream she saw herself with a man whose face was hidden from her. He was standing behind her and held her close to his body. His two hands held her two hands as they held onto a bow and a arrow.

"This is how you aim your arrow at your target and release your hold on it." The man said in a deep baritone voice sending shivers down her spine. They were facing a fence with the drawing of a big red apple on it, the arrow aimed at the Apple.

Then he free her from his hold and put a little space between them.

"Shoot." He said gently. "And just focus." He whispered the words.

Huiyin found herself releasing the arrow and to her utmost dismay, the arrow fall off from the bow a few metres away from her. She was good with arrows so why this?

"You promised me after I learn archery you will give me your white fire arrow." Huiyin didn't know when the words came out of her mouth.

The man she was backing laughed. "I promise you Huiyin but that is after you've learn archery very well." The man behind her said.

Huiyin was shocked, how did this man know her name?

She tried to turn around to see the face of the man but she fell off the tree she had slept on and landed on the ground with a loud thud.

She opened her eyes and realised it was a dream. A dream where she couldn't shoot an arrow well. It was unbelievable to think that.

Getting up to her feet she entered the house and was grateful that her father wasn't woken up by her fall. She went to the couch and slept off.


The early risers chirping, morning sun beams peeking through the clouds, birds going about their morning rituals.

Huiyin was up, the dream she had forgotten as she went to check if the water system in the house was working, she smiled when the only bathroom in the house tap was running with clean water.

"Dad, wake up if not you will be late for your interview!" Huiyin shouted and a few minutes later her father was out with a towel tied to his waist and heading to the bathroom which Huiyin left the door opened.

Entering the bathroom, he bath with cold water and came out going straight to his room and dresses up.

He soon came out dressed for his interview and gave Huiyin some money to use and buy herself breakfast before he left for King's High School.

Once she had swept and clean the house again, she took her bath and kept her money in the back jean of her pocket. She locked the house and the gate.

'Now is the time for me to find a street Fighting arena.'

She thought and walked through the busy streets of Guangzhou Province. She didn't want to street her father and if her search didn't yield today, it will yield tomorrow.

Huiyin then noticed a black big Hawk following her and found it strange.

She ignored the bird and asked people what she was looking for.

Someone directed her to where the fight was often held.

She arrived and saw an advert boldly written on a banner in front of the building. It talks about about the Bull fighting his opponent tonight. She greeted the man she saw there.

"How may I help you son?" He asked her.

"I want to participate tonight. I want to fight the Bull." Huiyin said confidently.

The man regarded her slowly. "Do you know what you are saying? How old are you and what's your name son?"

"Yes I know what I am saying sir. I'm sixteen and my name is Huiyin."

"Hmm, that's the name for a girl." The man said in surprise. How can a boy be answering the name of a girl?

"That's because I am a girl not a boy." Huiyin retorted out.

The man stared at her much slowly. "Okay Huiyin, what makes you think you can take the Bull out. He has been the king of street fighter for two years and his Fighting skills are 100%. He hasn't been beaten before. So what makes you think you can beat him?"

"You haven't seen me fight sir. I may look small but my fighting skills are 101% than him. Just put me on a trial and I will surprise you," Huiyin said without hesitation.

"Do your parents know about this or you went behind their backs?" The man asked.

"My dad knows, my mum is dead. Just give me a chance sir."

"Alright my name is Zou, come tonight by 8pm sharp, no lateness. I will be standing here waiting for you." Zou said. "If I don't see you by 8pm, then you are out. That is your first trial." He added.

"Thank you sir." Huiyin thanked and left his presence in high spirits.

She saw the black Hawk flying around in the air and wondered if it was a coincidence that it was going the same direction with her.

She remembered the road to her house and soon she was home. She entered the compound and look up, she didn't see the strange bird again.

Perhaps she was imagining it.

The black Hawk watches as Huiyin entered the house and flew away from its hidden spot.

The Hawk fly towards a river and crossed it going to the forest beside the river.

It flew inside the forest until it reaches on a nameless old ancient grave.

The Hawk landed beside it.

"She is back mistress," the hawk said with a male voice and out of the nameless old grave a young lady came out of it.

"I gave you a mission to awake me once she's reborn. You have only gone for a few minutes and return to disturb my sleep," the young lady said in irritation.

"Not at all mistress. You have been sleeping for two thousand years and I came here because I have seen her." The hawk replied.

"For two thousa- wait, you have seen who?"

"Huiyin, she has been reborn."