
Four God's: Legend of The Tea Maker

Huiyin carried on with an ordinary life until one day when she met a palm reader who revealed to her about her life changing soon. Her father who worked as a security guard in the biggest all boys school in Guangzhou province, China, was killed mysteriously. Promising to figure out the reason for her dad's death and take her revenge, she decided to go to the school and pretend to be a boy. She met Kang, a cool unforgiving Chinese governor son who seemed to be keeping a very dangerous secret and who she has eyes only for. Meeting Kang's three rich friends, who have handicaps and are no longer friends, her life was tossed into a blend when she fell genuinely enamored with one of them. But trouble begins when she realized a powerful witch and wizard from her past life was after her life to steal the magic light from her divine tea and that an invisible enemy was bend on destroying them all. Four God's: Legend of The Tea Maker is a story that will melt your heart. Be the miracle that you want the world to see.

Minja_Okeke · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


'Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.'

❤❤❤❤ SUCCESS ❤❤❤❤

Everyone except for Kang and Mr Lei burst out laughing.

"We don't use such words here Mr Shu." The teacher said.

"But the school rules state here that for one to use such words, you must apologize. Which I did, I apologise didn't I?" Huiyin said. "Just because his name is Kang doesn't mean I shouldn't correct him or you when you both are totally wrong."

"Very well then, I will let this slide as Mr Kang didn't say anything."

"Make sure you read your history right so you won't have another student correcting you Mr Lei," Huiyin said. "Dumbass." She whispered almost to herself and turned her head to look at Kang only to find him already staring at her.

"What? Are you not agreeing with me on this one?" She asked and Kang did not answer, he was still staring at her. "Anyway, suit yourself." She added and focus on the teacher who had decided to talk about a particular history he knows about. When Huiyin couldn't bear the guy stares, she used a notebook to cover the side of her face blocking him.

Once the bell rang for the next class she was among the first to leave the class and was surprised to see Zan waiting for her outside the door.

"You look like my knight in shining armor who is always there for me." She blurted out and realize what she said. "I hope you did not take it the wrong way since it's an all boys school."

"Oh I understand, you are the first person to talk to me really nice that's why I'm still talking to you." Zan respond and took the timetable from her and glance at it. "Great, we are having sports together." He added.

"Which category do you belong in sports?" Huiyin asked as they started walking towards their class together.

"Swimming, which one will you choose?" Zan asked.

"Which of the sports do Kang belong?" Huiyin fired back.

"Football and why are you asking?" He demanded.

"I am choosing football then." Huiyin answered with a smile. She wants to irritate the handsome boy. She wasn't good in football but it isn't a crime to learn.

"Why not go into the swimming club or better still join the runners or volleyball team?"

"I will Join the football club."

"Because of Kang?"

"Yes." Huiyin answered truthfully. "If I don't like it I will change into another club."

They reached the door which a big writing was on it that read 'Sports area'

Opening the door, Huiyin mouth hung open at the wideness. Each sport has their own place of practice.

"See you later Huiyin." Zan said and left to his swimming section.

Kang didn't need any direction to see the football pitch. It was staring at her. Seeing Kang with the coach she started walking towards them.

"Hi coach, I am a new student here and will like to join your team." Huiyin introduced herself staring at Bingwen who was now staring at her. "Hi Kang we meet again."

"Mr Kang he is saying 'Hi' to you and you know it's rude to ignore our newest team mate," the coach said.

"Hello Mr Huiyin." Kang finally said.

Huiyin smiled widely, finally the handsome guy talked to her, she was in clouds nine by hearing the sound of his voice.

"Mr Huiyin, you will have a seat and watch them play since today is your first day in school," the coach said bringing Huiyin out of her thoughts.

"No problem coach," Huiyin said and went to sit on one of the empty seats to watch the team play, more especially to watch Kang.

A boy on crutches sat on one of the empty seats beside Huiyin but she wasn't paying much attention to him at all, her focus was on Kang.

1 hour and 30 Minutes Later….

The final bell rang and everyone started entering their different cars back home. Huiyin said her goodbyes to Zan and started walking home.

Kang was in the school janitor watching his face when the door opened and someone entered.

"Mia what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm attending this school you know." She answered.

"She will see through your facade Mia," Kang said turning to face the witch.

The black hawk was on her shoulder.

"She won't. I am using another face." Mia said and walked closer to Kang. "I hope you won't fall for her this time around."

Kang didn't answer her. He brought out his phone and make a call.

"Come and pick me," he said and smiled at Mia. "I will see you and Ren soon."

"Don't forget you are not meant to be together even in this life." Mia said and smile. "Your wizard powers can't change that." She added.

Kang didn't answer, he left the witch behind.

"He is going to fall in love with her." Ren said.

"I don't care who he likes, what I want is her Tea technique and him."

"The 'Him' you speak off isn't coming to school."

"I know but Huiyin will make him come." Mia reply with a smile.


Early the next morning Huiyin was already in school and went to meet Zan immediately she saw him. The school compound was empty.

"Hi Zan."

"Hello Huiyin."

"Where is everyone?"

"They are in the school hall, the management of this school and Queens High School are both here."


"It's a new term Huiyin, they want to say things."

"I don't mean that, I mean why here?"

"King's High School has the biggest hall, the Queen's High School mostly do their activities here."


"Yes wow, you get to see all the pretty rich girls." Zan said. "Come on, let's go and grab a seat."

He lead the way and they entered the school hall.

It was divided into two sections, the male and female.

Half of the hall was occupied by females and the other half by males.

Huiyin and Zan both grab a seat in the male section facing the both schools management. She glanced around hoping to see the handsome boy but didn't see Kang.

Within 30 minutes, the hall was filled with all students.

One of the Queen's High School management, a female, stood up from her seat and went to stand at what look like a Pulpit, on it were microphones.

"Good morning students." She greeted.

"Good morning ma'am." The students said in unison.

"Today is the second day of our school resumption and like we normally do, we merge both students together and lecture them." She began. "Geography says that the whole world revolves around the sun. But the reality is, the whole world revolves around success. Look at the wall behind me." She pointed behind her and all students eyes went immediately at the wall.

They saw 10 pictures of students five which belongs to male and the other five to females who had graduated from the school.

Once she was sure everyone has seen the pictures she continues. "70,000 seventy thousand students have passed since the day this school was established. But the photos of 10 people got on to that wall because they were achievers from this school. Just imagine the competition in the outside world and what you all don't know is that I too was a student here once. While sitting there, I always wished to become one of the school management. And I achieved it. This school teaches you how to succeed but a lot of students here fear the word failure. But as they always says Failure is the first step to Success."

The students clapped.

"Well, if anybody has anything to say the dais is open. Please come and feel free to speak your mind." She concluded her speech and went back to her seat.

Huiyin stood up and walked majestically to the Pulpit.

"Hi everyone my name is Huiyin," she said and continue. "You just said that failure is the first step to success. I don't believe that ma'am. These quotes would seem nice as morning messages on WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter or Snapchat. The world which revolves around success according to you, that same world would be waiting to take over and vanquish for just one failure. Here we shouldn't have any other goal than winning. If you don't mind me saying this Ma'am even you aren't successful according to me, because there won't be any full stop in success but only commas. You have put a full stop to your success ma'am how can you be successful? You said that the school teaches you how to be successful, if it is true, the walls of this school won't be sufficient to put the photos of everyone because everyone has his or her own way in achieving success. Winston S. Churchill once said 'Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. I'm sorry to say this ma'am but one thing that your untenanted and void brain fails to tell you is that, Success is not a destination, success is a journey."