
Chapter 8 The Feeling of Falling from a Height

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Supervisor Xiao, sitting imperiously on the couch with one leg crossed over the other, found it hard to believe his own eyes. His uncle was actually kneeling before this punk. Astonished, he got up and moved to his uncle's side, trying to help him up.


A crisp slap echoed through the room.

"You useless brat! You're already insubordinate enough at the company, but do you even know who you've offended today?"

The general manager glared at him with a look of disappointment and anger; the man in front of him, failing to grasp what had happened.

Being easy-going at the company was one thing, but they did inform him that a new boss was coming, asking him to control himself a bit. He didn't expect that even after he left for a while, such a big issue would occur.

Of all the people to cross, he had to go and offend the boss.

"Uncle, I…I…"

Even a fool like Xiao Wen knew he must have landed himself in serious trouble.

"What an imbecile you are. This is our company's new boss. You've truly... infuriated me, sigh!"

Frustrated at his nephew's lack of remorse, the general manager turned away, continuing to kneel before Chen Kai.

"The... the boss?"

Supervisor Xiao slumped back onto the floor in fright.

Regardless of how this man got the backing to become their new boss overnight, just the influence of the Qin Family behind the scenes was not something they could afford to offend.

Suddenly realizing the situation, Xiao Wen tumbled and crawled over to Chen Kai, prostrating himself before him, begging for his forgiveness humbly.

"Get out."

Chen Kai waved his hand dismissively. People like that were a menace no matter where they were. Whether Qin Xiang was taking care of him or asking for his help, as long as he had a say, he would never keep this man around.


Seeing the unmoved expression on Chen Kai's face, he understood deeply. Any explanations now would be futile.

"I'm sorry, boss, I have nothing to say. This is indeed my lack of discipline. I have let down the company's trust in me…"

The general manager suddenly deflated like a punctured balloon, looking completely discouraged.

Seeing his state, Xiao Wen understood that everything was irretrievable. He sat on the ground in a daze, forced to accept the reality.

Seeing the two of them finally fall silent, Chen Kai turned to look at Zhang Yu, who had been standing there stunned.

Despite the awkwardness of the situation, Zhang Yu quickly composed herself and put a signature smile on her face.

Chen Kai had once said her smile was the most beautiful, she refused to believe that he could remain indifferent in the face of her smile.

"It's hard to believe that after all these years, you've achieved so much. I overlooked that earlier, hence the huge misunderstanding. Chen Kai, you're not mad at me, are you?"

Pretending her charm was irresistible, she fluttered her big eyes at him, with an unmistakable attempt to curry favor. She was on the verge of throwing herself at him.

"Cough cough~ Speak properly, don't touch!"

Pulling his arm away from her grasp, Chen Kai seemed a bit uncomfortable for a moment.

Rejected when she was trying to please him, Zhang Yu stiffened for a moment but quickly covered it up: "Alright, alright, I was wrong, okay? From now on I'll do anything you ask without any objections, is that okay?"


Her sickeningly sweet, coquettish voice made Chen Kai shudder and get goosebumps all over.

He instinctively took a step back, wanting to distance himself from her. Finally, he felt much more comfortable.

"Really?" Chen Kai asked.

"Of course!" Zhang Yu answered without hesitation.

"There's nothing more to it, I just hope you won't appear before me again."

"Chen Kai!" Zhang Yu wanted to say something more, but was silenced by the resolute look in the man's eyes.

Chen Kai sighed, disappointment apparent: "I wanted to give you some support for old times' sake. But it's clear to me now that you don't need it, since your character isn't worthy of my help!"

His gaze swept over the employees in the room, then finally settled on a girl standing inconspicuously in the corner. The crowd obstructed his view and he couldn't see her clearly, but her plain clothes caught his eye nonetheless.

"That girl will be the company's top priority to support from now on. There's no other reason, I just truly appreciate her honesty."

That was what he said, but his gaze was fixed on Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu understood, he was using this chance to humiliate her!

Biting her teeth in fury, but helpless. Even if she were driven away, it wouldn't do any good to quarrel with the boss now, unless she wanted to give up her career in this city!


With a cold huff, Zhang Yu stormed out of the office, feeling aggrieved.

Chen Kai hardly paid any mind to her exit and returned to his office after a glance at the two men kneeling on the ground.

However, the general manager misinterpreted Chen Kai's words and paid attention to the clueless girl. Finding a secluded corner, he discreetly dialed Qin Xiang's number.

"What, you're saying that he's taken an interest in a girl?"

When she heard the general manager's report, Qin Xiang almost spat out her coffee.

This was just Chen Kai's first day. Was his move supposed to be this fast?

"Quickly, no need to report further to me. Follow your understanding of what to do!"

Qin Xiang instantly told the general manager to carry out the plan, fearful that Chen Kai might change his mind later. A mocking smile played on her lips; really, all men were dogs!

After hanging up the phone, the general manager found the girl that Chen Kai had pointed out earlier.

"Indeed, she's quite a pretty girl. The boss has good taste!"

He gazed at the young girl standing before him and nodded approvingly.

"It's your good fortune that the boss takes an interest in you. He is in his office right now. Go immediately and try your best to please him. As long as the boss is happy, your future will be limitless!"

"But... General Manager, I..."

Intimidated, the girl stood rooted to the spot, her face flushed bright red.

Seeing her hesitance, the general manager contorted his own face in anger and berated her, "The boss taking an interest in you is your good luck. Others might not even get such an opportunity, you'd better not push your luck!"