
Chapter 6: The Toad wants to eat Swan Meat

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Though the General Manager didn't quite understand what was going on, he had to obey the arrangement since Miss had personally given the instructions, even if he had doubts.

Moreover, the man before him was brought by Miss herself, surely his status was extraordinary, and must be treated carefully.

After a moment of contemplation, the General Manager knew how to please his superiors considering his position wasn't easy to attain; he got right to work.

Flying Bird's live stream was considered a low-ranking sector within the Qin family's industries, so there were no boss's office in Flying Bird's office. The General Manager promptly surrendered his office to Chen Kai.

Smiling, he said, "Boss, since you've assumed the role as our CEO for Flying Bird's live stream, the first order of business is to create an account for you on Flying Bird to monitor the company's progress."

"Alright, you get that arranged!"

As for live streams, Chen Kai was clueless. Even if he wanted to do something at this point, he would not know where to start.

After leaving everything to the General Manager, he started wandering around the office to familiarize himself with the environment.

"Boss, your account has been set up for you. You can log into your account on your office computer and monitor the situation of all the hosts at any time. I've set up a work group, and already added you to it. If you have any orders, you can directly give them in the work group."

In no time, the General Manager had already arranged everything and was respectfully reporting to Chen Kai.

As someone who always treated everyone equally, Chen Kai found the overly respectful treatment somewhat uncomfortable.

Entering his office with the General Manager, he logged into his account and found his account duly registered along with his details filled in.

What astonished him the most was the fact that his account already had hundred million Flying Bird Coins. When proceeding with the conversion to yuan, he found it hard to believe!

Observing the surprise plastered on Chen Kai's face, the General Manager, afraid that something was amiss, asked in alarm: "Did we miss out on something boss? Or is there anything you're unsatisfied with? Please do let us know, and I will immediately make the changes!"

He nervously watched Chen Kai, he had double-checked the account many times, and found no issues. Could it be that he overlooked something earlier?


Kai, looking surprised, relieved the tense manager: "No, I was just surprised. You've done very well!"

Very well...

He dismissed the General Manager and began to explore his newly created account alone.

He browsed through the recommended anchors, all of whom were bewitchingly beautiful women that attracted countless homebodies. He himself sometimes enjoyed watching these beautiful women live stream. However, now that he was their boss, it suddenly seemed unappealing.

Upon returning to the work group, he found it eerily quiet since he had joined.

Could it be because the big boss had suddenly joined the group, making everyone too scared to say anything?

"Hey?" He discovered that he could send out red packets, "Well, I want to see how many of you are lurking."

'How much should I send?'

After some consideration, he input a string of numbers. Although the amount wasn't large, it was enough for each person in the work group to receive something.

Ding dong!

Ding dong!

Ding dong!

'Your red packet was snatched up in three seconds. Little Fish is the luckiest this round.'

It seems they really are there, they just don't come out to chat. Chen Kai chuckled. It looks like they're afraid of him.

Just as he was growing bored, unexpectedly, a bunch of bootlickers suddenly began sending him friend requests.

"So soon? Seems like my red packets had quite the effect."

His fingers swiftly scrolled through the friend requests that mostly came from good looking and popular anchors.

Zhang Yu?

Among the friend requests, he suddenly noticed a familiar name.

Zhang Yu was his first girlfriend in college, or in modern terms, his first love.

"Who knew she became an anchor at Flying Bird," he mumbled, eventually accepting her friend request.

"Hi handsome, what are you doing?"

Immediately after accepting Zhang Yu's friend request, she sent him a message.

Chen Kai looked at the greeting on the screen. Looks like she still doesn't know who he is. So, he decided to chat with her as a stranger.

"I'm playing on my computer, checking out other live streams."

After quickly typing out the words on his keyboard, he hit enter and waited for her reply.

A flashback of them in college crossed his mind. She was always so innocent and pure then. Little did he know that they would part ways eventually.

Is this fate? Now she's working at Flying Bird Live. Maybe I should help her out.

After learning that Chen Kai was involved with Flying Bird and had the ability to offer her more resources, the vibe of the conversation suddenly took a turn.

Ding dong!

"Watching other live streams is so boring. Handsome, how about something more exciting, like watching a live version?"

"Live version?"

Snapping back to reality, Chen Kai looked at the response on his screen, and quickly sent a confused emoticon back; clearly not understanding what she meant by "live version".

"I'm at Yumin Hotel, room 302, are you free?"

Zhang Yu replied swiftly, accompanied with a shy emoticon.

'Good lord, is she being serious?'

Chen Kai was in disbelief. He hadn't expected Zhang Yu, who was once so pure and conservative, to become so bold.

They had merely just started chatting, and she was already arranging a meet-up at a hotel. If they went to a hotel, wouldn't that imply they were going to bed together?

Incredulous and deeply hurt, he could not fathom how his ex-girlfriend ended up this way.

He closed his computer, deciding not to respond further.

As he picked up the cup on his desk intending to take a sip of water, he found it had been emptied some time ago. Glancing at the clock on the wall, he discovered he had already spent over an hour here.

Time sure flies fast.

Shaking his head with a chuckle, he picked up his cup and prepared to head to the pantry for a drink. But little did he expect to bump into Zhang Yu in the corridor as he stepped out of his office.

Caught by surprise by the sight of his precious ex-girlfriend, Chen Kai was momentarily stunned.

During the live stream, he had mentioned he was at Flying Bird headquarters! She couldn't possibly have come all the way here specifically just to see him, could she?

"Chen Kai, what are you doing here? Don't tell me you're just a worker who recently started here. After so many years, you haven't changed a bit, still a complete failure!"

Zhang Yu, adorned in designer labels, looked down at Chen Kai disdainfully.

Her tone was filled with undisguised disdain, seemingly disgusted that she had unexpectedly ran into him here.

"Step aside! Don't block my path!"