
Chapter 2: Sister Fallen from the Sky?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Little brother?"

All present were shocked when Qin Xiang spoke! The beautiful woman in the Ferrari actually called Chen Kai little brother?

Even Lin Dongsheng was astounded!

The Qin Family, the most prominent family in Hai City! With roots in business, they had a broad reach, owning at least 40% of the shops in the city.

Qin Xiang's little brother? Asking him for a loan?


Even distant relatives of the Qin Family would not be reduced to such straits, right?

"President Qin, I think you've mistaken him for someone else. This guy is my girlfriend's ex-boyfriend!" Lin Dongsheng's chubby face was colored with panic. Half of the Lin Family's business was dependent on the Qin Family!

To some extent, the Qin family could be considered his bread and butter.

What if Qin Xiang hasn't mistaken him?

Then he…

"Oh?" Upon hearing Lin Dongsheng's words, Qin Xiang's delicate eyebrows furrowed as she looked up and down at Li Xiaoli before smacking her lips. "Mediocre."

Then, Qin Xiang turned to Chen Kai again. "Little brother, you didn't answer my question. Why do you seem unhappy?"

"Could it be…" As she spoke, Qin Xiang's gaze drifted towards Lin Dongsheng. "Someone bullied my little brother?"

Chen Kai understood - this strange beauty wanted to stand up for him!

"Smack!" Lin Dongsheng ruthlessly landed a slap on Li Xiaoli's face!

"Damn it! Cheap woman! After seducing Master Qin, you want to seduce me? Making me have a misunderstanding with Master Qin!" In his panic, Lin Dongsheng even forgot Chen Kai's surname.

If Chen Kai could see it clearly, Lin Dongsheng, who had been mixing in circles for a long time, naturally could too. Right now, it didn't matter whether Chen Kai was Qin Xiang's little brother or not - what mattered was Qin Xiang stood by Chen Kai's side.

If Qin Xiang wanted to make him penniless, it would probably just take a word!

Turning around, Lin Dongsheng immediately put on a smile and firmly grasped Chen Kai's hand. "Goodness brother! It's like a flood in the Dragon King Temple! I really didn't know you are President Qin's little brother! If I knew, wouldn't 30 grand be nothing? Just give me a heads up!"

"What did you say? My little brother, Chen, asked you for money?" Qin Xiang raised her eyebrows, "And let me correct you - my little brother's last name is not Qin, it's Chen!"

Lin Dongsheng was stunned! It seemed like Li Xiaoli had mentioned before that this kid's surname was indeed Chen!

"Right! Chen! Master Chen! Master Chen!" Lin Dongsheng wasn't really bothered about what Chen Kai's surname really was.

But Chen Kai was puzzled. He could actually recall his name? It seemed this beauty really recognized him! But how come he didn't remember her at all?

Since he had the backing of this beautiful lady, no matter what, he must get those 30 grand today!

"Also, I just heard about your relationship…" Qin Xiang's eyebrows furrowed, and her pretty face showed some displeasure. "Stealing my little brother's woman? Boss Lin, do you think life is too easy?"

The sound of Qin Xiang's emotionless voice caused Lin Dongsheng's hairs to stand on end!

As expected!

The Qin Family was famous for being protective of their own; so, how could they not settle scores?


Without any hesitation, Lin Dongsheng knelt down in front of Chen Kai, tongue-tied. "Right! Yes, I'm sorry! I really didn't know... it was... she seduced me first! I really didn't know about your status."

Li Xiaoli was dumbfounded as she watched all of this unfold. Everything was happening so suddenly, and she hadn't reacted yet. She hadn't heard Chen Kai mention having such a powerful sister before!

Chen Kai squatted down and looked at Lin Dongsheng's panicked face, and asked expressionlessly, "So, you're saying, I was blind to see a frivolous woman?"

Lin Dongsheng was taken aback!

If he answered yes, it would indeed be the truth!

But clearly, the truth was not what Chen Kai wanted to hear. Lin Dongsheng could tell; Chen Kai didn't seem to have any intention of letting him go.

"No! It's all my fault! I'll break up with her right now! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Lin Dongsheng repeatedly kowtowed to Qin Xiang. Qin Xiang chuckled. "Don't bow to me - you're the one who stole my little brother's girlfriend, it's up to him whether to forgive you or not."

Hearing this, Lin Dongsheng grabbed onto Chen Kai's thigh, sobbing and sniveling.

Chen Kai kicked him away and walked over to Li Xiaoli, who was already stunned. He looked at the diamond necklace on her chest.

Even though it wasn't large, it was something that Chen Kai had taken a whole year to save money for to give her.

"Whether or not you break up with her doesn't matter to me, but the money I had once spent on her, you should pay the bill, don't you think?" Although Chen Kai was looking at Li Xiaoli, his words were meant for Lin Dongsheng.

Lin Dongsheng was taken aback and immediately understood — he was going to fleece him!

Without thinking further.

"I understand! I understand!" Lin Dongsheng hurriedly took out his cell phone, asked for Chen Kai's phone number, and without another word, transferred one million to Chen Kai!

Qin Xiang stayed quiet, watching from the side. Looking at Chen Kai, she couldn't help but feel some sympathy for him; how could she not know what Chen Kai wanted the money for?

After achieving his goal, Chen Kai no longer wished to stay there.

As Chen Kai was about to leave, Li Xiaoli called him back.

"Chen Kai! Do you really think I'm a frivolous woman?"

Tears welled up in Li Xiaoli's eyes, and she looked as victimized as Dou'er.

Chen Kai let out a soft laugh. "After knowing each other for so long, I never knew you were such a good actress! Hypocrite!"

With that, Chen Kai left the piano shop and got into Qin Xiang's car.

Previously, when Li Xiaoli told him she wanted to leave him for a life he couldn't provide, he could understand.

At that time, when she told him she still had feelings, Chen Kai could still believe her.

But today, when he came to ask for help because of his father's life, he became a tool to flatter another man? No matter what lies were told, Chen Kai would never believe that Li Xiaoli still had feelings for him!

"Little brother, it's okay. That kind of woman can't set a foot in our family's door. From now on, just mix with us sisters! Whatever type of woman you want, we can get." Qin Xiang started the Ferrari and comforted Chen Kai with a smile.

She could see that Chen Kai was a bit lonely.

"You still haven't told me who you are?" Chen Kai brushed off the previous incident with a laugh.

As for the identity of the sister who suddenly appeared, Chen Kai was truly curious.