
Found You (A Mr. Love Queen's Choice Super Short Fanfiction)

(A Mr. Love Dream Date Kiro Short Fanfiction) A new competition rose and a secret prize is waiting! A game of hide and seek! Find Kiro! A lot of fans participated including Kiro's one and only Ms. Chips! Will she be able to find him?

Rosela2020 · Anime & Comics
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Found You, Kiro!

(Your Point of View)

A new live TV game show rose to popularity lately where celebrities and their fans can participate.

The show is called Find Your Idol and apparently, Kiro has been chosen to be the next idol to be found.

The venue is on BS Entertainment Company Building.

Me and ten more female participants around my age have been luckily chosen last week to participate.

The sound of the host's voice boomed through the speakers around the building.

"Welcome, everyone, to another live episode of Hide and Seek!" The male host boomed through the speakers. The other nine girls started tittering in excitement while I just stood beside them nervously. "Today, all ten of you lucky ladies will comb through the whole building in search of the shining superstar everyone knows... Kiro!"

The other nine girls finally haven't been able to contain their excitement and squealed at the mention of Kiro's name.

"All of you will have thirty minutes to find Kiro," the host continued. I suddenly felt ridiculed.

All ten of us alone on our own to find Kiro who is hiding inside a tall building in thirty minutes? Is that even possible?

I looked at my side and saw that the other nine girls have more nervous looks now.

"The winner will have a special prize that will be announced later! The others who will not succeed will leave with a consolation prize," the host continued.

I wonder what that special prize for the winner is?

The host spoke for the last time with an even louder voice. "Ready, ladies?"

"READY!" They all shouted.

Ready as I'll ever be... I guess.

"Alright then... GO!"

And with that, everyone ran, determined to find Kiro and claim that prize. Even I found myself running.

Each participant have one camera man walking or running around with them to cover the whole feed. It was an intense game. Ten minutes and I have only covered two floors!

I wonder how the others are going?

Nevermind that! Gotta keep moving! Kiro is waiting!

As I ran around the second floor, I noticed that the workers inside the company are all watching the same live feed silently.

"Oh my goodness! That one girl has already searched three floors! Fantastic!" A female worker told her female co-worker.

"I heard that she is a big fan of Kiro," the co-worker said. "I saw her a few times on the internet. She is a hard core fan of Kiro!"

That girl may be a hard core fan of Kiro... but not as hard core as me! I know him better! And I know I will find him!

I ran fast and in fifteen minutes, I have already searched two more floors.

I am still hyped up and running on the fifth floor when I saw a girl running around with another camera man.

"Isn't she the hard core fan of Kiro?" Another one of the female workers said.

"Yes! I heard she has a friend working inside this building and have shared her the possible places where Kiro might be hiding," her co-worker whispered.

"Isn't that cheating?" Another female worker said as she hunched in on their conversation.

I have no time to eavesdrop now. Wether it is true or not, I have to get to move on. I only have fifteen minutes to find Kiro now.

I ran again and finally stopped to take a breath. The camera man seemed to appreciate the short stop.

As I wiped the sweat on my forehead and breathed heavily, I started to have doubts wether I could win this or not.

If that rumor the workers said are true, then she might be seconds from finding Kiro by now.

But then, a memory came through me. A memory of a boy who sneakily ate chips inside a well-hidden room away from his manager.

I immediately ran towards elevator and pressed the button to the top floor with haste.

As soon as I reached the top floor, I wasted no time and ran towards the hall, turned right, then another right, then left, then another right, and left. A few workers looked at me as I reached the door handle of a room and unlocked it.

Kiro once told me that this is a room where clothes used as props for back-ups are being stored. Since there are hardly any back-ups needed for shows, the room is rarely used.

Full of confidence, I opened the door and...

Kiro met my gaze with his blue orbs and a knowing smile.

"Found you!" I happily said with a giggle.

Kiro winked at me and deepened his voice as he spoke."Congratulations, Miss Chips! You won on the Hide and Seek competition and found Super Star Kiro!"

I smiled as he handed me a bouquet of flowers.

Back in the place where the game started, the other participants were already summoned and each one congratulated me.

"How did you know where to find him?" One girl asked.

"You are so lucky!" Another girl said.

"I wish I am you right now!" Another girl said with a squeal.

Kiro laughed. "Now, now. Everyone did their best!"

The host's voice once again boomed through the speakers.

"Wow! What a great game!" He said with amazement in his voice. "That quick run by our winner towards the top floor was splendid! I bet Kiro's manager didn't even know there is a room in there!"

Kiro rubbed the back of his neck as he nervously laughed and looked at his manager. I couldn't keep my laughter.

Then, I shifted my attention towards the host. "And now, let's announce the participants' prizes! For the nine ladies who haven't found Kiro, each will receive an autographed copy of Kiro's latest album!"

The nine girls squealed as Kiro's manager handed him nine autographed copies of the album and handed them to the girls.

"And now, for our lucky winner," the host said with a flourish. "The lucky winner of today's live show will not only have an autographed copy of Kiro's latest album, but also have a date with Kiro for a day!"

"Aahh! Jealous!" One girl squealed.

"So lucky!" Another girl shouted.

After a few more last speeches from the host, the show ended and the other participants congratulated me for the last time and went on their way. Kiro went to talk to his manager for a second.

"So, will Miss Chips go on a date with Super Kiro today?" Kiro asked playfully as he siddled up to me after talking to his manager.

I nodded with a satisfied smile. "You know I will!"

"Great!" Kiro said with a big smile. "But first we have to go somewhere."

"Where?" I asked.

"Just follow me. I'll give you another present for successfully winning the competition," Kiro said and he held out his hand to me to which I took.

Kiro and I rode on an elevator and went back up to the top floor. We walked towards a hall. We turned right, then another right, then left, then another right, then left. The door where I found Kiro earlier stared back at me.

I watched as Kiro opened the door and walked inside, his hands still holding mine.

"What are we doing here, Kiro?" I asked.

"Sit there," Kiro said, pointing to a long bench.

I obediently sat as he closed and locked the door.

He turned towards me with a mischievous smile. "Now for Miss Chips' special prize."

"What is it?" I asked as I tightened my grip on the bouquet he gave me earlier.

Kiro's mischievous look faded, replaced with a more serious look. I can't deny that he looks hot when he turns serious like this. He looked at me intently and I looked back, full of curiosity.

A grin formed on his face as he placed his right foot on the bench and grabbed the wall using his left hand for assistance. He placed his right hand on the wall behind me and leaned in, his eyes switched from staring at my eyes towards my lips.

The next thing I knew, our eyes are closed, our breathing in sync, and our lips locked together in love.

I wrote this really short fanfic as an entry for a writing competition in Mr. Love. Sadly, I did not win.

But I do hope you at least liked this fanfic.

Rosela2020creators' thoughts