
Found Soul

writers_creation · Fantasy
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1 Chs


A shiver ran down her spine as the young girl walked through the fog, looking for someone, anyone. She didn't remember how long she was already wandering around in this seemingly empty space. All around her was a dull silence only cut by her silent calls. The ground under her feet was cold and her clothes were a bit wet from all the fog around her. The girl didn't remember how she got there or where she even came from, she just wanted to leave this place.

After an eternity her legs finally betrayed her and she broke down on the ground, crying. Her biggest wish was for someone, anyone to get her out of there, to get her to the world beyond this fog. She wanted to see the sun again, feel it's warmth on her cold skin and forget about this dark place. She spent a long time just sitting there, her tears falling to the ground. "Please... Anyone help me-", she whimpered with a very soft and melodic voice.

Then suddenly she saw a light appearing in the distance. Forgotten were her sore feed and her despair as she rose up and started running towards the light, determined to reach it while she feared it would disappear again. Yet when she finally reached it there wasn't a person, just a floating sphere of soft yellow light. It fascinated the girl, made her want to get even closer until she touched it. She suddenly felt an immense force pulling her inside the light and she screamed in surprise and fear.

"I summon you, Leila Bloom! Follow my guiding light and return to us!" The girl slowly opened her eyes to see a rather strange looking man with a crystal ball and a candle on a small table in front of him aswell as a younger, rather handsome man sitting across. She stood behind the younger one, meeting the eyes of the sorcerer who just summoned her. "She's here. Welcome at our table, Leila. Please have a seat.", the sorcerer asked her. The girl was confused yet she complied and sat down. The younger man looked around, searching the room with his eyes. "Where is she?", he asked impatiently. The sorceror pointed at her and she realised that the young man seemingly couldn't see her. "Who are you-? And... why am I here?", she asked hesitantly. The sorcerer replied: "I am Lanion, the sorceror of the blue desert. This young man asked me to summon you, Leila."

"Leila... Is that my name?", she asked silently which earned her a shocked look from Lanion who turned to the young man immediately. "It seems she doesn't know who she is, Reius.", the sorceror muttered. The man who's name seemingly was Reius looked down to the ground before speaking: "I see... so it seems she won't be able to tell me how she died either..."