
Forward March

With a past shrouded in mystery, and the only thing linking him to his past is the obsidian pendant around his neck. Join Griffin in his quest in knowing the truth of his past. During Griffin journey, he will go through countless trials and tribulations, make friends, experience betrayals but also deadly foes. This is a world where the strong live like royalty; the weak strive to survive another day. Even the mighty can fall, feasted on by those stronger. This is a world ruled by the strong, where strength is what determines your future accomplishments and place in the world.

Soramatsu · Fantasy
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8 Chs

A Thief

Walking down the long street from Dallin's tavern, Griffin continued to admire the old antique surroundings. Thinking about it, he hasn't even really paid attention much to anything. It was like he didn't think about anything, just relied on his body instincts to survive.

It felt like he only woke up from his unconscious state when old man Ray yelled at him. 

Shaking his head, he continued to Rayver stall to start his second job for the day. 

Once getting there, Griffin looked at the stall, or more so the line that was nonexistent. Seeing as there no customers to help, Griffin decided to ask Rayver what he wants him to do. 

Before he got a chance to ask Rayver yelled at him. "Hey, I thought that fucker Dallin told you you don't have to work here no more." Rayver continued," I see that he gave you some new clothes. Bout time you got clothes. I can't have you stinking my stall up." 

Griffin didn't know what to say, so he just stared at old man Ray. 

"Aye kid, stop looking at me like that." Rayver mumbled.

"Hm since you're here you might as well help around the stall. Same as yesterday, if we even get any customers," Rayver added. 


Time passed by, Griffin didn't realize how long he was at the shop. Looking up, the sun was starting to set again. 

"Here kid." Rayver passed Griffin one copper piece. Muttering under his breath, Rayver continued," that bastard saying whatever he wanted yesterday. I don't pay hmph, I pay with my good looks and food." 

Rayver continued with, "Let's go kid, bout time we go dine for free, hahaha." Rayver finished thinking about repeating the same thing as yesterday. 

Griffin put the copper coin in his pouch that he had at tied to his waist. Then he followed behind Rayver as he proceeded to push the stall into the alleyway. 

Two months later…

Time passed for Griffin while he adjusted to working two jobs, helping Dallin at the bar and with Rayver stall. This period of time allowed Griffin to learn much about the world and filled in a lot of his missing knowledge. He learned about money and the prices of various wares. Most importantly he learned that he should pay attention to his surroundings and people.

Working at the tavern and at the stall allowed him to meet with an abundance of people, both poor and rich. A few of the people he met that he saw quite frequently were a group of adventurers. Griffin heard many stories about the outside world that left him fascinated.


Having just finished his first job, Griffin was on his way to Rayver stall. Having worked every day, Griffin managed to save up a decent amount of copper coins. He had sixty copper coins. Having worked at both a bar and a stall he figured out the currency exchange rate.

100 copper coins equals 1 silver coin, 100 silver coins equals 1 gold coin. Apparently a family of four only needed about five silver coins a month to live a comfortable lifestyle in Riverbed city.


Once arriving at Rayver stall, Griffin couldn't help but notice a young girl crouching near the stall. It seems like old man Ray hasn't noticed her Griffin thought. 

The young girl was wearing black pants with a white shirt, she had long black hair tied into a ponytail. She wore a similar outfit to what Griffin was wearing except Griffin wore a black shirt instead of a white one. 


the young girl sprinted to the stall and then swiped the coin box Rayver places all the money in for the day. "Hey you little thief, come back here with my money!" Rayver yelled. 

Seeing this, Griffin starts to run after the girl. While passing the stall he yells, "I'll chase her old man."

"Hey kid, don't…." Is all Griffin heard before he makes a turn following the girl. 


Turn after turn Griffin tries keeps pace with the girl, but the girl kept getting farther and farther away. "How is she so fast," Griffin mumbles out of breath. 

After one last turn where he saw the girl last, Griffin arrived at a dead end. With a wall straight ahead of him, and houses on both sides Griffin didn't know where the girl went. Looking around he noticed that the wall had what appeared to be a footprint made of dirt on it. 

Going forward until he touches the wall, Griffin looks around one last time before deciding to climb the wall.

The wall wasn't as high as it appeared to be from when he first entered the alleyway. 

Without a second to lose, Griffin decides to see if he climb up. Reaching with his hands towards the top, he measures how much farther he would have to go to be able to grip the top of the wall. 

Thinking that if he jumps he would be able to reach, Griffin decides to act. Taking a deep breath, Griffin jumps and slowly starts to pull himself up. Swinging one leg over the wall, Griffin loses his balance and falls in the other side of it. 

"Ouch that hurt," Griffin mumbles to himself rubbing his back as he slowly gets up. 

Looking around he notices the girl, along with a old man talking while looking at him since his fall created some noise.

The old man looked to be double the age of old man Ray and old man Dallin. He wore a loose brown robe with his hair tied into a bun, along with a long beard which was also tied. The beard was tied in a way that look refined and scholarly. The old man had one arm out of the robe, Griffin notices a few scars on his wrinkly skin. Other than that the old man had muscles which seemed out of place due to him looking older than Rayver and Dallin combined. He almost resembled a bear with all the hair and his build. 

I just released a new story call Divine Contract! Check it out! Releases will be every other day. When this doesn’t release, Divine Contract will get one.

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