
Chapter 92: breaking up with Lu Zifan

Machine Translation

He Lanjin stood by Lu Zifan's door, looking at his happy expression. She stretched an arm forward, handing him the stack of money she took from the machine a few minutes ago.

"Take it," He Lanjin said, stuffing the money into Lu Zifan's hand.

He Lanjin was a woman of principles. She could not be involved with two men at the same time. Now that she had fallen into Qiao Hanye's trap, it was best to not drag Lu Zifan along.

After settling this with Lu Zifan, she would go back to Qiao Hanye to teach him a lesson. How dare he play tricks on her!

Lu Zifan looked at the money in his hand, confused. "Why are you giving me money in the middle of the night? Ah Jin, what's happening?"

"Lu Zifan, listen carefully." He Lanjin said as she adjusted her coat. "With or without the marriage alliance, you and I will never be right for each other."

"What do you mean?" An ominous feeling suddenly came upon Lu Zifan.

He Lanjin had no intention of beating around the bush. "I'm not interested in you. Our engagement is now officially canceled. This is the breakup fee."

"He Lanjin, are you kidding me? The engagement is not something you can cancel whenever you want! Are you so lonely because I have never slept with you? Fine, I will satisfy you; come inside." Lu Zifan was extremely angry. Things had not been going well recently, causing the Lu family to go through a disastrous decline.

He knew that someone was playing tricks behind the scenes. If he could catch that person, then his troubles would disappear.

But here was stupid He Lanjin, presenting another problem. Why was she breaking up with him? What was wrong with her?

Insulted, He Lanjin slapped Lu Zifan without hesitation, causing him to stagger back. She stepped forward and grabbed his collar, almost lifting him off the floor. "I've tolerated you for a long time, Lu Zifan."

"Do you think I'm stupid enough to not know what is going on between you and He Ruoxue? I'm breaking up with you now because I do not want you to lose face. Don't be so shameless. I don't have the patience to deal with you anymore. You better keep your distance or I'll castrate you." He Lanjin said and fiercely pushed Lu Zifan away.

"He Lanjin, do you have anything to do with the Lu family accident?" Lu Zifan asked coldly as he regained his footing.

He Lanjin shot Lu Zifan a frosty look. "No."

"You dare to break up with me; aren't you afraid of the repercussions your action would bring to the He family?" Lu Zifan threatened He Lanjin. "I can make your family disappear from Jiangcheng in the morning."

"I'll wait and see," He Lanjin said, unafraid.

He Lanjin knew that Lu Zifan wanted her family's secret. She also knew that until he got what he wanted, Lu Zifan would not hurt the He family.

He Lanjin took out her phone and went online, announcing in social media that things were now over between her and Lu Zifan.

He Lanjin's break up announcement in the middle of the night woke up a lot of people, perhaps due to the recent scandal involving Lu Zifan and He Ruoxue.

"Poor Miss He. What you did was right. You should not tolerate being cuckolded."

He Lanjin's posts immediately attracted many fans, who lashed out at Lu Zifan. Rumors about the Lu Corporation started to spread.

After she made her online announcement, He Lanjin strode away. At the corner of the street, she saw a black BMW slowing down to match her walking pace.

The car stopped; Qiao Hanye got out of the car and opened the door for He Lanjin. "Get in."

"Are you trying to stop me from doing things my own way?" He Lanjin sneered, but got in the car anyway. She was living in Jing Garden now, and riding with him would save her the trouble of getting a taxi.

"Oh, no," Qiao Hanye said. "I don't dare. You have long legs and good skills. I'm no match for you." His reply was unexpected, because this time he was not trying to compete with He Lanjin.

He Lanjiin burst out laughing. Why did she feel a deep sense of happiness every time she was with Qiao Hanye? She had never felt this way before, except when she was with her uncle's family.

Smiling, Qiao Hanye handed He Lanjin a file. She took it and casually skimmed through the document.

"Qiao Hanye's contract to sell his body?" He Lanjin read out loud. She shook her head in disbelief and asked, "What do you mean by this?"

PS: Asking for recommendation tickets, asking for them every day. Are you pretending that you didn't see it I'm so angry! I'm so angry!

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