
Fortem Academy

Eliana, a seventeen-year-old girl is about to experience the reality she least expected. Being raised in the human world kept her life simple, and her identity hidden. Until one fateful day. Getting mixed up with a suspicious man who turned out to be a knight from a world she never dare believe existed brought her chaos. Now she was kidnapped and forced to live in a peculiar world where elemental abilities, royalty, evil, and gods exist, Praediti. In order to hide her human nature and blend in, she was admitted to Fortem Academy the most prestigious school in Praediti where nobility and common folks attend to become honorable knights. In order to survive, she had to train with the highest-ranked student knights, the Ethereal Seven. What she didn't know, it was the start of a journey to unlock her father's disappearance. Her mysterious survival breach to the gates of Praediti. The challenge is to survive the attraction from the Ethereal Knights. And the ultimate truth to her true identity. Her adventure starts now. 'Fortissime Praediti!' (The picture on the cover is not mine.) Chrissaviolet

Chrissaviolet · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Potion Making Part 2

Chapter 44: Potion Making Part 2

"Doctor Symnar," Eliana shook his shoulder where he thankfully Wakes up. "I'm sorry but the instruction paper you gave us was smudged and we need to know the right measurements for safety."

"Ah, yes yes. I have another one here." Symnar handed her a new one. 

Eliana walked back to her place ignoring Yehven's death glares. She immediately followed the rest of the instructions and soon enough they were done, the last step was testing. 

The erumpent wraps were the size of a small house pot. The wraps were made from a thick material that prevents sudden explosion from a gentle force. Since this was still a mere amateur experiment, the sensitivity of the wrap was not high as the normal erumpent wrap.

"Let us go outside to test the effectiveness of your creation. Explosives are too dangerous for classroom testings. No one can tell whether your potion will create a small explosion or a big one, best be safe." Symnar explained, he then walked to exit the classroom with Eliana and Yehven behind him.

"It's close to evening already," Eliana said. The hallways were empty and deadly quiet with only torches illuminating through the darkness.

Yehven looked at her for a second without moving his head, "State the obvious."

Eliana raised her eyebrows at him before rolling her eyes, what was his problem? Is he trying to pick on a fight? If he was, now isn't the best time for her with her healing shoulder.

They walked to the open space of the school, one near the training fields. The area was as always, spacious, it was perfect for experiment testing.

"From the instructions I gave you, the ingredients there are enough to make three wraps of erumpent. Were the two of you able to achieve that?" Symnar asks, his face was illuminated by the torches. The sky was slowly approaching night.

Yehven held out the two erumpent wraps he had in both hands, meanwhile, Eliana was cautiously holding the other one with both her hands. Yehven didn't say anything except for raising the erumpent wrap with an expression saying, 'are you blind?'

Eliana saw this, it didn't surprise her, "We have met the appropriate amount, sir." She said instead since the guy beside her was too arrogant to say it.

Symnar nodded his head in approval, "Very well! I expect it to be successful then. The other students in your class barely even met the proper amount due to poor execution." He said. Eliana felt good hearing this. "Now, carefully put those three a meter away from each other on the ground." 

After putting them they went to stand beside where Symnar was. They were at least 5 meters away from the erumpent wraps.

"One of you, use your ability to stimulate one wrap," Symnar said as he waited with crossed arms.

Eliana froze for a second. She turned to look at Yehven who was already looking at her. She masked her nervousness by raising her eyebrows, "You do it." She said.

Yehven automatically frowned, "Why can't you?" He retaliated.

Eliana gave him a, 'duh' expression. "If you haven't heard then may I tell you that my shoulder is currently healing. The incident that took place a few days ago wounded me oh-so-sadly- Ah! Veesha also told me to avoid doing such dangerous moveme--"

Eliana couldn't even finish her poor excuses. She was startled by a sudden gush of strong air. Birds from the nearby forest flocked in hurry away from the area. Suddenly the dark sky melted and a drop of swirls from the starry night sky fell on the wrap in the middle of the other two. Perfectly on target.

Eliana gasped when it created an explosion followed by the other two stimulated by the first one, it created a big explosion. It was successful! The explosion wasn't too dangerous as they were far from where they placed the erumpent wraps. The area was immediately covered by white smoke and because of Yehven's ability, it disturbed the forest. Sparks from fireflies could be seen from the evaporating white smoke.

"Wow," Eliana couldn't help but blurt her amazement from both the explosion and the after view.

"A spectacular success!" Symnar applauds.

Eliana smiled widely, they did it! She almost failed to stop herself from squealing and jumping from joy. This was probably the first successful thing she has done in Praediti.

"Hey! we-" When Eliana turned to celebrate the little moment with her partner she was stopped by his expression. He looked like he was deep in thoughts, with his knitted brows and distant eyes. "Geez." Eliana brushed her nose, talk about a killjoy.

"Students, this was by far the most successful one from the others. I shall take it from here, you may now return to your dorms." Symnar dismissed.

Eliana grinned, that meant she was going to have the best grade apart from the others. When she looked to her side again, Yehven was already walking far away towards the direction of where dormitories were.

"Still very distant for my liking," Eliana said. "We'll never get along at this rate, oh well," She shrugged and left to go back to the Ethereal's dormitory building.