
Forsaken Warrior

RemxReg · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Regret is born in a clan of Swordsman.

The Hazraim clan, a clan that byfar have the most formidable amount of swordsman in its bloodline.

Regret reached the peak swordsmanship at such a young age. At the age of 14, he enrolled in the Knight's test. Becoming one of the youngest knight in history.

He was on his way back home, bringing along the news of his excel in the test. Little did he know, that night, was a night where he finally understand the meaning of his name.

Rushing back home, he sensed strong stench of blood. Corpses filled the way to his household's vicinity. Thousands of thought conquered his mind until.. He finally arrived.

His nightmare became reality, as he stands in front of hundreds of corpses from his family. Burning houses, ripped corpses and pools of bloods was there, right in front of his eyes.

He knelt down in despair, seeing corpses that he know real well. Among the remains, he tried to find his parents and adopted sister. Tears fell down, when he saw that his father and mother died at the same place.. at their position, he can see that his father hold his mother's hand.

He cried, when trying to keep on finding. His grandfather's corpse, his uncles and aunts corpses. He attempted to find his sister among the rubbles.

He finally found her, unfortunately... She was already dead...

Her body was impaled to a wall, hanging with dozens of daggers was piercing through her torso. Regret cried, and pulled off all the daggers. Bringing his sister's corpse down from the wall.

When he was finished, he finally remembered about one of his dearest relative. His cousin, also an excellent swordsman from his family. Among the remains, he searched until finally hearing grunts of a person.

He found his cousin, barely alive.

His cousin however, impaled to the ground with his own sword. His injuries was severe, blood was wrapping him in every corner. Regret comes to him, helding him around his arm.


"Ahh... You've arrived..."

"I'll heal you, just give me some time!"

"Don't... It's *cough* useless..."


"Congrat..ulations.. On your success... Ha..Haha..."

"Just... stop talking... dammit...!"

"Regret... Live on... continue living... you're our only hope... Don't bring shame to our clan... prove your worth... And never.. regret... Once you find the answer... You'll... know... wh..at.. is... the best...for you..."

His last words, within the last of his breathe... Zerden's heart stopped beating, as he closes his eyes. Lying dead on Regret's arms. Tears are welling up, he screams in despair.

The night where he became a knight, was also the night where he finally uses his name. The name Regret, as one of his biggest reason that changes his life.

An oath, that he promised with all his heart. The oath, to protect anyone, any life, as long as he knows that they are not in the wrong. An oath, to help and guide, those that strayed away from their path.

Unfortunately, the massacre causes a huge impact to Fullstein. With no alibi and witness, Regret had to be suspended by the Knights for further investigation.

Few years have passed since the massacre, Regret finally recovered from his depression and moved out to the outskirts of Fullstein. He bought a huge land, where he was offered at such a low price.

The outskirts was calm and peaceful, he lived everyday selling ores and firewood. The only place close enough to his land was a village. He became a well-known in the village as a friendly man.

The villagers was not well-informed about him. He is given an Elite Knight rank, which is the highest ranks in the Knights. Though, he was suspended from any missions.

He rebelled on a mission, when a demon village was raided by Sins Cult, the same cult that massacred his family.

During that mission, he notices a flaws and irregularity from the supervising knights. If they were any faster, they would have successfully defended the village.

However, Regret was the only one that arrived. Managing to save only several people. The knights that arrived few hours after, accused him as a traitor. He ended up taken off the authority to take missions and suspended for few years.

He only had to answer a call, once he was needed.

On a random day, coming back home from his usual selling routines, he saw a fight between a demon maid and two cultists. He hesitated for a while, but, his nature unconsciously made him save the maid.

Never did he knew that, saving the maid would be the reason, why he had a new point of living.
